What more could you tell us in 15-20 lines about what occurred in "Juliet Caeser"? To summarise such a lengthy play with almost 2000 verses, you'd speak about the main events or characteristics and then tie it up. Precise writing is just that! This is one of the most common and important literary talents that may be used in a number of circumstances. It is a significant issue for bank tests, governmental exams, MBA entrance exams, and also for 8th and 9th grade curricula. Let's have a look at – “What Precis Writing is?”, “How to do it?” and some examples with answers. Here are some tips and a practise worksheet to assist you in improving your language abilities.
Precis Writing, as a compression movement, is a description. It is a short summary of a text written in the fewest number of words possible. A synopsis should contain all essential information from the original paragraph so that anybody reading it understands the primary idea of the whole piece.
Using the precis example, you would not contribute your personal views and will keep the mood and sentiments of the characters when describing the pose greatest threat and occurrences in Julius Ceaser. You will also avoid addressing non-essential occurrences. This is how a precis is written. You express yourself or modify a paragraph or any other written message.
When writing a synopsis, you must be analytical and stick to the passage's thesis without omitting vital details. To come to a conclusion about what is significant in an article or a storey, attentively read the paragraph. It may take a while to read it the first time, but as you started to explore it, it may become a simple skim over the sections. To transmit the same meaning in a tiny form, precise writing necessitates a deep comprehension of the story/text. You may also seek Professional essay Writing help.
There are several elements that go into creating an excellent precis. Identifying the characteristics of an excellent precis is incredibly important for applicants who have just begun their studying for upcoming Government exams.
Annually, tens of thousands of people compete in our attainment of competitive tests. Only a small percentage of individuals take the exam and are hired. The descriptive examination is still examined offline, despite the fact that most challenges are now browser.
Aspirants should be aware that, with hundreds of entries to review, the examiner looks for a few key factors that will help them receive the highest possible score for their precis writing.
Following are a few Do’s and Don'ts that a candidate should be aware of before beginning to write a precis.
Above that, the dos and don'ts will aid applicants in gaining a better understanding of the topic and learning how to write a precis effectively.
We suppose you are now well equipped to write a well-organised summary or have understood What Actually Precis Writing is? Make sure you continue to practise, as this will help you master new skills and gain confidence when composing. If you want to learn media studies, contact Online Assignment Expert, who will help you pick the ideal course that will provide you with the necessary skills and understanding. Connect with us via phone call, message or email for Professional Essay Writing help!
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