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Have you been assigned with Facebook Scandal Case Study? Is your deadline just round the corner? Online Assignment Expert knows it all and will surely help you in the best way with your case study.

Established by Mark Zuckerberg back in 2004, Facebook is a very famous and well-known social media platform known for connecting people together across the world. It has created its own niche in the market and is compared often with big name like that of Google, Apple, and Amazon. Regardless, the rapid growth of Facebook, in 2018, a significant data breach occurred that affected the data of more than 87 million people all over the world. During this crisis, the CEO of Facebook had a really hard time.

To write the best Facebook scandal case study, students are required to conduct in-depth research, which of course is not an easy task for scholars who are still studying. Every student enrolled in a business program has once searched for case study writing help due to intertwining ideas that are difficult to solve. We know completing a case study assignment requires effective analytical and formatting skills, which students generally lack due to the piled-up work. In case you too are int the same boat, you can surely count on Online Assignment Expert, as we have been providing excellent quality assistance when it comes to case studies.

What is Facebook Scandal Case Study?

The Facebook controversy that happened in early 2018 which are known as Facebook- Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal. It was a big scandal in which Cambridge Analytica (a political consulting firm) misused the private information of the million people who were using the Facebook application without their permission. Back in 2014, an app named “thisisyourdigitallife” was fashioned to gather information from Facebook users with their consent for political campaigns. For this scam, the CEO of Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg) apologized to the public and accepted his mistake for not being able to prevent the misuse of Facebook's private data the public.

What is Facebook Scandal Case Study

How did the hackers log into the system?

Business students are taught about various scams that occur in the field of business. Every time student gets to know about any scandal; they become curious to know the answer to how the hackers hacked the system. If you are also a business student and have the same question, then do not worry; our case study experts will help you in providing the answer to your question by providing you with case study writing help.

Facebook demonstrates that hackers did not steal the username and password of any Facebook user; instead, they hack the Facebook account of people by utilizing the concept of access tokens (these are the temporary keys that were generated for one-time login into the system). It has also clarified that if the Facebook account of the person was associated with Instagram and Twitter, then hackers were also able to get access to these applications too.

Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis of Facebook

Inspired by the various threats and controversies, Facebook put constant effort into development and maintained a good position in the market. The following section will explain the components of SWOT analysis:

  • Strength: After Google, Facebook is the second leading social medical platform for promotion or marketing. Facebook contains aggressive strategies that explore the various available opportunities utilizing internal resources. The main strength of Facebook is its potential to invest in marketing development and research. Another superior strength of Face is that it contains billions of users around the world.
  • Weakness: Data privacy and breach is the main point of concern as Facebook is a social platform that is used by billions of people; thus, it is possible to hack the personal information of the user.
  • Opportunities: people can utilize it as an advertising and marketing platform due to its vast opportunity to reach maximum users.
  • Threat: Facebook contains global business functioning beyond states with fluctuating and varying political concepts of privacy and rights. Each state has its own rules and regulation that might grind Facebook into trouble. Also, multiple social networking platforms have been developed and worked similar to Facebook, resulting in significant competition for Facebook.

Why Do Students Choose Online Assignment Expert for Facebook Scandal Case Study?

Writing a case study is not a joy of joys. We have been supporting students round the clock. Our assignment help experts are diligent in helping students write their case studies and understand the related concepts effectively. Here are some reasons why students prefer our case study help over other service providers:

  • 24*7customer care services: You are free to consider our experts at any time of the day. You can contact case study help experts over a phone call or live chat. We are always here to help you overcome all your obstacles. 
  • Qualified experts: Our experts are not only PhD holders but also have high accomplishments and mastered academic writing. They are well-versed in all types of scholarly texts like descriptive, analytical, critical, and persuasive.
  • Access to the library: You will have access to the free library if you are an Online Assignment Expert scholar. You can find millions of assignment samples, examples, and guidebooks linked with your assignments curated by our Ph.D. experts.
  • Reasonable pricing: You can quickly contact Online Assignment Expert as our pricing is entirely student and budget-friendly. Our assignment help prices are affordable and well under a student’s budget.

We ensure that our expert guides you through the current assignment and ensures that you gain much more about the academic writing approach.

What are you waiting for? Fill in the form to avail case study help from academic experts. We will discuss further details with you. So, hurry!

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