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Human Resource Management

Introduction to HRM Analysis

Workplace diversity refers to an organization employing a workforce comprised of individuals of various gender, religion, ethnicity, and sexual preference. Workplace diversity offers improved work productivity (Kapoor, 2011). The organization has faced challenges in workplace diversity with the communication gap due to cultural differences between the employees, conflict, and retention issues in workplace diversity by the HR specialist. Diversity discrimination and non-inclusive domain include gender diversity, representation of minority communities. A culturally diverse workforce has different norms, customs, and traditions among individuals. HR specialists face challenges in developing cultural synergy in the workplace. The dynamic workplace managers face issues with the implementation of workplace diversity in the organization. This report highlights the major challenges in workplace diversity and navigating strategies to navigate workplace strategies. The focus of report is on Facebook as an organization and its workplace diversity current timeline. 

3 Major Challenges

HR specialist face 3 major challenges related to workplace diversity are 

  • Generation Gaps - Communication across a diverse workforce is challenging in age difference is one of the prize causes of Generation Gap. Younger employees and older employees can face generation issues developing into inter-management conflict. Communication in an organization is central for the large network as well as a small network for team-building exercises, discussions. Common issues in the generation gap are reflected due to the interest divergence. Non-common language speakers are overlooked are considered foreign in the team setting and tagged as late adopters at the workplace. Baby boomer, generation X, and ageism relate to generation gap and non- adaptability as low causing it as one of the key challenges for the workforce (Antoniou, 2015). Creating a common platform, workplace design and team-building exercise for a varied generation have resulted in small team networks within the team. The younger generation can adapt to change quickly as compared to the older generation. Team development settings and employee participation in the organization have an impact due to a work style approach between the generations. The technological adaption and structuring is a challenge for the workforce due to managerial communication in technological expertise and adapting to a new work style for older employees. The younger generation tends to explore creativity and independence as compared to the structured composition of older age groups. An organization with the multigenerational workforce tends to shift decision making based on the tens developed within the team (Davis, 2016). Large businesses have diverse age groups, workers might get isolated or cut from the team due to the generation gap. Generation gap brings challenges with different work ethics and approaches towards work-life balance. The divergence of opinion age gap creates individual difference and negatively impact team cohesiveness. 
  • Gender equality -Gender equality refers to the aspiration and needs of men and women are considered equal and treating men and women equally (Morgenroth, 2018). Gender equality in the workplace is determined by recruitment, training, pay, and career advancement for men and women. Human resource policies and evaluation of job performance are detrimental in career progression for women. Women as primary caregivers consequently face penalties due to lower face time, impacting their career prospects and their performance evaluation. Performance evaluation and gender job segregation at entry-level positions constraint opportunities for women. Benevolent sexism involving communal views and prejudice cause gender harassment and create notions for agentic women as a stereotype (Sharma, 2016). Hiring managers face a challenge in overcoming employee resistance towards gender neutrality for communication vision across the organization. The gender pay gap across leadership roles is wider than at the entry-level shows income parity and male dominance in the organization.
    Hostility results from prejudice and stereotyping by the workforce as bias based on gender. Opposing views are inevitable in the organization leading to workplace disruption on the training process and capping of pay structure. Unacceptable behavior and non-inclusion of women due to indirect cost in key reflect gender equality as a key challenge in workplace diversity. Lack of flexible arrangements and cultural bias on opt out times leads to women to drop out and pay gap irrationality. Hiring trends and organization representation is linked to the non-development of women leaders for role shaping leading to lesser roles for women at a higher managerial position. Workplace hostility and discrimination resulting in inferior prospects of the employee lead to loss of value-driven and complaints received by an HR specialist. Casual sexism and toxic culture drives employee morale down and create disconnect with the employee- organization efficacy (Shaban 2016). HR managers face the issue with the likelihood of retains bad talent and creating gender diversity as a priority for transformation. The composite structure shows the representation of women in senior management roles. The gender pay gap and job role stereotype are common organization standardization challenges faced by management. 
  • The ethnic and cultural difference - Cultural diversity relates to the difference in race, language, nationality, religion represented by the community. A culturallydiverse workforce has different norms, customs, and traditions. HR specialists face challenges in developing cultural synergy in the workplace. The alienation as a minority community created inequality and dimensions of racism in the daily practice of the organization. Lack of inclusiveness and language barriers are a common cause for employee isolation on a person with diverse backgrounds. Restriction on employees' ability and motivation could result in favorable treatment. Linking culture diversity to the retention and multicultural environment maintenance is challenging for the HR manager. Diversity as an operation requirement cost and a lining of management goals. The organization may face inequality of power in the organization. This relates to the development of inferiority among regional employees and others. Cultural distance impacts the feedback and response in work coordination between employees. Employee relocation and adjustment in the organization would result in cultural shock owing to management structure. Employees are unwilling to shift into the rigid cultural work environment, HR managers face challenges in developing cultural disparity at the workplace.

