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Changing Organizational Culture: Cultural Change Work in Progress

British Airways Case Overview

I would like to bring your attention to the British Airways (BA) staff at London's Heathrow airport who held a strike. This situation is grave and the last time held by the British Airways (BA) by the cabin crew staff was in the year 1997. There was huge chaos across British Airways (BA) was 24 hours strike staff went to work but the effect was up to the whole weekend. The British Airways (BA) staff was protesting because of the introduction of electronic clocking which has created anxiousness and outrage among staff regarding records when the worker has started his work and when the work is finished created issues on work-life balance. The staff has not been advised and consider this as manipulation of records of working patterns for the workers and the shift hours. A change plan helps in developing organizational culture and strategic vision (Lennard, 2018). Similarly, a change plan has been discussed in this assessment with the help of credible sources.

Assessing the Problem

The commanding approach by the British always did not give employees time and addressing the quick decision by management without proper communication. It is the authoritative operation of a company in its style of decision making (Quirke, 2015). A step by step model will increase employee cohesiveness and reduce the rise of absenteeism is a sure sign of stress in an organization (Tang, 2019). British Airways (BA) which is transforming to improve the efficient use of the staff and the resources should focus on building a vision and incorporating changes. Examining opportunities through airways profitability and ground staff automation on the increasing manual system should be incubated through communicating and delivering organization vision.

 The transition in employees can be developed by creating short term wins that will boost employee confidence (Rajan, 2017). Kaizen model on quality improvement principles and individual improvement will help in creating structural strength (Alvesson, 2015). The British Airways (BA) denied the fact that the system would change the hours of working of the staff and the same was not accepted by the workers i.e. the new swipe card system has been introduced. As the OD Practitioner, I will recommend implementing the changes and development in the system as with been discussed the same with 20000 other British Airways (BA) workers uses the system of a swipe card and after the months of the discussion it has been revealed that The quarterly loss of pound 60 million will occur. The miscalculation was related to the redundancy program that was conducted, there was fear in the staff due to lack of consultation with them, they had been provided at the poor rates of pay and there has been dissatisfaction with the management. Developing a corporate culture and developing pay structure should be primary goals of the management. The change management plant will help in assessing concerns and obtaining so that management should take the implementation consent of all the staff cabin crew workers who are working for British Airways (BA) for introducing the new system. The urgency in need of change in the new system which the company is introducing so it should take the consent of all the workers who are working to ensure a smooth transition.

Development of Change Plan

Change management plans are tools to ensure early adoption by individuals in an organization (Schein, 2015). The implementation plan will be going as first when the company introduces this swipe card system. Communication should follow bottom-up communication strategy to develop change management plan communication to over employee tangibility to the development then it should first be informed every person whether he is an employee of the company or cabin crew staff workforce to give their opinion in regards of the same as a step for all employees including cabin crew staff workforce have agreed for the same then it should implement it by following steps as follows-

Step1- For the same purpose, project managers will oversee all the functions and provides the roles and responsibilities to persons that what is to be done by task allocation

Step2- Designing team management, all requirements will be assessed through electronic data interface and ERP software. On analyzing requirements the company should procure the material from the vendor. It will design the same according to the company's requirements. It will develop the new swipe card system for the company

  • Step3- Testing the system - the development of the system, it should take the test of the system on shift hours to know about certainty on checking system as a workplace practice. The technology used for electronic monitoring and password protection of data will ensure the safety and privacy of employee details. 
  • Step 4- After testing the implementation of the same will happen in the airport facility
  • The training is given to the employees so that the system will function without any problem and along with accuracy and their adaptability is suited to employee work (Flory, 2019).
  • Step 5- The final stage is assessing and monitoring change through system surveillance and implementing change management. Using Kotter's change management theory increasing urgency and signing organizational goals for digital interface with a single touch system for work attendance and monitoring time. Communication with unions and presenting the alternatives with efficiency in cost. Market operations will successfully implement the change plan and focus on short term goals (Burke, 2017).

In this way, the implementation plan will have proceeded for the new swipe card system and it is only made after all the employees have given their consent for the same, if anyone has rejected the system plan then it should be implemented. Hence through the above procedure, the implementation plan as a change model assesses as strong anchor support as recognizing coalition (Marchington, 2015).

Time Chart

The time chart will be as follows















Project management


Requirements gathering










Training of staff


Change management


Recommendation on British Airways Case Study

  • British Airways should use a consultative approach towards strike members and negotiate through change policy and develop a system for feedback and assessment to prevent employee strikes.
  • The eight-step model will develop transparency using intranet communication system redrafting and relaxation of autonomy through employee wage and pay system restructuring and building positive organizational culture. Using a change management system and communication by building a transparent communication system will attract positive results for the organization (Dwyer, 2016).

Reference for British Airways Case Study

Alvesson, M., Sveningsson, S. · (2015). Changing Organizational Culture: Cultural Change Work in Progress. Taylor & Francis

Burke, W.W. (2017). Organization change- Theory and practice. Sage publications

Doi: 10.1016/j.hrmr.2015.01.007

Dwyer, R. J., & Azevedo, A. (2016). Preparing leaders for the multi-generational workforce. Journal of Enterprising Communities, 10 (3), 281 – 305. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEC-08-2013-0025

Flory, O., Luckman, J. (2019). Transforming Leader Paradigms Evolve from Blanket solutions to problem-solving for Complexity. Taylor & Francis

Lennard, D. (2018). Strategic Communication at Work: The Impact Paradigm: London, UK.

Marchington, M. (2015) ‘Human resource management (HRM): Too busy looking up to see where it is going long term? Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), pp. 176–187.

Quirke, B. (2017). Making the Connections: Using Internal Communication to Turn Strategy into Action. Routledge.

Rajan, R., & Gansan, R. (2017.) A critical analysis of John P Kotter’s change management framework. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management,7(7), 181. DOI: 10.5958/2249-7307.2017.00106.2

Schein, H.E. Schein, A.P. (2018).Humble leadership: The power of relationships, openness, and trust. Berrett Koehler Publishers

Tang, N.K., 2019. Leadership and change management. Springer publication

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