The ladder's movement with a time step of 0.01 seconds over a period of 1000 seconds. The ladder's angle will be shown on the y-axis of a graph, and time will be plotted on the x-axis, to show the results.
A straightforward simulation of a ladder's motion. A more accurate model would consider things like the ladder's inertia, the compliance of the wall and floor, and the impact of air resistance.
% Define the time step (choose an appropriate value)
dt = 0.01; % You can adjust this value based on your simulation requirements
% Rest of your code (unchanged)
L = 5;
V = 25;
mu = 0.2;
% Define the initial conditions
theta_0 = 5/6 * pi; % Initial angle in radians
omega_0 = 0; % Initial angular velocity in radians/second
% Calculate the forces acting on the ladder
gravity = 9.81; % Gravity in m/s^2
normal_force_wall = V * cos(theta_0) / mu;
normal_force_floor = V * sin(theta_0) / mu;
friction_force_wall = mu * normal_force_wall;
friction_force_floor = mu * normal_force_floor;
% Calculate the torque acting on the ladder
torque = V * L * sin(theta_0) - friction_force_wall * L - friction_force_floor * L;
% Calculate the angular acceleration
alpha = torque / (V * L^2 / 3);
% Simulate the motion of the ladder
theta = zeros(1000, 1);
omega = zeros(1000, 1);
theta(1) = theta_0;
omega(1) = omega_0;
for i = 2:1000
theta(i) = theta(i - 1) + omega(i - 1) * dt + alpha * dt^2 / 2;
omega(i) = omega(i - 1) + alpha * dt;
% Plot the results
plot(theta, 'r-');
hold on;
plot(theta_0 * ones(1000, 1), 'b-');
legend('Angle', 'Initial Angle');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel('Angle (radians)')
% Define constants and variables
L = 5; % Ladder length in meters
V = 25; % Ladder weight in kilograms
mu = 0.2; % Coefficient of kinetic friction
g = 9.81; % Gravity in m/s^2
% Initial conditions
theta_0 = 5/6 * pi; % Initial angle in radians
omega_0 = 0; % Initial angular velocity in radians/second
% Calculate forces
Nt = V * cos(theta_0);
Nb = V * sin(theta_0);
ft = mu * Nt;
fb = mu * Nb;
% Calculate torques
torque = V * L * sin(theta_0) - ft * L - fb * L;
% Calculate angular acceleration
alpha = torque / (V * L^2 / 3);
% Define time-related variables
t_start = 0; % Start time
t_end = 10; % End time (adjust as needed)
dt = 0.01; % Time step
% Initialize arrays for time, angles, and angular velocities
t = t_start:dt:t_end;
theta = zeros(size(t));
omega = zeros(size(t));
theta(1) = theta_0;
omega(1) = omega_0;
% Simulate ladder motion
for i = 2:length(t)
alpha_i = alpha; % Assuming constant alpha
theta(i) = theta(i - 1) + omega(i - 1) * dt + 0.5 * alpha_i * dt^2;
omega(i) = omega(i - 1) + alpha_i * dt;
% Plot results
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(t, theta);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Angle (rad)');
title('Ladder Motion');
grid on;
subplot(2, 1, 2);
plot(t, omega);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Angular Velocity (rad/s)');
grid on;
The above equations that represent the motion of the ladder while accounting for forces, torques, and angular acceleration. Please be aware that the code relies on a constant angular acceleration, which may not hold true in more complicated circumstances.
TASK 1 (a, b, c):
We may use the provided constants and formulae to get the seven output values in the matrix equation for the ladder positioned at an angle of = 7/6 radians. To resolve this issue, I'll offer a MATLAB code snippet that includes the computations for accelerations axe, ay, and o for a variety of beginning angles.
