Human Resource program increases employee satisfaction and motivation. These programs are designed to maximize productivity and optimize emcee effectiveness of human resource development. It includes formal development programs and internal training as well as mentoring experienced employees and coaching by managers (Fenwick 2008). This essay highlights Why is it important that all employees are considered when organizations plan human resource development. What risks do employers take if they don’t follow this approach?
The workforce undertaking to full time, skilled occupation is relatively likely for the training program. In an organization, it is observed casual workers have a lack of career development activity. Increasing employability through upskilling and training is fundamental for the aging workforce and technological change in the organization. Workers currently face barriers to access to training. Human Resource Development is a major part of skill development and employee knowledge to equip self. The financial cost of training and opportunity cost of the time taken to reduce upskilling and retraining for employers during his course of working hours. Older workers face barriers face issues related to commitment and adaptability of course programs (Productivity Commission 2017). This is echoed by the employer's belief that an older employee is not a good investment. Older workers require a long time and multiple instruction methods. It is observed that older workers training shorter and lower quality in comparison to younger employees. Employers can utilize age diversity through personal knowledge and learning process. The human capital theory highlights the employer's perspective on training that weights training investment outweighs the return from the activity. This theory indicates an employer training program centered on selected employees.
Major training programs are unstructured, which may link with the future of job effectiveness and changing work capabilities requirements. The key barriers identified as formal training are the upfront cost and planning training module for the employees. The ethical conduct dismayed by the company shows poor working conditions for labor. Poorly skilled workers face a high risk of unemployment and development in comparison to high skilled workers. The functional job structure outweighed by the skills tends to restive jobs for the low trained worker. A high involvement work practice shows established work practice bassoon employee development and workplace commitment. Age stereotypes influence employment related decision, performance assessment, and promotions. the experience workforce development will create work experience for the associated organization and team cohesiveness (Tamm, 2018). Employer supported training based on the job training, workshop for all workers will support ancillary activities to improve the current knowledge domain. The development of formal and informal training can meet business targets, cultural understanding. Effective organization and inclusiveness will address employee reliability and attitude. The failure to incorporate learning and development is based on organization strategy as individuals development versus business cost. Training and development of the workforce will promote the self-direction of co-workers and are linked to conducive learning. The socio-environmental factor has made training intermediate for enterprise and corporate management arrangements.
The current paradigm shows more employer-supported training programs are credited to the public domain this shows the sector's effectiveness in health and education (Wotschack 2019). The organization needs to develop a training program in their structure for quality and flexibility for their workforce. The current market scenario will see demand for cognitive skills and re-skilling based on knowledge-intensive skills and developing job requirements. The program developed based on age-related and training participation creates a gap in employers and movement towards younger workers. The theory based on return on investment shows less probability and proportional earning as training benefits to older age groups (Beck 2014). Casual employee training deficit in the organization shows employer training skill limited between permanent employees, casual employees, and contractors with major training provided to permanent staff. Casual employees are engaged as a large part of the workforce in organizations yet are not provided training due to costs associated with the company. The shift in workforce and major business driving sources are considered a valued skilled set by employers. The organization not following this approach will not be able to mold long term vision. Government measure subsidies alone can’t transform employer initiatives, a change in organizational culture and design is important for considering all employees. The importance of human resource development is on short term training, collective arrangement by the employer as the development of knowledge and skills (Mohr 2015).
Employer training programs will provide professional reorientation for employees, mid-career stagnation can be addressed through training programs to restructure organizations for higher occupation positions (NCVER 2016). Personal characteristics such as highly skilled workers, employment relationships create subconscious bias with others in unlikeliness to receive training. Collective training will improve their skill by evaluating employers based on existing weaknesses. The learning and training program can be used for extended work lives by guiding experienced professionals.
Stakeholders should develop initiatives for organization employees business long term sustainability and ethical practice for employee common good. Employee skip development and the rise of the gig economy shows the communization of labor. Increased digitalization, change in business strategies require structure change for permanent and casual workers both. Workplace learning shapes the social learning process for employee productivity and motivation. This will create stable work composition and formalized HR practice for inclusiveness for plausible suggestions.
Employers must develop human resource initiatives in particular of skills and experience to increase work satisfaction. Support and working and employee relation are important. The organization will have to develop a work environment through ongoing training and development strategies. The risk employer face on developing training and development program is on the employee morale will face a negative and downward spiral in employee performance. The employee has the right to training as per employability norms. Task based approach differentiates the labor market and wages based on routines tasks as inefficiency (Holland 2006). The Australian human resource commission has upholder rights of trading for older workers. As per the theoretical aspect employer should commit to the development of training at the workplace. The rise of globalization has impacted labor with profound commodification and a hybrid form of permanency the labor market dualism reduces cognitive abilities. The segmentation of jobs due to training and development is grouped between primary and secondary attributes due to imbalance (Beck 2014). Untrained and dissatisfied employees tend to fail in adapting to minimum standards. The change in the labor market and job facility development rotating and non-shifting to online training programs will be loss-making in dynamic scenarios (NCVER 2016).
Employee unskilled and lack of development initiatives will hold a negative culture and will impact worker retention at the workplace. The direct impact of this will be on staff management and career progression with non-development for market adaptiveness. Lack of training will cultivate poor employee development and has a threat to employee confidence and organization facilitating development. Employee productivity shows human resource programs are important for all. Workplace learning for jobs across positions will boost employee productivity and motivation. This will create stable work composition and formalized HR practice for inclusiveness for plausible suggestions.
Creating an ongoing development program will reduce poor employability as an HR strategy for employee retention. The adaptability of workforce training based on human capital theory differentiates on employee training and skill development provided.
Beck, V, 2014, Employers’ views of learning and training for an aging workforce, Management Learning, Vol 45, no. 2, pp 200-215.
Fenwick, T, 2008, Workplace learning: Emerging trends and new perspectives. New Directions for adult and continuing education, vol 2 no. 19, pp. 17–26.
Holland, P. J., and De Cieri, H. L. 2006, Contemporary issues in human resource development: An Australian perspective, (First ed.) Pearson Australia Group, Australia, NSW
NCVER, 2016, Workplace training: employer and employee perspectives, viewed on September 24th, 2020, <>
Mohr, S. Troltsch, K., and Gerhards, C, 2015. Job tasks and the participation of low-skilled employees in employer-provided continuing training in Germany, vol 12, no. 5, pp 45-57,
Productivity Commission, 2017, Upskilling and retraining, Commonwealth of Australia
Tamm, M, 2018, Training and changes in job Tasks. Economics of Education Review, vol. 77, no. 6, pp137-147
Wotschack, P, 2019. When Do Companies Train Low?Skilled Workers? The Role of Institutional arrangements at the company and sectoral level, vol 4, no, 2, pp 123-130, DOI:
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