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The United Arab Emirates, existing since 1971, is the wealthiest country GDP-wise in the world. It is formed by seven Emirates, including Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Umm al Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah and Sharjah. UAE's capital is Abu Dhabi, and its largest city is Dubai. Apart from being a centre of attraction for tourism, UAE is also highly known for the educational front.

 UAE provides quality education, a multicultural atmosphere, and excellent infrastructure that help in attracting students from across the globe to study there. Along with this, some more reasons why students prefer to study in UAE are not only because the eight UAE-established universities lie in the QS World University Ranking list but also because several foreign universities have their branches in UAE.

 So, if students from the USK, UK, Australia, India, or any other country find it hard to get admission in their own countries, then UAE is a great option for further education. From 100 plus university options, students find it interesting to pursue courses from UAE as they have a better future scope of settling down there or in any other country with a respectable degree.

 Although, one very crucial thing is that, to complete any degree, students must submit additional academic projects to the university to grab their degree. However, in that process, there are several hurdles. You are trying to blend in the new educational environment and settle in a new accommodation atmosphere. When there are several things to take care of at once, you will find it difficult to make peace with your academic journey. To ensure you stay at the same pace and grab all the educational lectures and submit the academic projects on time, you can take assignment help in UAE from Online Assignment Expert experts.

The New Academia

 We know that there are thousands of new tensions around you when you move to a new place and try to blend in. However, do remember one thing, time doesn’t stop for anyone. No matter when you start your academic journey, within one or two months, you have to pick up the speed to walk parallel with all the work you have. However, some of the most common challenges a student faces when they newly shift to the UAE for further studies are mentioned below. Also, these are why students intend to pick assignment help services in UAE.

Challenges in a Foreign Country as an International Student

 Indeed, the UAE is a great place for higher education as you get quality education from the masters of the field. But sitting in a class listening to your professors doesn’t imply that you understand whatever they are talking about. Sometimes it is the topic that is too complex to understand or the accent that is hard to get. These problems become why international students fail to grab adequate information, and then they look for assignment help UAE. Some common challenges that affect students and become great challenges in their academic life are mentioned below.

Language Barrier

As mentioned above, it is also a fact that people from different countries have different accents. Talking specifically about the UAE, their common language is Arabic, as not everyone can speak that, then English sets the ground rules and is understandable by everyone. However, the diction and accent of every fellow citizen are different. Suppose you are an Indian student, your mother tongue is Hindi, but you can understand English. Now, when you reach UAE and listen to the country man’s words in the manner they talk, it is new to you, and that difference makes things difficult for you.

When you are sitting in a class of 50 students from different countries, the professor won’t speak in specific languages but will use the ones they know. Now even in that, the accent becomes a barrier, which is why you cannot understand anything and look for experts from your country who can help you understand the concepts better and easily. One of the options for that is taking the no. 1 assignment help UAE from Online Assignment Expert experts. Our professionals share videos explaining crucial topics that you can understand easily.

No External Support

When you move to a new country like UAE, you hardly have any friends at first, and the academic problems you are facing, you can’t even share with anyone because you don’t have any friends right off. As we talked about accent problems, it becomes a great challenge when you cannot understand what your professor is teaching you and you hardly have any friends who can help you clear the basics of the topics. Your tension increases when you get assigned to do assignments. You must be aware that the additional projects you get are crucial because their numbers get added when making your final result.

However, if you are unable to grab the lectures in the class, you prefer to look for external options, and friends are one of them. But because you hardly have any friends or external support for the time being and know that your work can’t stop, it is better to look for options back home. And one of the best options is Online Assignment Expert, our professionals upload videos that are easy to understand, and you can easily clear your doubts. To avail that service, all you have to do is look for assignment help services in the UAE, and you will find Online Assignment Expert as your best option. 

