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Evidence-Based Practise Assessment

Evidence-based practice is a process that combines the best possible research with clinical expertise and patient values. It involves knowledge translation and ensuring that stakeholders like patients, health professionals and nursing carers are aware of health and health-related decision-making.

It is applied by different health practitioners to improve the outcome of the patients' health. That's why the college professor gave students an evidence-based practice assessment assignment. This helps them to learn the practical experiences behind the health practices. Here is the challenge many students face because many do not know how to make proper assignments. Also, some of them do not have time to write and edit lengthy assignments.

If you are one of them, then choose Online Assignment Expert. They have the best SNUG202 assignment expert all over Australia. Also, they provide many other services, which are given below. But before explaining them, let's discuss the importance of evidence-based practices.

Five Following Steps of Evidence Based Practice

Importance of Evidence-Based Practices

Implementing the practical knowledge of clinical practices and new therapies is the best way to decrease functional decline among older people.

It is very necessary for today's day to day clinical practices. The importance of this you can get from that According to an article published in the Journal of the medical library Association, the result of nurses and use of evidence-based practices in Singapore." More than 64% of the nurses expressed a positive attitude towards EBP. Some of the points which highlight the importance of evidence-based practice:

  • Every year many patients in Australia get unnecessary and ineffective harmful treatments. Also, their treatments were not based on evidence-based guidelines.
  • Even after the availability of evidence-based guidelines, the practical implementation is very less among health practices.
  • Applying evidence practice does not just improve the health outcomes and quality of older people, but it also improves productivity and reduces health costs.

For greater understanding, you can take help from SNUG202 assignment experts.They will help you in every possible way to make your assignment. Now let's understand the implemented processes of the evidence-based practices.

Processes of Evidence-Based Practices

These types of practices are very important for improving the outcomes of older people. Five stages can be applied to translate evidence into practice.

1. Intervention

The following ways we can do this stage:

  • Get engaged with all the stakeholders, including staff, patients, family members.
  • Follow all the appropriate policies and guidelines.
  • Implement a Plan-do-study-act cycle from a how-to guide in which interventions are tested in real work settings.

2. Spot the practises that can be improved.

  • Select an area in which you like to work and need improvement - for example, malnutrition, medication errors, etc.
  • Spot all the guidelines of evidence-based practices and try to follow them.
  • With your team, make an intervention and outcomes measures.
  • Collaborate with researchers and experts in the area in which you are working.

3. All barriers and issues

Spot all the barriers to implementing change. This can be anything like practices that are slowing down new clinical interventions. It can be team culture or long processes.

  • Explore people who can implement changes. This can be anyone or anything that encourages or assists in implementing the change.
  • The positive attitude of staff and funding is important in this.
  • Make a plan for sustainability so that change remains or can be maintained.

4. Check what did or did not work.

In this process, we will measure patient outcomes.

  • Measure the translating evidence in your current practice.
  • Layout an assessment to measure outcomes.
  • Improvement, if there is any.

5. Continuing the intervention

Try to adopt the new processes or interventions within the systems

  • Always ensure that new staff services are well trained and if there is a need for training, get them trained.
  • Maintain communication, engagement and partnership with all the stakeholders.

These are some of the implemented steps of evidence-based practices. These all steps help in understanding the Evidence-Based Practice assessmentNow let's discuss some of the tools used in EBP assessment.

Tools Used in Evidence-Based Assessment

Some assessment tools were developed to assess Evidence-based practice competence. These tools mostly focused on graduates as well as undergraduate students. The majority of them are self-reports. The name of these assessment tools are

1. Fresno

Fresno assessment tool measures the skills and knowledge of medical professionals. It consists of two clinical scenarios: All the participants must complete the four key steps of EMP processes.

  • Make your clinical questions
  • Gather all the evidence 
  • Analyse the evidence
  • At last, make your clinical decisions

This tool showed us good inter-rater reliability because it needs expert knowledge to assess open-ended answers. It is the only standardised measure of EMP competence. Although this tool analyses complex EMP competence still, it is limited in its applications, like it is developed only for medicines. Hence it cannot be used in other clinical professionals like nursing etc.

Sounds confusing? Yes, we know because it is a complex assignment, and to understand it better, you may need assignment helpThey can help you in understanding the subject broadly.

2. Berlin Assessment Tool:

In evidence-based practice assessmentwe also used this tool. It is also used to assess the skills and knowledge of health professionals. It consists of 15 questions focusing on analysing the participants' epidemiological skills and knowledge.

Although this tool is used to assess the EMP competence, it only analyses the one component of EMP, which is "performance". It contains no assessment for the other three components: knowledge, competence, and action. Also, like Fresno, this tool is used in medicine, but other professionals like nursing cannot use it.

After discussing tools, let's discuss why you need nursing assignment help to complete the assignment work.

Why do you need nursing assignment help?

You already know the difficulty of evidence-based practice assessmentfrom the above explanationIt is not just difficult. There are other reasons why you need help from SNUG202 assignment experts. Students often do not have time to prepare the assignment because it is too lengthy, and they feel a burden due to this issue. Also, many times, they do not want to make assignments.

If you have any above reasons, you probably need external help from an Online Assignment Expert. They have vast experience in making such assignments. They have already helped thousands of students.

So, what are you waiting for? Contact us and get complete advantage of offers live along with academic assistance!

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