    Lack of cultural coherence and company culture in maintaining a homogenous environment leads to marginalization for employees with different ethnicity. Hofstede cultural dimension measures the power distance relative to a culture based on feminism/masculinity, ethnocentrism on cultural barriers (Dalluay, 2015). The impact of the degree of higher power distance shifts will reflect negatively on the organization. Increased ethnocentrism and harassment act as hey barrier in navigating cultural and ethnic diversity in the workforce. Employees with diverse backgrounds fail to make the transition and learning other languages. Prejudice stems out based on myths and lack of open discussion and conservatism in the social and formal setting.

3 strategies to improve the same are

Diversity implementation can result in aligning organization objectives and hiring talent pool 

  • Training programs- Learning and development opportunities by creating an inclusive culture and foundation by cultural sensitivity among employees for development. This will reduce employee hostility and identification and embracing of culture for organization network Similarity and difference are part of workforce diversity. Training can result in addressing learning outcomes as enhanced culture and innovation. Diversity training at the workplace has been witnessed as effective participation. Shorter duration of the training period and an interactive exercise group indicate perpetuated stereotypes.Awareness based training and skills development will empower employees. Diversity training has been defined as enhancing skills, knowledge, and an inclusive environment. Positive contact between the groups will help others learn to appreciate cultural habits and appreciate different viewpoints. Open discussions between team members and mentor-mentee weekly sessions will develop a baseline to reduce ambiguity and easiness among work colleagues with generational differences. Determining diversity based training processes, on the right practice will cultivate diversity awareness for the foundation of structural change in the workplace.
    HR managers can focus on targeting multiple groups as opposed to a group-specific approach to reduce differentiation and polarization attitudes. Skill-building training will act as behavioral training to educate participants on overcoming communication barriers (Morgenroth, 2018). The monitoring by the business manager will have a stronger and lasting impact on knowledge sharing to reduce hostility among colleagues and developing interconnectivity and team appropriation as a reflective approach. Improving work culture interaction for diversity and inclusion training. Holding leaders accountable for growth on feedback mechanisms. Mentoring is important and beneficial to create communication between baby boomers and Generation X to integrate and develop workplace and industry knowledge
  • The capability approach to managing diversity and equality- The capability approach will address gender equality through basics capabilities, internal capabilities, and combined capabilities. Recognizing employee performance and basic needs through involvement in focus groups, the survey will foster the environment (Kapoor, 2011). Combined capabilities through providing structural condition by encouraging flexible work policies, gender participation in meetings, and unilateral performance structure for employees. A structural approach based on participation will encourage an equal head. The capability approach through individual and organization values will improve working conditions to attract gender diversity and equality in the organization. The capability approach will strengthen social opportunities and increased fairness (Davis, 2016). The development of business-related objectives and accountability will align freedom of choice through multi-stakeholder intervention. 
  • The program designed on workplace flexibility will empower women workforce. The equality initiatives equal opportunities, positive actions, cultural change. Capability based changes focus on organization climate and business practice. It stresses numerical parity for equal numbers of men and women at all levels at work. This will create gender representation and strength in the workplace. Gender bias can be reduced by reducing conscious bias with change as collective action by examining diversity intentions through gender-fair language will draw equal composition and organizational practice. The HR manager would have to review the organization’s current policy to use the capability approach for fairness principles. Ensuring company compliance on the policy framed for evaluating business and feedback audits on organizational strength to increase safety blanket on a magical workforce. Developing a program on assessment and need efficiency will be effective for retention and a re-skilling workforce (Profili, 2017).
  • Developing diversity-related recruitment programs- Recruitment is central to developing the organization's workforce and developing organizational culture. Change in recruitment strategy is imperative for managing diversity. Change in organizational recruitment programs will enforce cultural and ethnic representation. Aligning representation as with organizational performance and hiring resources will create diversity representation. The recruitment approach should focus on hiring individuals through a mix of identity traits and educational background. Using a data-driven approach for cultural metrics and tracking processes will act as a primer for crafted change in broader representation (Inegbedion, 2020). The company through looking beyond cultural fit will increase inclusiveness. The rigid fit structure increases homogenous creation in the organization, turning power shift towards single color, race dominance. Determining diversity in developing application process, selecting process will cultivate diversity in the domain across all structures. Combating stereotypes by designing job postings for inclusiveness and improvement in candidate funnel for a diverse slate of candidates (Inegbedion, 2020). Developing pre-interview programs and showcasing company experiences in the pre-interview process will promote inclusiveness. This will enable employees to overcome culture shock experienced for nativity to attitude towards work, management style. Developing inclusive leadership drive through organization resource recruitment will change the ethnic and cultural difference and gender diversity in the organization.

