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Get BSB111 Ethics Case Study Help from the Experts

Ethics and values; these two things are crucial for working professionals in almost every industry. Business leaders must strive to guarantee that their company upholds strong principles, standards, ethics, and conduct so that their employees feel secure and safe. Employees who share and conduct a company's values and believe in corporate principles are immensely beneficial for a company. Employees and management can collaborate to build businesses with high standards.

A business law and ethics case study are based on an incident requiring the proper implementation of business laws and ethics. Such case studies allow us to critically evaluate the key concepts and theories implemented within an organization to suggest an idea regarding ethical business activities. As a result, it's critical to know the sections that apply to the case study questions and write the responses appropriately. Being a business or management student, you must have been bogged down with business law and ethics case study assignments. At Online Assignment Help, we are familiar with the issues that students experience while writing a business law case study and can assist in overcoming them. If you are pursuing the bsb111 course, a business law and ethics course, you can surely consult our BSB111 Ethics Case Study Help to get assistance from the top minds in the field. We'll show you how to present the case study properly and assist you with it. Once you contact us, you will find that solving business law case studies is simple as a pie!

Theories of Business Ethics Used in BSB111 Ethics Case Study

Business Ethics Issues Insights to Consider While Composing a BSB111 ethics case study

One of the most challenging tasks of drafting a business ethics case study, like with many other essays, is choosing an appropriate topic. Several themes from which an appropriate subject for a business case study could be picked. Still, there is a small group of ethical concerns frequently handled by major organizations that offer good starting points and subjects for your case study. Here we have discussed some of the major ethical concerns.

  • Environment - Nowadays, several businesses are being chastised for the negative effects of their operations on the environment. Manufacturers, energy and agricultural industries are the obvious subjects for this discussion, as their key business operations have a significant negative environmental impact. Even organizations that do not produce physical goods and services may also have detrimental effects on the environment due to resource usage. However, several businesses are becoming more transparent and taking necessary steps to lessen their harmful operational impact on the environment.
  • Human Resources - To focus on this area of management, it is required to pay attention to how to handle and compensate the employees. Salary information, benefits packages, and incentives for executing "n" number of tasks is crucial information to focus upon.
  • Corporate Governance - Corporate governance is a broad term that refers to how a company manages itself. It is the business's organizational structure. Different methods or "political viewpoints" in operating, governing and managing a corporation exist, just as they do in different countries. Companies with poor governance strategies are frequently chastised for these ethical transgressions.
  • Human Rights - Since the Australian government already has stringent human rights norms and regulations, human rights would mostly apply to international firms in Australia. These investigations into ethical issues could include the handling of international workers in international firms.
  • Executive Compensation - Although executive compensation is considered a philosophical ethical transgression, it has gotten a lot of attention in recent years. With many governments being forced to provide financial support to numerous organizations, the pay that "higher-ups/ seniors in a company" get, including kickbacks, bonuses, and various other incentives, has sparked heated debate regarding their morality.
  • Responsibilities to Stakeholders - A publicly traded corporation must deliver the maximum revenue on an investor's investment by law. There have been multiple cases where financial records were falsified for a company, and loopholes were discovered, resulting in stakeholders not receiving an appreciable share of their returns.
  • Intellectual Property - Intellectual property such as music, software, and even ideas, has become a hot topic as our society is becoming increasingly internet-oriented, virtual, and digital. There is a requirement for creative people to create breakthrough products and services. The subject of whether or not legal protections for intellectual property are necessary for the invention and spread of new ideas is still debatable.

What Approaches Our Experts Used to Compose Your BSB111 Ethics Case Study?

Our business law and ethics experts ensure that your case studies are curated according to your university guidelines and quality rubrics. Here are some of the common theoretical approaches our business law and ethics experts employ in your case studies.

  • Utilitarianism Theory - Utilitarianism is a moral theory that supports activities that bring pleasure or happiness while deterring those actions that bring harm or misery. A utilitarian ideology focuses on the welfare of a society as a whole while making informed economic, political, or social decisions. This ideology believes that the most ethical choices generate the greatest good for a large number of people. Hence, it is the only moral paradigm that can justify the actions of a military force or wars. Furthermore, since it considers benefits and costs, utilitarianism is the most frequently used approach in business ethics.

According to the utilitarianism theory, there are two sorts of utilitarian ethics in the business field: "rule" utilitarianism and "act" utilitarianism. Rule utilitarianism seeks to benefit numerous people using the most equitable methods. Act utilitarianism encourages people to act in the most ethical manner for the greater good of people.

  • Kantian Ethics - Regarding the business context, Kantianism suggests that organizations (and businessmen) must treat all employees with due respect. For every individual, respectful treatment is usually considered mandatory, regardless of their mission or ambitions. The drive to attain a certain result, such as making profits, cannot prioritize the requirement to treat people fairly and respectfully. Kantianism even emphasizes that the devotion to attain ethically appreciable outcomes cannot justify behaviour that fail to give respect to people. For instance, a Kantian would argue that lying to a customer to persuade them to buy your product is unethical, no matter how beneficial your product would be for the customer.
  • Aristotle's Views - Aristotle concludes in his Nicomachean Ethics that the responsibility of the leader is to create an atmosphere in which all members of an organization can work with their full potential. According to him, a leader's ethical job is to create conditions in which followers can effortlessly attain their full potential and not increase their authority.

Of course, Aristotle had never heard of a huge organization or enterprise. He did, however, address several ethical issues that are immediately relevant to corporate leaders who want to act ethically. Here are some of the ethical concerns mentioned by Aristotle in his Nicomachean Ethics.

- Am I acting in a virtuous manner?

- If I were a member of this organization, how would I want to be treated?

- What kind of social compact would enable all of our members to reach their full potential so that they can individually contribute their best to the greater good?

- To what extent do all employees have a genuine opportunity to develop their skills and potential?

- How much do employees have a say in choices that affect their jobs?

- To what extent do all employees share in the financial gain generated by their efforts and ideas?

Where Can I Find Sample Assignments of BSB111 Ethics Case Studies?

Samples related to the business law assignment help are one of the best ways a student can use to identify the approach that can be adopted effectively to complete their work but don't you think it is sometimes confusing. Every individual has a different policy toward assignment writing, and an individual is expected to explore the additional element that won't occur by reviewing the samples. Some of the searches of the students related to BSBS111 ethics case studies are limited to reviewing the examples, but don't you think an expert guiding you through the assignment is a better deal. Take a look at some sample BSB111 ethics case studies solved by our experts by booking a session with us.

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  • All assignment solutions for business law case study are checked against quality parameters before delivering the same to you.
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