In this report, an analysis on a randomised subset data set of the fuel consumption is done. The variables included here are mpg (Miles per US gallon), wt (weight (1000 lbs)), and am (Transmission (automatic or manual)). The variable mpg in the subset is a quantitative variable and is continuous in nature. The variable wt is also a quantitative variable and continuous in nature. The variable am is a quantitative variable and is nominal in nature.
The following table displays the sample mean and sample standard deviation along with the 5-number summary of the variable mpg:
mpg |
Mean |
20.36667 |
Standard Error |
1.118839 |
Median |
19.45 |
1st Quartile |
15.2 |
2nd Quartile |
23.2 |
Minimum |
10.4 |
Maximum |
33.9 |
Table 1: Summary Statistics
The figure above shows the boxplot for the variable mpg. The distribution is negatively skewed as most data fall towards the bottom half of the box. The variable mpg does not have any outliers. Median is the best measure of central tendency for describing the centre of this distribution. This is because median is unaffected by the presence of outliers whereas mean would increase or decrease depending on the outliers.
The figure above shows that the mpg varies according to the transmission of the motor cars. Automatic cars cover more miles in a gallon (US) than the manual cars.
The variables mpg and wt are negatively correlated as shown by the scatter plot above in Figure 4. In other words, as the weight of the car increases, the miles per gallon reduces. The downward slope confirms this correlation. However, there exist some outliers as depicted by the three points far from the cluster.
The variable mpg showed the miles per US gallon. It was evident from the above findings that a motor car’s mpg differs with its transmission, i.e. whether the motor car is automatic or manual. It was found that automatic cars have a higher mpg as compared to the manual cars. It was also found that the weight of the motor car is negatively correlated to the miles it covers in a gallon (US). Thus we can conclude that as the weight of a car increases, the miles covered by it in a gallon (US) reduces.
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