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Information Technology for Business



It Impact on Business.

Cloud Computing..

Automation of Business Process.

Working Remotely.

Mobile Technology.

Proctecting Information..

Providing Customer Satisfaction..

Management of Resources.

Open Source Software.



Introduction to The Basics of Speech Communication

Information technology playing a vital role now a days in the business sector. They not only helping in spreading the business but also doing a great work for time management. When we say information technology the first question came in our mind is,

What is information technology?

Information technology (IT) is that branch of technology in which we use computers for storing, retrieving, transmit data or any digital information or also we exchange the data with help of computer networking. Now a days, information technology playing a main role in business not even in business as but also in educational sector.

IT Impact on Business

The rise of information technology has paved the way for various information. Businesses are increasing rapidly day by day with help of digitization of information. Information technology is playing vital role in increasing business. Information technology has drastically changed the lives of people. Scopes and data analysing strategies are providing by information technology. If you want you data analysis accurate and then you have to utilizing information technology and through that you can optimize profits.

Information Technology put some major impact on many aspects of business. Let’s see some of them.

Cloud Computing

 Cloud computing is the data storage and accessing of data on the internet. Cloud computing is popular among businesses now a days. It is very useful for storing data. It provide efficiency in businesses.

Cloud computing provide time and management for business. It also used information technology for the efficiency and also in providing agility in business.

Mostly businesses are getting benefits through the cloud computing that’s why the business are shifted to it. It has been predicted that more than $1 trillion will be impacted in IT spending by the transition of businesses to cloud computing by 2020.

Automation of Business Process

Automation is increasing over the years. Workflow is also increasing through the automation process. It improves efficiency and increases workflow considerably.

Information technology helping businesses for developing automated process. Automation saves the time and also reduce the cost of the operation because time and cost are the two main resources for any business. The time which is saved by this can be used to focus on other task, thus it helps in spreading business to the next level.

There are lots of process on which a business work like billing process, collecting data of customers, tracking their orders, and others can be automated easily. There are various software in the market which can be used for this purpose and also we have choice in this if one is not working properly we can go for other also.

Working Remotely

Accessing your company network remotely that ability is only given after the implementation of information technology. It results that if the employee is not present at their work place even after that the employee is able to get the work done. Because of this we get numerous benefits easily. Therefore, it gained massive popularity in the world. In fact, according to a U.S. federal government resource, more than 45% of employee are able to work remotely.

Adams, he is head of strategic marketing in some organization, some one pointed out and said we are seeing a great collaboration between the it sector, HR and management sector and also in some job designation and all of these are making agile workplace.

MOBILE Technology

Mobile technology picking up momentum for its continence, speed and its efficiency. As soon as information technology is implementation is going on the mobile technology is also implemented on higher level and also using on ground level.

The trend of getting your own device is rising which helps in increasing employee satisfaction. 74% of organizations are already following this trend and some are ready to follow this trend in future. The market reached 181.39 billion $.

Mobile technology improve the productivity of the business. It also improve the work place. There are number of ways to integrate mobile technology in business. The business communication is on new level just because of mobile technology. 

Proctecting Information

Every organization has a mammoth database comprising various information related to business transactions, client details and other business data. These type of information are extremely valuable to a business and if it is lost it must create some legal issues. The right source is provide to store information with higher security and maximum protection.

Virtual storage system keep information safe and allowing a limited number of users only limited users are allow to access these. After increasing protection we ensure that the systems are not hacked and information is not leaked out. Protection of system is important for protecting the information. Therefore, information technology helps in upholding business integrity.

Providing Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction and requirement is the main aspect of any business. The key of any business is the happy customer and their satisfaction. It also create good image of business in the market. A satisfied customer take business to the next level.

Information technology provide the best way for communicating with customer and solving their problem and work well for their requirement. It has many facilities like social media, emails and also have many other facility to communicate well.

Now a days one thing is most important in every business that is customer satisfaction. Growth of your business is depend on happy customer-base. Various businesses improving their product through that they get happy customers.

Management of Resources

A business has a variety of resources including financial, human resources and other resources. These resources are very important for business without these resources business cannot run properly. For big organization it is difficult to manage the resources properly. Information technology plays the vital role in managing all the things properly and correctly.

 For example, the integration of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has improved the efficiency of various business processes. ERP is a business management software that enables an organization to use a series of integrated applications that can manage and automate various business operations.

The core of such software is information technology. The EPR is implemented progressly at very fast rate with more and more businesses implementing this efficient technology to make certain business processes hassle-free.

Open Source Software

 Information technology helps in various open source software through that we are able to use it for free without a single penny. The benefits of open source software is its licence through which we are able to modify the data accordingly. It means that we can easily change its function according to our need and requirements.

Mostly open source variants of software are easily and widely available on internet which can be used for business purposes. It reduced expenses as well as the time.

The competitive advantages of business is provided by the increased implementation of information technology. One thing that matters the most how businesses get maximum profits through the information technology and how they are spreading their business everywhere whether locally or internationally. Information technology takes the businesses to next level.

Example: Let’s have a look how we use information technology in banking.

For Developing Real-time Money Transfer app first of all we must have a proper Plan for developing application.

We have to calculate total Budget for project, requirement gathering, Risks related to project, Team, maintenance, testing etc.

The life cycle of project will defines a methodology for improving the quality of software and the overall development process. 

After getting all the requirements we have to find best way to reduce risks, budget and manpower.

Information technology makes the banking easy and we can do this from your mobile phone too.

We will see how information technology work in banking through the ER diagram.

  • We have to hire a developers team like website developers, designers, backend developers, app developers etc..
  • We have to create a wireframe of website and apps, so that developers can directly start coding the designs.
  • We have to make login system for those employees which are registered or which have bank accounts.
  • After entering correct Credentials, user can proceed to login page. and after that we also have to make OTP
  • Verification when user will proceed for transfer money to another account.
  • We can get OTP from MSG91 or other message sellers.
  • Maintenance and updates are include in the final stage of software.
  • The phase is treated with the utmost attention since during the stage the product is polished, upgraded, enhanced and fine-tuned according to the real-world feedbacks on its performance.

References for The Basics of Speech Communication

Habermas .J. (1984). The theory of communicative action.

Leavitt.H and Mueller.R.(1951). Some effects of feedback on communication.

McLean.S.(2003). The basics of speech communication.

Mclean.S. (2005). The basics of interpersonal communication.

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