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Subject or Learning Area

From the four provided scenarios, scenario one has been chosen for the development of the lesson sequence. According to scenario one, in the Fig Tree Road Public school, English is considered a second language. According to this scenario, Deng and Jack are new in the country and both are facing behavior management issues in the classroom. Deng who is seven years old boy is feeling traumatized because of his limited formal education. On the other hand, Jack is a Year one student who is not being able to familiar with the classroom and displaying distractive as well as disruptive behaviors in the classroom. Considering this situation of scenario one, it can be said that the main learning area is behavior management. 

The Focus of the Learning Area and Rationale

 Behavior management is very important in the classroom because it helps students to promote their engagement as well as cooperative learning. Apart from that, it also develops different social as well as economical learning aspects in the classroom. According to scenario one, where students are facing challenges in the classroom regarding behavior management, it is very important for those students to provide a proper behavior management system. This 4-lesson learning sequence of behavior management definitely suits the needs of the class as it helps to activate prior knowledge of the students about behavior management, acquire new knowledge regarding behavior management and how to behave properly in the classroom, and apply the knowledge to provide a positive behavioral outcome in the classroom and assess the knowledge to identify the problems regarding the learning to continue further teaching. This 4-lesson learning sequence of behavior management is very effective because it helps the students in this classroom to enhance their path to success by creating an environment of learning in an orderly way that increases their academic skills as well as competencies leading to their social as well as emotional development (Krauss et al. 2022). The 4-lesson sequence is sequenced as activating prior knowledge, acquiring new knowledge, applying the knowledge, and assessing the knowledge (Study.com, 2022). 

4-Lesson Sequence

The goal of this 4-lesson learning sequence is to make the students learn how to behave properly in the classroom.

Activating Prior Knowledge

It means both obtaining knowledge or skills from students that they already know and creating initial knowledge which is required for the students for accessing upcoming content. The main purpose of this lesson in this criteria is to activate prior knowledge of students to maintain their behavior in the classroom.

Acquiring New Knowledge

It means absorbing as well as storing new information in the memory. The success of this lesson is dependent on how well the information can be remembered. The main purpose of this lesson in this scenario is to help the student acquire new knowledge about behavior management in the classroom.

Applying the knowledge

It means the application of the learning in various situations as well as contexts. The main purpose of this lesson in this scenario is to justify the learning outcomes of the students and how they manage their behavior in the classroom. 

Assessing the knowledge

It means the evaluation as well as analysis of the knowledge. The main purpose of this lesson in this scenario is to evaluate as well as analyze the learning outcomes of students throughout the lesson on behavior management.

Theoretical Justification

Cognitive behavioral theory suggests the thoughts, emotions and behavior are all connected to human thinking and do affects the way of feeling. According to this theory, the 1st lesson is suitable for the whole class which increases the cognitive behavioral management skill by communicative session of each student in the classroom. 

The 2nd lesson is suitable for the whole class which helps the students to increase their cognitive behavioral management skills by collaborative extracurricular activity like dancing and playing games in the classroom. 

The 3rd lesson is suitable for the whole class which increases the cognitive behavioral management skill of each student in the classroom and helps to notice how properly they have learned their lessons regarding behavior management. 

The fourth lesson is suitable for the whole class and some particular students to identify the confusing and problematic parts of learning about behavior management through questioning sessions.

Success Criteria

For implementing this 4-lesson sequence for behavioral management to the student it is important to provide proper training and technical support to the teachers. 


The pedagogical design choices of the 4-lesson sequence of this scenario which includes activating prior knowledge, acquiring new knowledge, applying the knowledge, and assessing the knowledge regarding behavior management have explained five main domains of the pedagogical model which are engaging, exploring, explaining, elaborating, and evaluating (Chiva-Bartoll and Fernández-Rio, 2022). This 4-lesson sequencing with theoretical justifications will be helpful for the students who are experiencing challenges regarding trauma because of behavior management in the classroom.


Study.com, 2022 4as-lesson-plan-sample. Available at https://study.com/academy/lesson/4as-lesson-plan-sample.html [Acssessed on: 13. 8. 22]

Krauss, Z., Kline, D., Marcum-Dietrich, N.I., Stunkard, C., Kerlin, S. and Staudt, C., 2022. Protecting our WATERS: A 5E lesson sequence derived from a National Science Foundation-funded middle school watershed sustainability curriculum. Science Activities, pp.1-9.

Chiva-Bartoll, O. and Fernández-Rio, J., 2022. Advocating for Service-Learning as a pedagogical model in Physical Education: towards an activist and transformative approach. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 27(5), pp.545-558.

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