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Psychology Research Methods

Are you a student of psychology? Does your professor give you an assignment on apsychology research method? Do you need any help regarding the psychology assignment? If yes, then you are on the right platform.

There are many methods, approaches and estimations that are applied in psychology. Psychologists use various tools and approaches for the research methods. Being a psychology student, you need to make assignments. Many times students do not know how to make assignments. Either they lack resources or time to make the best assignments. If you are one of them, then choose Online Assignment Expert.

They are the bestHPS201 assignment help all over Australia. Every year thousands of students take help from this platform. Because they provide many services regarding the assignment, let's discuss psychology research methods before discussing them.

4 Moajor Areas of Psychology

Types of Psychology Research Methods Covered by our Experts

If you are studying psychology in any Australian university, you need to study these methods briefly

  1. Experimental research method - When anyone thinks about experimental research, the causes and effects of the research come to everyone's mind. In this method, research psychologists can manipulate variables and change other variables. In this method, experiments can be performed in the laboratory. This method also includes the manipulation of variables under a few controlled conditions.

It is one of the most used methods in the field of science. For example, in lab experiments, researchers make control the variables. So as you see, there are a lot of advantages of this method, but some limitations are also there, like Experiments conducted by psychologists in the lab do not always give the real picture. For more depth, get help from experts who know about Psychology Research Methods.

  1. Descriptive method - This method portrays what already live in the group or population. E.g., if there is an opinion poll in which you have to determine which presidential candidate will get maximum votes by the people. 

Then a descriptive method is used. It does not try to acquire the effect of a variable, and it only seeks to trace it. 

  1. Correlational method - It is a type of study that checks the connection between more than one or two variables. These variables are already available in the population. For example, consider a group of males and females who want to buy classical or jazz CDs. 

Then by using this method, you will know the fraction of both genders that would purchase CDs. Here we know the preference of choice according to gender. Sounds confusing? If yes, take HPS201 assignment help from online platforms.

The basic meaning of correlation is association. It tells how two variables can show the relation level with one another. There are many kinds of variable correlation. 

  • Positive correlation: This type of correlation exists when two variables are moved in the same direction. Examples of this are height and weight - In this type of correlation, one variable always influences the other variable.
  • Negative Correlation: In this, if one variable is increased, then the other one decreases. In statistics, a negative correlation is represented by -1.0, while zero designates no correlation and +1.0 indicates the positive correlation. 

A perfect - correlation always shows the converse value of the variables. This type of correlation is also used during the construction of diversified portfolios so that investors can benefit from the price increases when the value of other assets falls. The value of the two variables here can vary widely over time. Want to go deeper? Get help from Psychology Research Methodsexperts.

As we discussed various psychology research methods, let's discuss the effects of time in psychology research.

Effects of Time on Persona Research

Now, we are going to discuss the effects of time on psychology methods:

1. Cross-sectional research

This research happens at a single moment in time. All tests, measures or variables are regulated on one occasion. Cross-sectional research focuses on the gathered data present in current conditions instead of looking at the variable over time.

It is an observational study used to measure the occurrence of health outcomes and describes the population's features. But one thing is to remember in this research is that it does not aim to measure the variables rather try to describe them. It is also unique research because researchers consider many characteristics simultaneously. Want to know more? Get Psychology Research Methods expertsto help. Now we will discuss the advantages and limitations of cross-sectional research.

Advantages of Cross-Sectional Research Method

  • Simple and less expensive - The studies in the cross-sectional research are easy to understand, cheap and quick, and do not need any investigation with the subjects. You can also do it by self-report surveys. 
  • Minimal error - All the variables are analysed at once in this type of research, so data is not collected every time. Sometimes, some mistakes happen as a higher level of control is obtained.
  • Many variations can be researched and compared at a single point in time. These researchers look at many characteristics at a single point in time, like gender, education, ethnicity etc.
  • Data for future research - Here, data can be a starting point for future research. The details from the cross-sectional studies enable researchers to do further data analysis. To get more HPS201 assignment help.

Limitation of the Cross-Sectional Research Method

  • Report bias is expected - This research is based on surveys and questions the researcher asks, which might not give accurate information as there is no other way to check the information.
  • Regarding the timings of the snapshot - It does not provide any knowledge after the report was recorded. It offers a single snapshot of a point in time.

2. Longitudinal research method

This type of study happens over a long period. In this method, all the data is composed before the beginning of the study and then eventually may be gathered through the study. Sometimes some longitudinal studies happen over a very short period, like a few days, years, or even decades. In this, the effects of ageing are also measured.

  • Length of the longitudinal study - The length of the longitudinal study can be in the range of as short as a few weeks. Sometimes it is very long and takes even decades. So there is a no fixed time. But if the participants are continuously observed, there is no need for time.

One of the longest longitudinal studies was the Harvard study of Adult Development. It has been collecting the data of a group of men on physical and mental health. The duration of this study has been over 80 years. To get more, take help from the experts of Psychology Research Methods.

Advantages of the Longitudinal Study

  • Because of this, researchers can follow their subjects in real-time. It means you can better sequence the real events.
  • It also allows repeated observations of the same individual.

There are other advantages also, for that you need help from experts of Psychology Research Methods.

Disadvantages of a Longitudinal Study

  • This type of study is time-consuming and also more expensive than others.
  • Require commitment and effective resources.
  • This type of study observes over a longer period, so any knowledge from the study can take a while.
  • Often, invalid conclusions occur due to the dropout of any participants from the study.

So we discussed many things about the advantages and disadvantages of the Psychology research methods. It would also help if you cared about other things while preparing the assignment on Psychology research methods. 

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FAQ About Psychology Research Methods

Questing for 'Psychology Research Methods' and feverishly haunting for answers? Scroll down!

Some of the commonly used research methods for psychology assignments are the Experimental Method, Cross-Sectional Method, Survey Method, Cast Study Method, and Observational Method.

The difference between qualitative and quantitative research methods is - Quantitative research involves analyzing data using statistical methods and measuring variables objectively with the use of surveys or existing datasets, while qualitative methods involve exploring in-depth, providing interpretations of the meanings with the use of interviews, observations and case studies. This knowledge will empower you to choose the most appropriate method for your research.

You can write an effective research proposal for a psychological research project with the assistance of a professional from an Online Assignment Expert.

Rest assured, you can always request a free revision for your assignment before submitting it. We are here to support you in your academic journey.


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