Formulation of idea:
This report describes the strategy and the thought process and ideas that informed this strategy. Critical evaluation will be performed on the intellectual process of strategy design and development. The research dossier will focus on the research performed on different museums and how these influenced my idea development process and why these were selected over others which were unsuitable. Different concepts discussed in this unit like participatory media, attention economy and relational labor that influenced my thought process will be reflected upon based on the manner these concepts influenced the development of the project. The aim of this research dossier is to understand and evaluate the guiding principles that determined the final strategy. Since this dossier is part of my contribution to the overall team work, it is necessary to address how the work was communicated to the team and made the team effort more comprehensive and holistic. It is necessary to be appreciative and understanding of the thoughts and ideas of other team members. If there is disagreement in the team it is necessary to support one’s argument with research and data that is analyzed effectively. This will allow for the research dossier to be an effective instrument based on which action may be taken.
Participatory media will be an important aspect of strategy. One of the features of participatory media is that the distinction between the audience and the content creator is erased. (Hilde, Guda, Daniël, & Fred,2018). For this research dossier I have focused on the social media presence of the museum and have invited interested audiences to present their critique and analysis. This is relevant if one has to arrive at a digital media strategy that will be democratic in nature. One has to understand the millennial generation and the one just previous to that, who are the major consumers of social and other digital media platforms have very short attention span (Deep, 2017). Hence the social media challenge will be designed to appeal to the aesthetic and intellectual sensibilities of these two major demographics that will be the target end consumer (Beatriz, 2019). An approach that will be adopted is to invite participation of the consumers who will interact with each other and the creative people of the team in order to arrive at a objective and well reasoned conclusion. This will allow for creation of synergy with other team members and make the effort truly participatory.
The idea for the strategy that was designed was based on sociological and relevant content research. The social media accounts of different museums were researched and analyzed. the social media handles of Louvre museum of Paris, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and modern Museum of were critically perused. Louvre museum of Paris has multiple social media accounts, including facebook, twitter, instagram and even youtube (Facebook, 2020). This is a wonderful approach by which the museum reaches out to its wider audience. However my research finds that the social media accounts are not as informative or comprehensive as it should be. On the other hand the metropolitan museum of art of New York is way more interactive and there is a definite energy in its social media accounts (Facebook, 2010). The facebook page of metropolitan museum of art does not list as many social media handles as the louvre, but it appears that the social media arm of these institutes have widely differing perception when it comes to digital media or social media marketing. The museum at New York is definitely a believer in a precision social media campaign that has way more relevant content in fewer social media accounts. This provides a divergent attitude, which may be reflective of the prevailing culture in two different nations.
The strategy that was formulated was based on participatory media (Hutchins & Tindall, 2016). There will be social media campaign and advocacy that will be aimed at evaluation of the digital media strategy of the different museums that focus on art and culture. Two examples that have been cited in the previous section provide an evidence of fundamentally different digital media approach of two art museums that are appreciated all over the world. The participants in our social media campaign will be explained the purpose of this research study. An event from the social media page that has really inspired me to design this campaign was actually the social media account of another world famous museum from New York City. This museum is none other than the metropolitan museum of art, also known as the MOMA. An event that was promoted by the social media account of MOMA is referred to as ‘mornings at MOMA’. In this event , the galleries of MOMA and any new exhibits are open for a virtual tour for social media participants before the museum is open for tourists to visit. This provides a participant an opportunity to review and participate in the museum and its exhibit real time and they may provide their feedback and critique. In our campaign we invite participants to review the digital media critique of the different museums and their digital media strategy. It was focused on aesthetics and similar parameters that determine success of a digital media strategy.
The strategy to analyze the success of social and digital media campaign analysis needed the participation of the entire tem that consisted of the creative and digital media experts of our team (Allie, 2020). This effort was part of a bigger effort to understand the effect social media has on the museums and big art galleries. Hence my effort is part of a bigger project that will lead t considerably valuable intelligence. Communication was primarily done via email, as it was observed that other modes of communication are not very effective. Team members pay more attention to email and give it more importance than whatsapp or facebook messenger. The reason may be that email still carries a professional weight than other forms of communication. So I decided to utilize email as my primary mode of communication. The campaign I ran , which was done in the space of social media in terms of polls and opinion pieces were made with a hierarchical pattern. Some team members, who were relevant ( like the creative experts and digital media experts) were made admins in these campaigns so that they may have the same access as I do. The intelligence generated was passed on to data scientists who finally created th intelligence based on analysis of the data. This workflow was justified based on case studies , that depicted how a business operation is designed, as some team members were not happy as they were not admins. However there is a justification creation of a hierarchy to enhance operational efficiency.
This research study gave us an idea about the thoughts and beliefs of patrons of arts and culture who belonged to the millennial and the previous generation who are active users of social media. The intelligence generated will be used for designing effective social media campaigns.
Allie, D. (2020). The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Campaigns. New York: Hubspot.
Beatriz, E. (2019). How to Identify and Analyze Your Target Market in 2020. Big commerce.
Deep, P. (2017). 5 Differences Between Marketing To Millennials Vs. Gen Z. New York: Forbes.
Facebook. (2010). metmuseum. Retrieved from Facebook:
Facebook. (2020). museedulouvre. Retrieved from Facebook:
Hilde, A. M., Guda, N., Daniël, G., & Fred, B. (2018). Engagement with Social Media and Social Media Advertising: The Differentiating Role of Platform Type. Journal of Advertising , 38-54.
Hutchins, N., & Tindall, T. (2016). Public Relations and Participatory Culture: Fandom, Social Media and. New York: Taylor & Francis.
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