Real-Life Organization

Facebook has faced sharp criticism for the lack of diversity in the organization. The recent diversity report reflected marginal improvement on the ear performance on the diversity quotient of the organization. The organization mapping shows marginal improvement in its year commitment to gender diversity as 36.9 from the past year 36.3% (INC 2018). It shows black and Hispanic marginally grew from the past year. The company has a 3% workforce as black shows the dominance of white national (CNBC, 2020). The lack of diversity in the tech companies reflects subconscious bias. The organization commits to doubling its diversity force in the next 4 years (CNBC 2020). The organization was shaken by the complaint received by black employees accusing Facebook of racial discrimination. The structural group identified the problem that the organization was unable to maintain diversity. It has a large base of users from the non-white communities but failed to practice diversity in the organization. The organization received backlash from community members on gender diversity issues with the exit of strategic partner Mark Luckie (INC, 2018). The reports showed racism against people of color directly impacting performance with Lucas exit significant on Facebook to optimize and make radical changes. The diversity program needs to be driven in company practice with performance metrics for an important consideration. The representation of overall strength in minority communities helps in various ways. Structural issues in embracing diversity and reducing unfair retention have been key issues that have been echoed. 

Facebook can adapt to training programs to raise awareness about subconscious bias. Technological and job recruitment based on career support pre- measures for hiring a diverse pool of candidates. Using a data-driven approach to identify a barrier to diversity and leadership inclusion program will help Facebook develop diverse organizations and change its parameter in the coming year. Adapting hiring strategy through removing stereotypes will attract new talent and awareness for looking beyond the traditional pool to drive value to the organization. HR specialist for recruiting talent in the managerial roles should create a stronghold on diversity as commitment and instead of including numbers to measure growth. Facebook for its tech space and structured role should develop employee resource groups, and measuring top management in key decisions through employee engagement score. The training base and group program will provide a common platform for safe and inclusive programs. Developing change in hiring practice as a conscious aim to recruit for equal representation from the underrepresented communities will bridge the gap.

Conclusion on HRM Analysis

A diverse workforce through holistic management and change in the current process will transform workplace diversity challenges and empower organizations. The organization will have to develop a multi-faceted approach to embrace diversity and adapting to challenges Facebook as a major tech firm has witnessed ineffectiveness in its diversity metrics. Implementation of subconscious bias training will aid the company in its aim to double the representation in the next 4 years. Combined capabilities through providing structural condition by encouraging flexible work policies, gender participation in meetings, and unilateral performance structure for employees. The capability approach through individual and organization values will improve working conditions to attract gender diversity and equality in the organization. Diversity implementation challenges and enforcing diversity as an initiative Performance evaluation and gender job segregation at entry-level positions constraint opportunities for women is critical. Benevolent sexism gender prejudice causes harassment and creates notions for women as a stereotyped in job roles.

Reference for HRM Analysis

Antoniou, G.A., Cooper, A., & Burke, J. R. (2015). The Multi-generational and aging workforce: Challenges and opportunities. EE Publishing

CNBC. (2020). Facebook has a diversity problem. Retrieved from

Dalluay, S.V. & Jalagat, C.R. (2015). Cross-cultural management of culturally diverse workforce: A challenge facing managers in the global workplace. International Journal of Science and Research, 6(1), 663-669.

Davis, PJ. Frolova, Y. & Callahan. (2016). Workplace diversity management in Australia: What do managers think and what are an organization doing?. Equality, diversity, and inclusion, 35(2), 81-98.

INC. (2018). Lack of diversity points to Facebook a downfall. Retrieved from

Inegbedion H, Sunday E, Asaleye A, Lawal A, Adebanji A. (2020). Managing diversity for organizational efficiency. SAGE Open, 4(1), 23-56, DOI:10.1177/2158244019900173

Kapoor, C. and Solomon, N. (2011), Understanding and managing generational differences in the workplace. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. 3 (4), 308-318.

Morgenroth T, Ryan MK. ( 2018). Addressing gender inequality: Stumbling blocks and roads ahead. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 21(5):671-677. DOI:10.1177/1368430218786079

Profili, S., Sammarra, A, and Innocenti. (2017). Age diversity in the workplace

an organizational perspective. Emerald publication.

Sharma.A, (2016) Managing diversity and equality in the workplace. Cogent Business & Management, 3 (1), 45-55, DOI: 10.1080/23311975.2016.1212682

Shaban, A. (2016). Managing and leading a diverse workforce. One of the main challenges in Management. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(1), 76- 84.

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