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Brand Awareness Case Study

In the world of management and marketing, brand management and awareness play a key role in sustaining your brand. Brand awareness plays a major role in persuading, informing, and reminding potential and existing customers to make a brand decision (Elliott, 2017). Further, it plays a vital role in shaping dreams and aspirations and helps customers take a conscious product and brand decisions (Reese & Arthur, 2020). In relation to brand awareness, Henry (2015) has associated the illustration of creating a unique and memorable brand to build a brand image. In this way, it shapes the psychology of the etched brand that creates the psyche to take necessary stimuli in times of need.

To a marketing student, a brand awareness case study is a complex task that requires in-depth research and analysis of the market. The marketing student is further required to adopt marketing strategies to form an image, identify your target market, advertise their new brand on things like printed carrier bags and encourage good customer relations management. Online Assignment Expert provides adequate brand awareness campaign case study services for students who feel that this case study requires unreachable amounts of time and research. With our guidance and support, you will be able to write an effective brand awareness case study for accessing the industry-level market-related knowledge. The following article will familiarize you with the types and methodology adopted in the brand awareness case study.

What are the types of Brand Awareness?

Brand awareness refers to the extent to which customers are able to recall or recognize a brand. Clinton (2010) conducted a research report in which he claimed that brand awareness is the primary consideration in evaluating consumer behaviour, advertising management, brand management and strategy development. Further, he elaborated on how the customer's ability to recognize or recall a brand is central to purchasing and decision–making. Elliot (2017) elaborated further on this topic and argued that purchasing could not proceed unless a customer is first aware of a product category and that of a brand category. He also claimed that awareness does not necessarily equate to a customer's ability to recall sufficient distinguishing features for purchasing to proceed. For instance, if a consumer asks her friend to buy her some gum in a "blue pack", the friend would be expected to know which to buy, even though neither friend can recall the precise brand name at the time. Different types of brand awareness have been identified, namely brand recall and brand recognition.

  1. Brand recall: Also known as unaided recall or spontaneous recall, it refers to the ability of the consumers to correctly recall or remember a brand name from memory when prompted by a product category. In based evidential practice, when prompted by a product category, most consumers can only recall a relatively small set of brands, typically around 3-5 brand names. A Cambridge study report revealed that in consumer tests, few consumers can recall more than seven brand names within a given category and for low-interest product categories and that most consumers could only recall one or two brand names. The research report suggested that the number of brands that the consumers could further recall is affected by individual and product factors, including brand loyalty, awareness set size, situational, usage factors and education level.
  2. Brand recognition: Also known as aided recall, Brand recognition refers to the ability of the consumers to correctly differentiate the brand when they come into contact with it (Elliott, 2017). This does not necessarily require that the consumers identify the brand name but is suggestive of which quality or aspect sets the brand apart from the rest. It means that consumers can recognize the brand when presented with it at the point of sale or after viewing its visual packaging. This process is more effective in brand awareness strategies. In contrast to brand recall, where few consumers can spontaneously recall brand names within a given category, brand recognition helps gather a larger number of consumers who can recognize the brand under its characteristic umbrella.

For more information related to brand awareness studies, Online Assignment Expert has several industry-level members willing to guide you through this complex yet interesting subject. You can discuss and clarify any business marketing related query, and they will be fully dedicated to providing any kind of academic support round the clock.

The Types of Brand Awareness

What is the methodology for preparing a brand awareness case study?

Your brand awareness case study requires a university standard methodology. Our experts know various university formats and guidelines for writing case studies. The methodology is critical to writing a good case study; it refers to the search for knowledge and is an art of scientific investigation.

Research comprises definite problems. The research design aesthetically states the procedures of data collection and analysis of information relevant to the problem.

Collection of Data

1) Primary Data: The primary data must be collected from consumers by filling out the questionnaires.

2) Secondary Data: Secondary data can be collected from various books, journals, newspapers, reports of the company and various websites. Secondary data collected through personal interviews and questionnaires are contributive to only a part of the overall consumers on a global scale; therefore, selection should be carefully analyzed in the process of consideration.

Sampling Technique

The sampling technique used in the brand awareness case study is also known as the "convenience sampling technique”. The information obtained through sampling collection measures is considered absolute truths. Thus it is important to note the conditions undertaken in the sampling processes.


There should be certain criteria through the collection of data through which you can analyze your collected data. The criteria must enhance or refute the definition of your brand, the consistency of brand management, measuring its effectiveness, keeping in mind competitor check, and elucidate brand strategy thinking. You can cultivate your brand awareness community for future brand projects from the above discussions.

For students who feel like the methodology mentioned above requires unattainable hours of work, we provide adequate case study help services. You can browse through a thousand case study reports on our website, seek advice from our experts, and get well-researched and uniquely crafted case studies.

How can I access a brand awareness case study sample solution?

Online Assignment Expert provides unlimited and free access to students with thousands of samples or pre-synthesized solutions that can be reviewed to understand the quality of work. Marketing and management students can use samples and gain several benefits under the right guidance. We are aware that samples are required to grasp your trust and attention fully and, thus, do not want to restrict your endless quest for appropriate case studies to fit your academic dreams.

Brand Awareness Case Study

Brand Awareness Case Study Sample

Brand Awareness Case Study Samples

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