The influence of colonisation, racism, and indigenous health has been evident in the Australian population with the Indigenous background and different ethnic origins. The relocation of these Indigenous communities to refugee locations like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States; led to the deprivation and loss of the authentic native land and cultural values (Paradies, 2016). The study chosen for the critical evaluation for this paper explores the concepts and impacts of colonisation in giving rise to underlying racism and poor accessibility to healthcare among these culturally deprived communities. The area of research highlighted and evaluated in this paper is significant in understanding standard issues associated but neglected with poor healthcare resources for the Indigenous section of the Australian population.
This critical evaluation aims at assessing the influence of colonisation along with the shadowing effect of racism on the poor health of the Indigenous population. The need to evaluate the need for decolonisation is discussed and demanded in healthcare to ensure that all sections of the Australian population build a culturally sensitive system that provides positive evolution of all population groups co-existing within a society (Walker et al., 2021). Different approaches and techniques can be devised to eliminate the historical trauma of colonisation and underlying racism and promote good health for the Indigenous communities.
The study provides a comprehensively compiled qualitative analysis regarding the concept of colonisation, and racism, in association with the health of the Indigenous community. The study presents a descriptive definition to derive an explanatory conceptual research outcome. Adapting descriptive, explanatory qualitative research helps achieve in-depth and relatable research information (Popa, 2022). The study presents a summarised incorporation of the necessary information associated with the research objective. The framework adopted within the research allows the researcher to collect information from pre-existing literary sources and create a comprehensive research article comprising the prominent aspects of colonisation and racism in the poor quality of health among Indigenous communities (Paradies, 2016). The integration of information collected from the previous studies provides validation to the research outcomes. Qualitative analytical studies are significantly adapted in the field of healthcare as it helps in deriving outcomes with an enhanced understanding and based on the perspectives drawn from real-life experiences (Berry et al., 2018).
The basic format of the research shows integrative and strategically presented information, which helps establish a relationship with the evidence-based supportive data. Ensure that the research is reliable and provides appropriate knowledge regarding the research topic. The primary history and background of the concept of colonisation, along with the immediate impact of the phenomena and the influence of colonisation in giving rise to racism in the healthcare field for the Indigenous population, including Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders (Paradies, 2016). The qualitative design of the research provides in-depth knowledge about the emergence of colonisation, which assists the readers in understanding the initiation of the phenomenon along with the information about the negligence and trauma the Indigenous population experienced (Lin et al., 2020). The feature of the research in highlighting both the phases of the settler countries as initial settler countries and the modern settler countries; helps in defining the aspects associated with the type of treatment, resources, and attention provided to the Indigenous population (Paradies, 2016).
The descriptive approach of the study is highly beneficial in terms of defining the concepts proposed or aimed at the beginning of the research. Another point that makes the research significantly valid is the explicit mention and elaboration of the purpose of the research, which narrows down the aspects explored within the study (Paradies, 2016). However, the lack of mention of the research objective or a clear description of the research questions leads to an unorganised or uncharacterised study. Incorporating definitive objectives and research questions helps structure the study, deriving narrowed-down and expectable thematic research outcomes (Neiman et al., 2022). On the critical evaluation of the research, it was found that it provided an illustrative description of the relationships between a set of variables. The superior design helps deliver concise information regarding the research outcomes and ensures that the information is efficiently understood and applied for further research-based evaluations (Paradies, 2016).
The continuous flow of information creates an interconnected description of the research features and factors. Adaptation of such a flow in the research is considered impactful and effective in the healthcare field of research as it helps in understanding the correlation between different sets of factors varying from socio-economic, physical, personal, and public levels with the social or stereotypical narratives and the healthcare outcome for the target population (Tortorella et al., 2020). This research design efficiently provides a superior and enhanced quality of knowledge with a deeper understanding. Apart from this, the research also provides an opportunity to recognise the research gaps, which helps form future research protocols within the same research area (Tortorella et al., 2020). On evaluating the study more clearly, it was found that the research did not use literature assessment of screening tools before incorporating the existing literature into the preliminary study. Using a literature resource screening or assessment tools enhances the validity of the research outcomes (Paradies, 2016).
