Table of Contents
Executive Summary.
Defining and framing the issue.
Addressing the issues.
The entire report discusses about the organizational structure and performance of the Hashtings Engineering – Hi-Tech Industry. The report starts with an introduction part where the business issue is introduced to the CEO and its implications are thoroughly discussed. The useful theories and management functions are elaborated for identifying the issue. It is followed by the main body where the issue is defined and framed so that it can be related to the current management practices of the company. In the next section, the issue is properly addressed for highlighting the changes in the existing practices. The last part of the main body is the conclusions where the main purpose of doing this report is evaluated and recommendations are provided for taking preventive measures to resolve the issue and take proper actions in the future.
The management needs to focus on the approaches of its automation and also focuses on its framework to nullify the effect of the change. The business requires rapid transformation to manufacture its orders for serving the telecommunication organizations to effectively carry out their businesses. The telecommunication engineering firm needs to automate a lot of their processes to enable faster production and ensure that they are able to make on time deliveries. The report addresses various business entities that may be essential for the growth of the firm along with new progress towards technological implementations. Business automation is the main concept that can be applied for the particular firm to enable efficient manufacturing and profitable business.
Often there are issues of low productivity in the telecommunications sector. A variety of issues exist within the telecommunication profitability. The more number of platforms more will be the trouble of keeping human intervention that takes up the other quality time of employees. Massive amount of data needs to be handled by the employees and therefore they need to make use of various platforms (Tismotech, 2020). Thus the process of automation could help in making more profits. Therefore the organizations are not able to make their employees invest their time more productive work rather than only management. This is a kind of substantial loss for the company.
Often high overland expenses matter a lot for the company. The overhead expenses are very high as compared to other costs as because this includes the expenses behind maintaining the security of the data, costs or the hardware and software, managing salary of the employees etc. This is also a headache or the firms as because they need to automate their production unit for the purpose of enabling high configured expenses along with traditional engineering framework. The reduction of hardware size can provide a solution for the clients as well as for the employee convenience (Marr, 2020). The features of network accuracy and security are also a big headache for the manufacturers. The process of data handling shall be enabled along with digital software along on one single platform over that proceeds over the entire company’s database. The company shall also look to reinforce their staffs in a digitally advanced manner. For optimization of the process and manufacturing techniques the company shall look to train their employees with latest skills and working efficiency. Automation also leads to manual errors in system management work such as rekeying data, updating heavy data fields and understanding the information by undergoing massive knowledge base. Hence these activities need to be adjusted along with new automation methods.
RPA with built in cognitive capability such as AI or machine learning, helps in the process of managing the manufacturing activities of the system. This would also provide better accuracy and also make the customers or clients a lot more satisfied regarding the services. The industry needs to issue a regular automated invoice for the clients and also track the orders with the help of unique machine provided ID. This would enable easy sorting of the transactions and orders. Manual sales processing shall be enabled for the purpose of sorting out issues that are not completed due to technical errors (Information Age, 2020). For this they also need to have a proper framework of client service over the phone. These innovations may be added within the framework of the company. The organization also needs to implement the new technology for the behavior of the network hackers. A proper security shall be implemented by the server heads who has been engaged in the transfer of the data. Off boarding and on boarding of the customers were can also be managed with the help of proper RPA automation. Bots shall make it possible for the organization to easily add and leave the name of clients who all make orders to them. Further it also saves time for the RPA. Efficient response to the queries of the partners shall also be entertained by the following. Transforming the data of the clients to the safe servers in the form of cloud storages shall also be beneficial for the company (, 2020). This would ensure auto retrieval of the data whenever required. Apart from that expense control measures can also be implemented in the form of new bots that control the rate of flow of materials and resources within the manufacturing units. Machines have been automated with software that would ensure perfect design and functioning of the parts or equipments. Telecom services are also hampered due to the presence of unwanted traffic jams in the network. Automated first call services shall be ensured for the clients to resolve the issues as quickly as possible. Debt collection can also be automated by the company with the help of the automated software that issues reminders for weekly, monthly and long-term clients (Pettinger, 2020). Payment of the staffs shall be cleared with the help of automated NEFT transactions with the help of efficient bank partners. Thus it would be grateful for the employees and also provide job-satisfaction for receiving timely payments. Even the scalability factors and efficiency of the machines shall also be ensured regularly with the help of automatic bots that verify the status of the hardware and machines. Automatic reminders need to be provided by the machines when service is needed urgently. Any type of mistakes, errors or faults in these server houses shall be automatically referred by the AI bots. Other than that the firm also needs train their employees with the special sessions beyond working hours to increase their skills and proficiency. This would save the cost of hiring new employees and would also increase the level of efficiency for the company operations.
Various automation processes and designs have been suggested in this write-up that could be beneficial for the company. The person such as the organizational leaders and managers need to adopt the new strategies of innovation to completely automate their traditional framework along with proper training of the staff members. The main motive of the company is to save significant revenue in the field of telecommunication equipment manufacturing and client servicing. The company is also actively trying to make their office processes fully automated so that the employees can acquire the training to adopt the services. Apart from that the services required for the betterment of the network coverage has to be resolved as quickly as possible. This would prove the service efficiency for the company (, 2016). Often the organization faces several problems in assorting out the orders and complains for the clients due to lots of data handling. This makes automation extremely important and vital for this particular company. Thus I can be said that innovation and automation is necessary for the rapid transformation of the company towards technological progress and utility in terms of business revenue.
The following organization needs to be engaged in the terms of automation and rapid optimization of its processes along with mild application of advanced communication methods within the organization. The process of manufacturing shall be driven with the help of proper innovation that is available from the company database so that the cost efficiency is maintained along with customer satisfaction (, 2020). This makes the whole process more innovative and less time consuming. Apart from that they shall also collaborate with small firms and engineering units that are in the same field. This would help them to cover their manufacturing time during high orders. (2020). RPA in Telecom | Customer Onboarding, Network Management, Billing.. Auro. Retrieved 27 October 2020, from (2020). Automation in telecom. Retrieved 27 October 2020, from (2016). Retrieved 27 October 2020, from
Information Age. (2020). Key Technology Developments in Telecoms. Information Age. Retrieved 27 October 2020, from
Marr, B. (2020). The 7 Biggest Technology Trends That Will Transform Telecoms In 2020. Forbes. Retrieved 27 October 2020, from
Pettinger, T. (2020). Automation - benefits and costs - Economics Help. Economics Help. Retrieved 27 October 2020, from
Tismotech. (2020). Process Control and Automation – Tismo – The Design & Engineering Firm. Retrieved 27 October 2020, from
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