The sharing of thoughts, information, and interacting effectively with other persons is called interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication has different skills and means of sharing information. These skills have equal importance in every discipline or field of work. The purpose of this essay is to elaborate on the benefits of communicating with listening, questioning, and feedback on interpersonal skills. These skills of communication are also referred to as a social intellect (Okoro, Washington & Thomas, 2017). These interpersonal abilities played an essential part in assembling connections with people whether they are familiar to us or not. Moreover, these skills provide an opportunity to stand out unique from the most vital aspects that triumph in each filed specifically in the nursing department. The significance of interpersonal communication skills of listening, feedback, and questioning in the nursing sector is being discussed in this essay (Vertino, 2014).
Studies have shown that the combination of the above-mentioned skills can make a person standout unique and shine among others with minimum efforts. The ability of communication and the tone used by the nurses is the key to build trust among patients. The communication is between nurses and patients along with the family members are elicited by these practices. Poor communication may be directly linked to unmanageable medical errors, an increase in nurses’ turnover proportions, and low self-esteem (Riley, 2015).
The vital component of active communication is listening to the second person's thoughts clearly and understands the clear message conveying by the person to avoid miscommunication. This skill is necessarily important for a person working in the field of nursing or a nurse by profession. Listening is not only important for verbal communication but the message conveyed by signs also requires listening attention (Arnold & Boggs, 2019). The listening skill also provides the opportunity of development or growth to an employee in terms of better performance and dedication level towards the services.
The information or messages a receiver returns which permit the speaker to know how effectively the message is conveyed by the reaction fall under giving feedback. The receiver is sometimes also supposed to react on an unintentional message in a sophisticated manner to neglect the situation of miscommunication. Types of feedback can be given in both oral statements and by changing gestures or facial expressions. For example, a verbal statement can be “please pardon, I don’t understand”. The feedbacks are of four types, formal, informal, formative, and summative. Feedbacks are essential for comparison with colleagues. This also helps the staff in improving their performance and developing in their respective fields. Besides, for better performance and communication development with patients, negative feedback should be avoided as it can affect the dedication and services. Criticism can be the most harmful form of feedback and to have healthy communication and growth in the field (Meng et al., 2015).
Questioning acts as a bridge between two people i.e. the speaker and the listener. Communication can be failed without questioning because it improves the quality of the information received. This is a vital skill of interpersonal communication as it develops a direct link between the speaker and the listener and engages both people in strong communication. Questioning has many advantages, control over the conversation. This skill also promotes the interest of the speaker and the audience in practice (Duprez, Vandecasteele, Verhaeghe, Beeckman, & Van Hecke, 2017). This is often used as –verification that if a speaker has complete knowledge about the topic he is delivering. On the other hand, it can also be used by the speaker itself to check whether the audience is engaged with him in the conversation or not.
In the nursing profession, the role of the job is to look after persons who are sick. The nurses become the voice of vulnerable patients. Due to continuous exposure to different ill human beings, nurses must be perfectly mounted to apply efficient interpersonal communication skills, and parallel to this, for supporting our spiritual, sensitive, and psychological development. According to nursing experts, to serve more clients with fewer assets, operative and effective relational communications will turn into the new standard (Sigalit, Sivia & Michal, 2017).
For building trust among nursing staff and patient, listening skill is very advantageous. The patients often feel conscious or hesitant during the treatment procedure and thus nurses are liable to understand their feelings and the message they want to convey. Therefore nursing field shows the crucial importance of listening skills. Moreover, this skill also helps the nursing staff to deal with the patient’s family to keep them calm during major operations (Haley et al., 2017). Nursing staff needs to keep a regular focus on their patients. Listening to patients carefully and actively allows a nurse to keep systematic records of different patients to give them treatment accordingly or to report seniors in required situations. The nurses sometimes have to deal with mental patients as well as some arrogant ones. Hence to deal with such types of consequences, active listening proved to be an effective practice because the profession itself demands patience and kind nature (Drahošová & Jarošová, 2016).
To deliver quality care to the patients, the nursing staff requires a constant report of their services to know what and when should be changed in personnel. To improve conversation, feedback enables the sender to normalize, adjust, or reprise the information (Bowen-Brady, Haag-Heitman, Hunt, & Oot-Hayes, 2019). Taking feedback positively and understand the problem helps complete the crucial responsibility of the nursing profession.
Talking about the nursing field, questioning is useful in enhancing the knowledge of topics related to health care services (Maheshwari & Gill, 2015). The nursing workforce is encouraged for questioning during their training programs to avoid future ignorance. While giving services to patients, this practice helps the nurses to provide the appropriate treatment. Intelligent questioning became an effective practice to promote a surrounding that nurtures affinity, teamwork, and trust.
Thus it can be said that interpersonal communication becomes more effective and efficient with listening, questioning, and feedback skills. The study showed the benefits of these skills and their uses. In conclusion, effective interpersonal communication skills are essential to deal with everyday challenges, whether in professional or personal contexts. These skills also help in reducing stress, promoting wellness, and improving overall eminence of life. Nurses are liable to communicate between doctors, patients, and families ensuring the accuracy of the information. Thus clear communication is vital for both written and verbal contexts.
Arnold, E. C., & Boggs, K. U. (2019). Interpersonal Relationships E-Book: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses. Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences. Location: Edinburgh
Bowen-Brady, H., Haag-Heitman, B., Hunt, V., & Oot-Hayes, M. (2019). Asking for Feedback: Clinical Nurses’ Perceptions of a Peer Review Program in a Community Hospital. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 49(1), 35-41.
Drahošová, L., & Jarošová, D. (2016). Concept caring in nursing. Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 7(2), 453-460.
Duprez, V., Vandecasteele, T., Verhaeghe, S., Beeckman, D., & Van Hecke, A. (2017). The effectiveness of interventions to enhance self?management support competencies in the nursing profession: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(8), 1807-1824.
Haley, B., Heo, S., Wright, P., Barone, C., Rettiganti, M. R., & Anders, M. (2017). Relationships among active listening, self-awareness, empathy, and patient-centered care in associate and baccalaureate degree nursing students. NursingPlus Open, 3, 11-16.
Maheshwari, S. K., & Gill, K. K. (2015). Correlation of assertive behavior with communication satisfaction among nurses. Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 14, 68-74.
Meng, L., Liu, Y., Liu, H., Hu, Y., Yang, J., & Liu, J. (2015). Relationships among structural empowerment, psychological empowerment, intent to stay and burnout in nursing field in mainland C hina—based on a cross?sectional questionnaire research. International journal of nursing practice, 21(3), 303-312.
Riley, J. B. (2015). Communication in nursing. Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences. Location: Edinburgh.
Sigalit, W., Sivia, B., & Michal, I. (2017). Factors associated with nursing students' resilience: Communication skills course, use of social media, and satisfaction with clinical placement. Journal of Professional Nursing, 33(2), 153-161.
Vertino, K. A. (2014). Effective interpersonal communication: A practical guide to improve your life. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 19(3), 1-6.
Okoro, E., Washington, M. C., & Thomas, O. (2017). The impact of interpersonal communication skills on organizational effectiveness and social self-efficacy: A synthesis. International Journal of Language and Linguistics, 4(3), 28-32.
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