This report will include the recruitment process business flow diagram. Every step will be clearly indicated in the diagram. It will also include the steps along with the description part. I will also include the suggested areas for improvement in the process.
Detailed business process flow diagram for Hays Recruitment Firm..
Explanation of the business process flow diagram for Hays Recruitment Firm..
Suggestions for Improvement.
This report will include the business process flow diagram for the Hays recruitment firm that is based out of Australia. In this report we will include every step that is involved in the recruitment process. Also we will discuss on the improvement of the recruitment process and will also suggest three ways to get the process improved.
There are many ways to know the performance of the recruitment process. These are:
The process flow diagram shows the steps that contain a typical recruitment process: In general, there are many steps, from achieving a job offer to ending a job offer.
The steps highlighted in green are the steps that contain the interaction with potential job seekers. Steps where candidates may get negative feedback about the company. The problems involved in these steps are:
ERP systems can reduce these potential problems by clearly defining processes as well as incorporating them into the system. Thus, at any point in time, manual intervention to the process is reduced or eliminated. Therefore, candidates always feel what the system is. The interviewer also asks questions according to a predefined process, so there is little chance of asking irrelevant questions.
Because everything is retrieved by the system, the candidate gets the same as the one defined in the system [2].
Three ways to improve the recruitment process are:
In conclusion, we have created the business process diagram for the recruitment firm and also suggested the improvement areas for the firm.
[1] M. Kessler et al., "A hybrid approach to managing job offers and candidates", Inf. Process. Manage, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 1124-1135, 2012.
[2] M. Mochol, H. Wache and L. Nixon, "Improving the Accuracy of Job Search with Semantic Techniques" in Business Information Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 301-313, 2007.
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