The study conducted by Dawson and Sutherland-Smith (2018) is placed on the concept of contract cheating, which has been defined as a mechanized property of a third-party customized university academic exercises with the purpose of delivering and submitting the same on own name. The study is purposed at identifying the tracks of third-party content by thorough examination from the experienced markers. It takes into account a few experienced markers as an authority to detect the contract cheated assignments out of the provided mix of contract cheating assignments and authentic assignments.
The in-depth analysis and assessment of the same resulted in the identification of contract assignments by 62% and 96% to the other authentic assignments where each was provided with 20 units of assignment.
According to Kowalewski and Halasz (2019), effective and structured presentation style accounts as a major factor for the delivery of effective, structure, and meaning to the study professionally. The presentation style is inclusive of the body language, structure of the study, and its meaningfulness.
As observed in the article provided by Dawson and Sutherland-Smith (2018), a robust and powerful style of presentation has been used. This article depicts potency in the overall structure, body, content, and format of the research in an optimal descriptive manner. However, there has been identified as a negligible negative of the presentation style used like too much of theory in methodology section without presentation of charts and tables which could make it more understandable for the reader.
According to Kumar (2019), the utilization of robust sampling design and technique in research has a great significance to its applicability tothe general population. Hence, a sound and healthy sample size and grouping must be considered for the overall compatibility of the research.
In the article by Dawson and Sutherland-Smith (2018), the sample size and grouping includes only 20 respondents out of which 3 in total were taken from the contract cheating websites. The study does not take into account a large sample for generalization of the research, and hence lack the level of the practical applicability of the research on a general and large lump of public or population.
In addition to this, the study falls short of providing the type of sampling technique used viz. random, stratified, etc. which is an important factor for the analysis of accuracy and approachability of the research outcomes and reduces the selection bias (Kim and Wang 2018).
Dawson, P. and Sutherland-Smith, W. 2018. Can markers detect contract cheating? Results from a pilot study. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(2), pp.286-293.
Kim, J. K., and Wang, Z. 2018. Sampling techniques for big data analysis. International Statistical Review, 87(51).
Kowalewski, S., and Halasz, M. E. 2019. Why are written communication skills important for business students? Archives of Business Research, 7(2), pp. 95-102.
Kumar, R. 2019. Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners. Sage Publications Limited.
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