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Visual Studio Assignment Help Online

Students pursuing computer engineering courses from any of the Australian universities must be aware of the term Visual Studio. In the few recent semesters, it has been noticed that scholars studying computer developing programs are asked to deal with assignments based on Visual Studio Topics. For example; differences between Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, what Visual Studio Code is used for, how to use visual studio 2015, What is Visual Studio IDE, and more.

We at Online Assignment Experts are providing visual studio assignment help and ample amounts of information to students so that they can use this page as a resource whenever they are asked to write assignments. So, let's proceed further and read the details related to visual studio.

What Are The Differences Between Visual Studio And Visual Studio Code?

As per our developing assignment experts, Visual Studio is defined as "State-of-the-art services and tools that are utilised in creating apps for the cloud, devices, etc." It is also said as a suite of software development tools and technologies used to build powerful and high-performance apps based on components. Alternatively, Visual Studio Code is a detailed "Build and debug cloud application and modern web, by Microsoft". It is used mostly in debugging and building cloud applications and modern web applications. Code is free and can be found on platforms like Mac OSX, Linux, and Windows.

Visual Studio is categorised as a tool under "Integrated Development Environment" whereas Visual Studio Code is congregated in the "Text Editor".

"Complete ide and debugger" "Intellisense, UI", and "Plug-ins" are the few crucial factors behind considering Visual Studio, whereas "Powerful multi-language IDE", "Front-end develop out of the box" and "Fast" are the reasons behind preferring Visual Studio Code.

Introduction to Visual Studio

The Visual Studio (IDE) is being used as an integrated software development environment to debug, build code, edit, and bring out an application. It is a featured program that is used not only for editing, debugging, and developing codes but also in various software development aspects too. Visual Studio comprises compilers, graphic designers, code completion tools, and several other features that can ease the process of developing software.

visual dss example

Source: codeavail.com

Features of Visual Studio

Visual Studio is known for various features such as custom window layout, better code editor, debug lambdas, and many more. But the most popular features offered by Microsoft Visual Studio are:

Squiggles and Quick Actions

Squiggle is also known as its official name wavy underline. It alerts the user against potential errors and problems in the code as the user type. These visual clues also help in fixing problems instantly without waiting to start the program. If a user hovers over any sort of squiggles, they will see extra information concerned with the specific error. Also, users can see a light bulb appearing in the left margin which is called Quick Actions. It generally helps in fixing the error.

visual dss errors example

Code Cleanup

Code cleanup helps the user to format code in just a click of a button. Moreover, it applies code fixes proposed by the code style settings, Roslyn analysers and .editorconfig conventions. With the help of code cleanup, users can resolve their coding issues before reviewing. This can only be found in C# code only.

Code Cleanup Sample

Code Refactoring

Code Refactoring is a process to restructure the code of existing computers without making a change into their external behaviour. Code factoring includes few operations like designing, implementation, and structuring of the software.

Code Refactoring


The IntelliSense system was designed and developed by Gail Kaiser. He was a professor at Columbia University's Department of Computer Science. It is a set of various features that shows information about the code straight in the editor. This system can vary from language to language. Therefore, you can avail our Visual Studio Assignment Services to know more about the use of IntelliSense in C#, Visual Basic, JavaScript, Visual C++, etc. The below-given snippet will show how IntelliSense shows a member list:


Search Box

Sometimes, dealing with Visual Studio can be overwhelming because of many options, menus, and properties. In such a situation, the search box gives relaxation to its users. Generally, it enables you to find anything rapidly in Visual Studio. For example, if you start typing the name, you will get the suggested lists as well. Also, you can add functionality.

Search Box

Projects and Solution of Visual Studio

In this section, students will learn about how to develop a new project/ program and Solution Explorer tool. Our visual studio assignment help experts have explained a visual studio project file and solutions under.

Project File

Visual DSS Project File sample


A project is enclosed within a solution. Don't get confused with its name "solution". It is not an "answer". It just contains one or more projects and Visual Studio window settings, build information, and various files which are not related to a specific project. A solution can be explained by a text file and its extension is .sln.

Generally, Visual Studio uses two different files i.e. .sln and .suo to store solution settings. For example -

visual dss solution sample

How To Create A New Project?

The simplest way to develop a new project is by starting from a project template for a website or application. A template of a project entails few basics of pre-generated config files, code files, settings, and assets. These templates can be easily found in the dialogue box while creating your project (File > New > Project). Customising projects in a definite way can also help in creating a custom project template that can be used to create a new project. There are a few basic steps that should be followed to create a new project. They are -

Open The Create A New Project Page

There could be many ways to create a new project. You are required to open Visual Studio first and click on the start window option and select Create a new project option.

Create A New Project Page

Select A Template

Now, from creating a new project page, you will see all the recently used templates. You can choose any of them but if you are not choosing from those lists then you can filter the project template by platform (Azure or Windows), language (C++ or C#), or project type (Web or Desktop). Also, you can use the search text box option.

Select A Template

Configuring The Project

At this page, you will find options to name the project and solution as well. You just need to choose the location of a disk and choose a Framework version.

Configuring The Project

At last, hit the Create option.

Once you are done with the above-given steps, you will now have a new project and will be automatically saved to %USERPROFILE%\source\repos. This location can also be changed under Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Locations. For more details, you can contact Visual Studio Assignment Help Australia.

Solution Explorer

After creating a new project, you are allowed to use a Solution Explorer to assess and make changes in the project and solution. Let's understand by a picture:

Solution Explorer

There are various menu commands available in Visual Studio. You can find them by making a right-click menu on different items of Solution Explorer. Such commands consist of managing NuGet packages, building a project, renaming a file, adding a reference, and running tests. The toolbar includes buttons that can switch you between folder view and solution view, show hidden files, collapse all nodes, and more.

Want To Know To Learn More About Visual Studio? Contact Online Assignment Expert!

Students who are looking for additional details about what Visual Studio does, how to make the best use of a visual studio, etc., can contact us. We, at Online Assignment Expert, work with a pool of skilled and talented developers and academic writers. They assist students in writing their Visual Studio and other programming assignments as per the university norms. Developers are here to offer live sessions and expert consultation services to needy students. We have helped more than thousands of university scholars in writing their assignment, proofreading, editing, and gaining knowledge about a specific programming language.

Hence, if you are a student and stuck at any point of your assignment, project, or online examination, just make a call to us. We assure you to deliver high-quality online Visual Studio assignment help at a pocket-friendly price.

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