This study critically evaluates the operation that leads the organization to retain its customers successfully. The growing competition in this sector makes it challenging for all competitors. Not only is the competition also the fulfillment of demand of customers challenging these days. Every customer is different in nature and behaviour, and their demand may be different in a different scenario. The handling and fulfilling customer's demand are the main priority of Hyatt. This study will demonstrate, how Hyatt Hotel retains its customers, how the customers behave with the frequent visit to the hotel.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction..
1.1 Background and Statement Problem..
1.2 Literature Review..
1.3 Research Objective.
1.4 Research Questions.
2 Methods, Data and Analysis.
2.1 Data Collection.
2.2 Data Analysis.
2.3 Customer Prefers Hyatt Hotel
2.4 Customers Select Hyatt Hotel Frequently.
2.5 Hayat Retains Its Customers.
3 Discussion and Implication.
3.1 Addressing Research Question.
3.2 Implications for Practice.
3.3 Limitations.
4 Concluding Remarks.
5 References.
Hyatt hotel is one of the international five stars listed hotel. It is known as one of the best hotels in the world in the context of customer service and relationships and is famous for its luxury and high-quality services. Its franchise is in many countries, and it will provide the same quality of service in each of its branches. To maintain consistency, all wound to their main motto, and they are successful in this section. Also, they understand their customers very well what they need, what kind of services they seek and how the customers react to the services and continuous feedback from their potential customers to help them to reach in this position.
The customer satisfaction is the priority the organization as an organization always updates its systems which meet the needs and demands of the customers. However, in order to maintain the legacy of the organization various step are undertaken by the organization to build a bridge between the customers and the organization. The organization enables travellers to get easily interacted with the organization by designing such a compressive experience. As customer satisfaction is the key factor in the success of the organization. This study will demonstrate, how Hyatt Hotel retains its customers, how the customers behave with the frequent visit to the hotel.
The hotel business is the service sector business, where the satisfaction of the customer is most important (Dominici & Guzzo, 2010). The understanding of the thinking of customer is the key factor which makes any hotel successful. The growing competition in this sector makes it challenging for all competitors (Jasinskas et al., 2016). Not only is the competition also the fulfilment of demand of customers challenging these days. Every customer is different in nature and behaviour, and their demand may be different in a different scenario. The handling and fulfilling customer's demand are the main priority of Hyatt. This is taken carby Customer Relationship Management which is solely responsible for the satisfaction of hotel customers. Relation management theory is one of the theories that aid the organization to maintain an ongoing level of engagement with the customers. This aims to create a partnership between the organization and its patrons. It is the tool which creates a solid affinity with the customers with the use of data as well as sales analysis in order to understand the marketing trends.
Hyatt Hotel analyses and values every movement and comments of the customer so that they will not leave any gap between demand and fulfilment of the customers. Every staff of the hotel is trained so well that they will try to give their best at any moment to their customers. Also, if there will be any mistakes from the hotel side, then they will rectify it at any moment without taking any more time. To understand the movement, comments and feedback from the customers, Hyatt hotel has the data management system, which is also known as Master Data Management (Kumar Das & Mishra, 2011). In this system, they make the profile of the customers who visited and booked their hotel twice or thrice and they track their behaviour which makes hotel staff easy to understand the demand of the customer and they prepare for the upcoming challenges very well and fulfil the customer's demand in no time. This makes staff a lot easier to handle potential customers. Also, this kind of behaviour makes customers visit the same hotel whenever they are in that place. Hyatt hotel is one of the successful brands in the world, and also the customers seek to get high from the hotel side. When they pay or book for the hotel to stay, they will expect to get high customer services from the hotel. They also push lots of advertisements through social media to retain their costumers (Leung et al., 2017). The potential customer of Hyatt always wants to stay back in the same hotel due to its strong customer relationship.
Tran, Arneault & Clark (2019), have stated that social media plays an important role in order to attract customers. However, this paper also highlighted the gap model services including the four gaps that are comprised of listening gap, performance gap, communication gap and services design. This model helps the organization to focus on all the gaps that aid the organization to fulfil the needs and demand of the customers. Social media highly impact on the success of the organization as it is a platform where the customer gives their feedbacks which can be negative as well as positive. Therefore the organization needs to use gap model which aids them to fulfil all the gaps and accomplish all the predefined goals of the organization. The way organization respond to their customers is unique and accurate, and the way they maintain data from the response and feedback from the customers make them strong to follow their potential customer (Walls et al., 2011). Since this is a world of technology and online platform, Hyatt hotel is also used as the online media and social sites for its promotion and branding. This kind of activity makes them very strong to get in touch with their customers and the frequent updates from the hotel and information will be easily available and can be seen on the internet.
The primary objective of the given research is to know how Hyatt Hotel retains its customers, how the customers behave with the frequent visit to the hotel. The behaviour of the customer is the main thing which this research will illustrate (Cavallone and Modina 2017). The model followed by the Hyatt hotel should be known and followed by other hotels too. The research objective of this study can be specified below as follows:
Data collection is the process through which the data is collected from various data collection methods. For this research work, the primary data collection method will be conducted to gather the data. In the primary data collection method, the first-hand data is collected to conduct the research work. The data will be fresh and reliable to research rationally. Apart from that, the data is collected in a specified way as per the needs and requirement of the research work. In primary data, collection methods surveys and interviews are conducted to collect the data. In order to collect quantitative data surveys are the best choice to collect the data. Surveys are conducted in a specific region or unspecified place that comprises of the respondents as per the requirement of the research. The surveys comprise of the questionaries' that are multiple-choice questions. Ten questions are included that have three to four options from which one options is selected.
