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Computer networks are the means through which networked computers use the network to exchange data and information. These computers are typically distributed among various sites or may all be in one area. For the contemporary development of technological advances, computer network has made many such advances possible through the development of millions of connected computers, cellphones, and servers.

Online Assignment Expert provides the best computer network assignment help services. Alternative definition of a computer network provided by our IT assignment helps experts: "A computer network is the mix of interaction and communication amongst interconnected computers." Based on topology, the characteristics of computer networks can be explained. Star topology, ring topology, tree topology, and mesh topology are a few examples of topology.

Types of computer networks:

  • Local Area Network (LAN): The usage of a network that offers services in a small area, such as within a single building or territory. This network is typically utilized at colleges, schools, universities, and small businesses within a 1-kilometre radius. Today, the most popular LAN usage method is Wi-Fi or Ethernet. To access the internet through LAN, four to five switches are connected to the modem.
  • Metropolitan Area Network (MAN):Similar to cable TV networks, a metropolitan web connects numerous computer devices throughout the city. MAN networks can be used in various ways, including Ethernet, Token-ring, and ATM. It covers a larger region than LAN but less than WAN. It can travel around 40 km without causing a speed problem to arise.
  • Wide Area Network (WAN):This kind of network in computer networking spans a wide area. High internet speed is offered. Users must spend a hefty sum of money to use this service. The WAN network has increased the speed's quality; in 1960, it moved at a rate of around 110 bits per second; today, it moves at a rate of about 100 Gbits per second.
  • Personal Area Network:PAN networks are used in very small spaces, such as rooms, where they can only exchange data between one or two devices within a two- to the three-meter radius. A personal area network is made up of a person using wireless technology while working on a laptop with a printer attached and a smartphone. If you need assistance with your computer network assignment, contact our industry-level IT assignment help experts.

Network Devices used in Computer Networks

Network devices are used in computer networks to carry out various networking operations and move data between nodes. These network devices are frequently used to build different networks. The following list includes a few of the devices:

  • Repeater - The signals from electronic equipment are retransmitted using higher power and level repeater. The repeater's primary function is to regenerate the signal bit at real power when it becomes faint rather than increasing the signal's strength.
  • Hub - With the aid of numerous ports, hubs link the various network components. One data packet is installed into a unique port and replicated to another to supply all the components for the packet to be perceived. A network hub can connect as many computers as nodes in a single topology.
  • Modem - Modem equipment performs the modulation and demodulation processes. The modem transforms all data into analogue waves that may be transferred across cable cables. It converts back to the digital signal after receiving that signal.
  • Router - The router's functionality includes operating the OSI model at the network layer and transporting data across different LANs (Local Area Networks). This device can primarily connect to wired or wireless networks to join numerous computer networks. The data packets are routed through the network via the router. The main distinction between a router and a hub is that a router will evaluate the data before sending it.
  • Firewall - During external communication, a firewall is utilized to block an unauthorized user from the network. The firewall device may be created using a combination of hardware and software, or it may be created in tandem. Users can protect their systems from illegal access with a firewall.

Thus, network devices are crucial in any computer networking system. Get in touch with our professional computer network assignment help team and access several academic benefits.

Different Types of Computer NetworkTopologies

Topology refers to how devices are connected through a network.The following list of topologies includes:

  • Bus Topology: In a bus topology, the network and computer equipment are linked together in a single lane or over a cable to allow for simultaneous data acquisition. The bus topology's main drawback is that if one cable breaks, the entire cable may be impacted or near transmitting the information. Coaxial cables are bus topology's most widely used ones (10Base-2, 10Base5).
  • Ring Topology: Ring topology is the system for connecting the objects in a ring-like arrangement. The central node is not necessary for a ring topology.
  • Star Topology: All computers or other devices are connected to the central device in a star topology. Every system requires a single cable. The hub and devices are connected point-to-point. In this topology, the implementation is complicated. A hub is a single point of failure. The expert services provided by Engineering Assignment Help are inclusive of all computer network application studies. You can take a look at an assignment sample written by our expert:

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Each specialist in our firm has more than ten years of experience and is thoroughly knowledgeable in every field, including both theoretical and practical aspects of computer networks. We offer solutions for computer network assignments in a variety of nations. We constantly advise using student input and recommendations for improving methods. We always establish long-term relationships with our clients, which can only occur if the solution meets their expectations.

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