Different Education System

One more challenge you undoubtedly face is the difference in the education system. Every country has different teaching styles and methods. Talking about UAE, here the grading system is as follows:

  • A: 100-90
  • B: 89-80
  • C: 79-70
  • D: 69-60
  • F: 59-0

This is the grading scheme according to which your work will be scored. However, when you move to a new country, your only aim is to score great grades to get your degree and then find your dream job. But when you move to a country with some difficult challenges, it is surely an overwhelming feeling when you are unable to understand anything, and your grades are consistently poor. The aim with which you moved to UAE might seem to shatter if you don’t take instant assignment help UAE from Online Assignment Expert professionals. The experts at work understand the value of your academic projects and at what cost you are studying there. In every circumstance, you must maintain a series of great grades.

However, until you settle in, your course will have taken some important turns to ensure you don’t miss out on any vital information and submit quality projects per the university guidelines. Online Assignment Expert experts are only one call away to help you.

As these are some of the most common challenges, you might face in your educational journey in the UAE. Remember that every university or college in the UAE has a different set of guidelines. It might be difficult for you to cope with the different styles. But at Online Assignment Expert, we have over 150+ professionals who have experience of over 15 years. They are aware of every university course, their guidelines, and other crucial information that is important for you.

Following are some of the universities we cover and the courses we provide. So, for any or every academic challenge in UAE, Online Assignment Expert is only one call away from providing you with the desired online assignment help UAE service.

Colleges/ Universities Covered by Online Assignment Expert

  • American University of Sharjah
  • Khalifa University
  • University of Sharjah
  • Zayed University
  • Middlesex University Dubai
  • Canadian University Dubai
  • The British University in Dubai

Courses Online Assignment Expert Covers

  • Mathematics
  • English
  • Science
  • Computer Science
  • UAE Social Science
  • History
  • Arts

The list of universities and courses covered by Online Assignment Expert goes further, but these are some of our highlighted specialties. However, as you face thousands of challenges in the UAE and there is no particular support, don’t forget that Online Assignment Expert experts are always one call away. Moreover, if you wonder what advantages you’ll get when you pick our assignment help services UAE. Well, the benefits are listed below.

Advantages of Taking Online Assignment Expert’s Assignment Help Service

Whether you have started or are going to start your educational journey in UAE, you will surely face challenges while pursuing your course. One of the most crucial challenges you’ll encounter while completing your academic projects. However, to help you through this tough process, here’s how Online Assignment Expert professionals will assist you.

Online Tutoring

When you need help understanding what your professor is teaching and have no clue what you are asked to write in the assignment, it is Online Assignment Expert who is your best assignment helper in the UAE—providing you extended assistance through online tutoring and videos, where the topics are shared by our professionals so that it will clear your concepts quickly. This will help you understand the topic and then write your assignments at the earliest with ease.

Academic Writing

As mentioned earlier, every UAE university has different rules regarding assignment writing. And because you are new to these rules, you might need help to finish the educational tasks yourself. Online Assignment Expert’s online assignment help UAE service is always available for those difficulties. Our experts have been writing every type of academic project, and samples are also available for you. So, if you don’t know the structure of your academic project, you can either check out the samples or take our expert’s help.

Timely Delivery

One of the most crucial things in any academic project is that there is always a deadline which you must obey, and you can’t miss it. However, when you are new in the UAE and unable to grab the essential knowledge, it becomes difficult to write the assignment. As the deadline doesn’t wait and you have to submit your assignments, it is better to take instant assignment help from Online Assignment Expert experts in the UAE. The professionals at work know how crucial your assignments are to you, which is why they intend to deliver your work within the timeline.

Besides this, our experts are affordable, which is one of your biggest concerns as you are living in a foreign country at your expense. Online Assignment Expert is the only service provider offering your assignment help services at reasonable prices and 24/7 availability. The best thing about our service is our experts provide authentic answers, so there is no plagiarism issue for you. Just understand the basic concepts from the assignments, and you are good to go.

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