1. There is no doubt that academic psychology is valuable and ambitious as a science, considering itself as a science and looking and acting like science in different ways. For beginners, all major teams of psychologists define this region as science. Also, academic psychologists have adopted long-term scientific ideas in their subjects and have long used scientific methods. Indeed, the formal birth of psychology (Wand’s lab) was characterized by the use of scientific methods (e.g., methodological observations, measurements, assumptions, etc.) to understand human conscious experience.
2. to this day, academic psychology training is largely defined through training in advanced statistical methods such as scientific methods, measurement and data collection, study design and structural equation modeling, metanalysis and classified linear regression training. I Individuals pursue doctorates in academic psychology by conducting research on a regular basis. If one want a career at the academy, one need to be published in a peer review journal and often in a research program (funded). In fact, I called mainstream academic psychologists "systematic ethicists" because they were so focused on empirical data collection and research methods. This means that in some cases the only significant question is to work in an understandable way. In short, academic psychology seems to be a scientific discipline and the academy is basically a home where science and psychologists behave like scientists and use scientific methods to answer questions. So at this level, it seems like a pretty close case. If something sounds like science and works like science, then perhaps it should be considered science (Koole and Lakens., 2012).
3. Like the broader branches of physics, chemistry, and biology, no one understands the definition of psychology. Its most common definition comes with a deep dualism, including "science of mind and behavior" that is rarely solved (especially) in competitive examples of activism and knowledge. Similarly, whether the field of psychology is specifically related to a particular animal (e.g., a social mammal) or only to humans is completely unclear. In addition to introducing the field in any textbook or scheme, one will have a broad, competitive, and incomplete summary of the models / images of creating a glorious field in biology and human society. The field also begins with a thorough review of the basic methodology with expertise in behavior, cognitive theory, humanism, psychology, evolutionary theory, and cultural competence (not to mention pure physiological or non-Western methods). However, the subject defines different competitive angles.
These imitative confusions are about how complex man / man is, the issues of consciousness, the issues of the human sciences that are intentionally and theoretically mixed, the issues related to the role of science in culture (and / and when combined with other issues).
4. Given how psychology is structured today, in most cases we are not complete, thus the question of agreed knowledge deepens. The following combinations: (a) The separation of psychology and philosophy in a scientific way. (B) Major historical figures have failed to achieve clarity of agreement. (C) Many psychologists have tried to double their intelligence gathering and have defended themselves from claiming that they have vast experience within psychology rather than the science of truth. It is about the data and data collection of all mainstream psychologists. With few exceptions, psychologists need a way to understand people and scientifically prove their opinions through research programs, data collection methods, effectiveness, measurement and data analysis.
5. The proposal validation research section includes sections for predictive effectiveness, collective effectiveness, content effectiveness, and competitive effectiveness. The first two of these together are considered standard-based validation processes. We know the types of criteria-based research. Investigators are initially interested in the criteria by which they want to make some predictions. Examine the fake, get different criteria for the same subject and calculate the relationship. If the criterion is found after examining the Yutes tile, he is checking the validity of the prediction. He is studying the effectiveness simultaneously if the test score and the reference score are basically determined at the same time. If one test is offered as an alternative to the other (for example, a multi-choice spell test is used instead of a sequence of tests), or if the test has some modern criteria (mental illness) if it is shown as related (e.g. diagnosis) Will be done. The effectiveness of the content is proved by the fact that the test item gives the investigator a sample of the interested universe. The validity of content by defining experiments and by sampling regularly is usually established by the example of the unit berths of items in this universe. Whenever a configuration validity test can be considered a "functionally unknown" feature or quality standard, the question faced by constate investigators is "What are the variations of test effectiveness?" '' The need for a new scientific method for legislation makes the current research (9) validate the testing of an individual's uniqueness, but there is usually no obvious benefit without creating this process. One can distinguish the effectiveness of four types of criteria that emphasize each criterion differently. With predictive or equivalent validity, the behavior of the standard may be of concern to the examiner and he may not be interested in the type of behavior described in the test (Duarte, et al. 2015).
Duarte, J.L., Crawford, J.T., Stern, C., Haidt, J., Jussim, L. and Tetlock, P.E., 2015. Political diversity will improve social psychological science 1. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 38.
Koole, S.L. and Lakens, D., 2012. Rewarding replications: A sure and simple way to improve psychological science. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 7(6), pp.608-614.
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