Applying statistical or computational analysis in drawing the conclusive relationships between the variables helps provide an appropriate and definitive result pattern. The qualitative analytical tools provide credibility to the results and thoroughly processed and easy-to-comprehend information delivered (Castleberry & Nolen, 2018). However, a shortcoming associated with the applied tool is the lack of a clear assessment or screening procedure. The possibility of invalid research outcomes harms the research application and reliability. A reliable and valid research outcome is based on efficient and error-free analytical tools, which is lacking in the study and hampers the credibility of the results among the more comprehensive population consideration (Paradies, 2016). The data collection or the participant selection was not defined, which can be considered an enhancing factor in the invalidity of the research findings. The lack of a centralised population tracing or monitoring system within the settler countries focusing on the Indigenous population's health management creates an obstacle to formulating a decolonised, efficient and racism-free healthcare facility for the culturally vulnerable communities (Arceneaux, 2022).
The ideology of presenting the research outcomes as a discussion or by drawing suggestions regarding the techniques for efficiently promoting decolonisation in the healthcare sector. A descriptive and explanatory conclusion helps explain the ideology or the perspective behind the concluding aspects (Thomann & Ege, 2020). The research structure has efficiently justified the research aim by exploring all the variables responsible for influencing the quality of healthcare and the negative impact of colonisation in forms of racism, which has led to the significant prevalence of poor health quotient in the Indigenous population (Paradies, 2016). The loss of native lands and resources led to the Indigenous population's deprivation of basic amenities like education, employment, and shelter. The absence of knowledge, no access to resources, being treated like an outcast, and enhanced existence of a poor lifestyle; were all associated with the phenomenon of colonisation (McKay et al., 2021). Residing within settler countries without authoritative attention or opportunities gave rise to psychological issues, which were recognised as a result of traumatic cultural histories. To significantly promote implementing a culturally sensitive and secure environment for the Indigenous communities (Paradies, 2016).
Several approaches can be adapted and proposed in the evidence-based study and are effectively evaluated and proposed on the framework of different aspects or themes, which are considered adequate for the elimination of healthcare racism and establishing a culturally supportive environment to ensure that they receive adequate health literacy and are capable enough of getting access to all the healthcare resources (Paradies, 2016). The description mentions all the struggles experienced due to the historical trauma and loss of cultural values, native lands, ethics, and employment opportunities (Paradies, 2016). This approach maintains a connective and continuous presentation of information to ensure reliable information derivation. The research conclusion also provides an opportunity to establish future suggestions and research objectives to enhance the quality of health among Indigenous communities. The conclusive themes propose three primary areas of consideration that can help inculcate decolonisation within healthcare protocols (Paradies, 2016).
Colonisation has led to significant cultural losses and gave rise to racism against the Indigenous communities in the settler countries. The evaluation of the condition Indigenous communities experienced in early and modern settler countries provides the opportunity to draw a relationship between the aspects associated with Indigenous health and colonisation. The critical assessment of the research helps in understanding the reliability and validity of the research findings to provide insight regarding the current situation contributing to the poor health conditions of the Indigenous communities. The summary of the research objectives helps narrow conclusive themes, which can significantly contribute to the decolonisation of healthcare principles.
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Tortorella, G. L., Fogliatto, F. S., Mac Cawley Vergara, A., Vassolo, R., & Sawhney, R. (2020). Healthcare 4.0: trends, challenges and research directions. Production Planning & Control, 31(15), 1245-1260.
Walker, N., Mackean, T., Longbottom, M., Coombes, J., Bennett‐Brook, K., Clapham, K., ... & Cullen, P. (2021). Responses to the primary health care needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women experiencing violence: A scoping review of policy and practice guidelines. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32, 40-53.
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