% Constants
L = 5; % Ladder length in meters
V = 25; % Ladder weight in kilograms
mu = 0.2; % Coefficient of kinetic friction
g = 9.81; % Gravity in m/s^2
theta = 7*pi/6; % Initial angle in radians
% Calculate forces
Nt = V * cos(theta);
Nb = V * sin(theta);
ft = mu * Nt;
fb = mu * Nb;
% Calculate torques
torque = V * L * sin(theta) - ft * L - fb * L;
% Calculate angular acceleration (αo)
alpha = torque / (V * L^2 / 3);
% Calculate accelerations (ax, ay)
ax = 0; % At rest initially, ax = 0
ay = (Nt - Nb - V * g) / V;
% Display the results
fprintf('Angular Acceleration (αo): %.2f rad/s^2\n', alpha);
fprintf('Horizontal Acceleration (ax): %.2f m/s^2\n', ax);
fprintf('Vertical Acceleration (ay): %.2f m/s^2\n', ay);
% (b) Set up an array of θ values
theta_values = linspace(0, 7*pi/2, 100); % Range of angles from 0 to 7π/2
% Initialize arrays for accelerations
ax_values = zeros(size(theta_values));
ay_values = zeros(size(theta_values));
alpha_values = zeros(size(theta_values));
% (c) Loop through different θ values to calculate accelerations
for i = 1:length(theta_values)
% Calculate forces for the current θ
theta_i = theta_values(i);
Nt_i = V * cos(theta_i);
Nb_i = V * sin(theta_i);
ft_i = mu * Nt_i;
fb_i = mu * Nb_i;
% Calculate torques for the current θ
torque_i = V * L * sin(theta_i) - ft_i * L - fb_i * L;
% Calculate angular acceleration (αo) for the current θ
alpha_i = torque_i / (V * L^2 / 3);
% Calculate horizontal acceleration (ax) for the current θ
ax_i = 0; % At rest initially, ax = 0
% Calculate vertical acceleration (ay) for the current θ
ay_i = (Nt_i - Nb_i - V * g) / V;
% Store values in arrays
alpha_values(i) = alpha_i;
ax_values(i) = ax_i;
ay_values(i) = ay_i;
% (c) Plot the results
plot(theta_values, ax_values, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
plot(theta_values, ay_values, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(theta_values, alpha_values, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Initial Angle (θ)');
ylabel('Accelerations (ax, ay, αo)');
title('Accelerations vs. Initial Angle');
legend('Horizontal Acceleration (ax)', 'Vertical Acceleration (ay)', 'Angular Acceleration (αo)');
grid on;
hold off;
(b) The first, second, third, and fifth equations from the matrix equation may be used to demonstrate that if all three accelerations are originally zero, then tan(θ) = 0. These equations are equivalent to:
We may begin by setting axe, ay, and o to 0 as we want to demonstrate that axe = 0, ay = 0, and o = 0 imply tan(θ) = 0:
Let's now make these equations simpler:
We can see from equation 2 that 0 = 0, which is obviously true. It thus offers no more information.
We must now resolve equation 1:
We can make it even simpler:
(c) We can set tan() = 0 to get the crucial value of when the ladder begins at rest. Tan(x) = 2 * μ, therefore we have:
Assume there is no friction between the ladder and the wall or the floor in order to make μ= 0. Therefore, tan(θ) = 0, which indicates that θ = 0 radians, and the critical value of is when there is no friction. Thus, the ladder is placed upright against the wall to begin.
Please keep in mind that, in reality, there can be a certain angle below which the ladder wouldn't start moving, and that, in order to make things easier, it's customary to pretend there is no friction. The material of the ladder, the texture of the wall, and other factors may affect the actual behaviour.
% Define the parameters
mu = 0.2; % Coefficient of kinetic friction
g = 9.81; % Gravity in m/s^2
L = 5; % Ladder length in meters
W = 25; % Ladder weight in kilograms
% Define the initial conditions
theta_0 = pi/6; % Initial angle in radians
omega_0 = 0; % Initial angular velocity in radians/second
% Define the time interval
t_end = 2.5; % Maximum time in seconds
% Define the parameters
mu = 0.2; % Coefficient of kinetic friction
g = 9.81; % Gravity in m/s^2
L = 5; % Ladder length in meters
W = 25; % Ladder weight in kilograms
% Define the initial conditions
theta_0 = pi/6; % Initial angle in radians
omega_0 = 0; % Initial angular velocity in radians/second
% Define the time interval
t_end = 2.5; % Maximum time in seconds
% Define the function that describes the motion of the ladder
function derivs = fladder(t, z)
theta = z(1);
omega = z(2);
% Calculate the forces acting on the ladder
normal_force_wall = W * cos(theta) / mu;
normal_force_floor = W * sin(theta) / mu;
friction_force_wall = mu * normal_force_wall;
friction_force_floor = mu * normal_force_floor;
% Calculate the torque acting on the ladder
torque = W * L * sin(theta) - friction_force_wall * L - friction_force_floor * L;
% Calculate the angular acceleration
alpha = torque / (W * L^2 / 3);
% Calculate the derivatives
derivs = [omega; alpha];
% Solve the equations of motion using ode45
[T, Z] = ode45(@fladder, [0, t_end], [theta_0; omega_0]);
% Find the time when the ladder hits the floor
t_hit = T(find(Z(:,1) <= 0, 1));
% Plot the results
plot(T, Z(:,1), 'r-');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel('Angle (radians)');
title('Angle vs. Time');
plot(T, Z(:,2), 'b-');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel('Angular Velocity (radians/second)');
title('Angular Velocity vs. Time');
% Calculate the angular velocity at the instant the ladder hits the floor
omega_hit = Z(find(Z(:,1) <= 0, 1), 2);
% Display the results
fprintf('The ladder hits the floor at time %f seconds.\n', t_hit);
fprintf('The angular velocity at the instant the ladder hits the floor is %f radians/second.\n', omega_hit);
function swinging_rod_simulation
% Define the parameters
L = 2; % Rod length in meters
m = 1.2; % Rod mass in kilograms
Cf = 0.3; % Coefficient of friction
% Set initial conditions
theta_0 = 0; % Initial angle in radians
omega_0 = 0; % Initial angular velocity in radians per second
% Time span for the simulation
t_end = 10; % Maximum time
% Define the function that describes the motion of the rod
function derivs = swinging_rod_equation(t, z)
theta = z(1);
omega = z(2)
% Calculate the moment of friction
torque_friction = -3 * Cf / (m * L^2) * sign(omega) * cos(theta);
% Calculate the angular acceleration
alpha = torque_friction / (m * L^2 / 3);
% Calculate the derivatives
derivs = [omega; alpha];
[T, Z] = ode45(@swinging_rod_equation, [0, t_end], [theta_0; omega_0]);
% Extract the angle and angular velocity from the solution
theta = Z(:, 1);
omega = Z(:, 2);
% Plot the results
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(T, theta, 'r-');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel('Angle (radians)');
title('Angle vs. Time');
subplot(2, 1, 2);
plot(T, omega, 'b-');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel('Angular Velocity (radians/second)');
title('Angular Velocity vs. Time');
(a) The initial conditions θ(0) = θ₀ = 0 and ω(0) = 0 represent the initial state of the swinging rod.
θ(0) = 0 means that at the start of the motion, the rod is in a horizontal position, making no angle with the horizontal direction. This implies that the rod is at rest, initially perfectly balanced.
ω(0) = 0 indicates that the initial angular velocity of the rod is zero, meaning it's not already in motion. It starts from a stationary position.
These initial conditions represent the rod's starting position and state, which is at rest and horizontal.
(b) Equation (2) can be rewritten as two first-order differential equations as follows:
Let's define θ(t) as the angle and ω(t) as the angular velocity:
dθ/dt = ω(t): This equation represents the rate of change of the angle θ with respect to time, which is the angular velocity.
dω/dt = (3 * Cf / (m * L^2)) * sign(ω) * cos(θ) - (3/2) * (m * g * L) * sin(θ) / (m * L^2 / 3): This equation describes the rate of change of angular velocity ω with respect to time. It takes into account the effect of friction and the gravitational force acting on the rod.
These two first-order equations describe the dynamics of the swinging rod, allowing us to use MATLAB's ode45 solver to simulate its motion over time.
% Define the parameters
L = 2; % Rod length in meters
m = 1.2; % Rod mass in kilograms
Cf = 0.3; % Coefficient of friction
g = 9.81; % Gravity acceleration in m/s^2
% Set initial conditions
theta_0 = 0; % Initial angle in radians
omega_0 = 0; % Initial angular velocity in radians per second
% Time span for the simulation
t_end = 10; % Maximum time
% Define the function that describes the motion of the rod
function derivs = swinging_rod_equation(t, z)
theta = z(1);
omega = z(2);
torque_friction = -3 * Cf / (m * L^2) * si
% Calculate the gravitational torque
torque_gravity = (3/2) * (m * g * L) * sin(theta);
% Calculate the angular acceleration
alpha = (torque_gravity - torque_friction) / (m * L^2 / 3);
% Calculate the derivatives
derivs = [omega; alpha];
% Solve the differential equation
[T, Z] = ode45(@swinging_rod_equation, [0, t_end], [theta_0; omega_0]);
% Extract the angle and angular velocity from the solution
theta = Z(:, 1);
omega = Z(:, 2);
% Plot the results
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(T, theta, 'r-');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel('Angle (radians)');
title('Angle vs. Time');
subplot(2, 1, 2);
plot(T, omega, 'b-');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel('Angular Velocity (radians/second)');
title('Angular Velocity vs. Time');
Task 3:
L = 2; % Rod length in meters
m = 1.2; % Rod mass in kilograms
Cf = 0.3; % Coefficient of friction
% Define the function that describes the motion of the rod
function derivs = fladder(t, z)
theta = z(1);
omega = z(2);
% Calculate the moment of friction
torque_friction = -3 * Cf / (m * L^2) * sgn(omega) * cos(theta);
% Calculate the angular acceleration
alpha = torque_friction / (m * L^2 / 3);
% Calculate the derivatives
derivs = [omega; alpha];
% Solve the equations of motion using ode45
t_end = 20; % Final time in seconds
theta_0 = 60 * pi / 180; % Initial angle in radians
omega_0 = 0; % Initial angular velocity in radians per second
[T, theta, omega] = swinging_rod(theta_0, omega_0, t_end)
% (a) Produce a graph of θ(t) for the first 20 seconds
plot(T, theta, 'r-');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel('Angle (radians)');
title('Angle vs. Time');
% (b) Use max and min to estimate the maximum and minimum angles
max_angle = max(theta);
min_angle = min(theta);
% (c) Create an animation of the swinging rod
function swinging_rod_animation(T, theta)
for ii = 1:length(T)
axis([-2 2 -0.05 0.05]);
axis equal;
axis manual;
hold on;
% Calculate the position of the swinging end of the rod
rx = L * cos(theta(ii));
ry = L * sin(theta(ii));
% Plot the rod
plot([0 rx], [0 ry], 'r-');
% Add a title and pause for a short time
title(sprintf('t=%.2f seconds', T(ii)));
% Clear the plot for the next iteration
hold off;
% Display the animation
swinging_rod_animation(T, theta);
% Print out the final position of the rod
fprintf('Final position of the rod: (%.2f, %.2f)\n', rx, ry);
The MathWorks. (2023). MATLAB documentation. Retrieved from https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/
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