Descriptive Design used to define the situation and actions. It does not specify the cause and the effect and does not make any prediction for that. However, the data collection method that is used in the research work will be primary data collection method. The nature of the variable will be constant throughout the study which leads to take descriptive design to conduct the further research work. To conduct the primary quantitative research surveys are the most appropriate choice to collect the data. This will provide the fresh data for the research work and will aid to analyze the present situation. For this research work descriptive design is the most suitable choice to conduct the research in rational manner. The participants for the survey will be members of the organization itself and the customers. The customer who is already the loyal customers of the organization will be included in the survey and the staff members. This will be the online survey comprises of ten questions.
Research instrument is the tool that is used to collect the data for the purpose of conducting the research work. As per the research work survey is the tool which is used to collect the data for the research work. The question that are asked in the survey are the closed ended and multiple choice. So that the respondents cannot give descriptive answers to the questions and precise answers will be delivered by the respondents. The respondents are chosen as per the demand and requirement of the research work. Surveys are easily conducted in the research work and provide the fresh for the research work. The fresh data helps to relate the work with the fresh situation. For conducting the quantitative data surveys are the well suited choice to arrange data. It provides authenticity to the research work.
Sampling technique will be chosen on the basis of the philosophy and approach chosen for the research work. The key focus of sampling technique is to arrange the data in such a way that it makes easy for researcher to conduct the research and fulfill the need and requirement of the research work. It is also considered that large sample will provide the more accurate and precise research work. It is important to choose the most appropriate sampling technique for the research work. The two most important sampling techniques are the probability sampling technique and non-probability sampling technique.
The data analysis is one of the processes of inspecting and analysing the data which is collected from the various sources. The data analysis is a process which is used in the research in order to collect the most appropriate data for the research work. Since the study has collected qualitative data the large amount of data is gathered through the survey. Identifying the most useful data and the meaningful one is a technique which is very important in the research work (Noone, et al. 2017). The study conducted online survey and participles are the organisation staff and its loyal customers. For analyses of the data it is very important for the research to choose the most appropriate methodology which helps to analyse data in the most appropriate way. The study used SPSS software analysis software as it is the most suitable tactic to analyse the data. This is one of the most used methodologies for analysing the quantitative data. There are various steps through which this analysis can be conducted through as it includes familiarization, coding, generating things, review, on the themes defining and naming the things and the writing up. These are the steps through which data analysis.
Hayat is considered as the most recognised global hospitality company with more than 100000 colleagues. The main motto of the organisation is to fulfil the needs of the customer by listening them and delivers long term experience. It is considered as the most leading hospitality company which have all kinds of accommodation needs. The staff of the organisation is highly trained which not only wins customer heart but also shows the care about them. If the customer reaches the organisation more than two times three times then organisation will specifically considered their needs and requirement (Edwards et al. 2017). Customer satisfied with the services as whenever the feedback is given to the organisation then the company always take an effective step in order to eradicate the issues faced by the customers. The organisation follows Customer Relationship Management theory that helps the organisation to maintain relationship with the customers and know their needs and demands. As the organisation track the behaviour of the customer by data management that customers can feel same as they are living in their homes when they reach the organisation. The environment and the services provided by the organisation is the main reason for the customer to prefer Hotel from other hotels. Customer will only be satisfied if the organisation fulfils all they needs and work. Organisation always focuses on the feedback and the customer behaviour. Therefore customer prefers to visit Hyatt hotel among other hotels.
It is that noted that most if the customer reaches Hyatt Hotel once, then they visit frequently to hotel most of the time among other hotels due to the customer service of the organisation. The organization provides various kinds of accommodation services to its customers which make them visit frequently (Park and Kim 2017). The organisation provides free night stay at a comparable hotel, providing non-smoking rooms at the time of reservation, free transportation, telephonic facilities etc. Apart from this organisation have data management system which trace the behaviour of the customer if he or she visit more than two to three times in the organisation (Hwang and Chang 2016). This system is mainly included for the customer in order to track their requirements as it become easy for the staff to fulfil their needs and demands.
Hyatt includes various models and programs in order to retain its customers and deliver services to the customers and fulfil their needs and requirement. The key model which used by the organisation is a Customer Relationship Management as it helps the organisation to maintain interaction with customers and in order to meet their demands. After that, organisation uses data management system in order to simply noting and sharing the client preference data which help them to deliver personalized experience to the guest (Guillet 2020). Data management system has approx. 600 hotels which have different loyalty programs and other complicating factors. Data system help staff to track the behaviour and the needs of the customers from the organisation and Organisation tracks all the requirements of the clients from previous visit and then offer those thing before their request.
The results obtained through the analysis depicts that the management system of the organisation is the strong factor which aids the organisation to deliver best services to the customer and make them to prefer their organization among others (Marika et al. 2018). The first research question aims to determine the factors that lead a customer to prefer the Hyatt Hotel among others. The data management system of the organisation and the services provided by the staff is the main factor which leads the customer to prepare their services that perfectly fits with the customer choices.
The second research question aims to determine the factors that makes customer to select Hyatt hotel frequently (Phumchusri and Ungtrakul 2020). From the results it is identified that the main reason behind the frequent visit of customer is the satisfying services provided by the organisation. Customer noticed that the hotel management keenly identify the requirements on the particular basis which lead them to visit frequently. The firm adopts the data management system which drives in almost all hotels of Hayat and track the behaviour and requirements of the customer particularly. The third research question depicts that how Hayat retains its customer and this is through the training provided by the organisation to its employees and the adoption of various model such as customer relationship model and data management system.
The results obtained from the study is very useful for the other organization belong to this sector as they can overview the practices undertaken by the organisation in order to deliver services to customers. The data management system and the customer relationship model is a key factor that ate the organisation to maintain the legacy of the organisation (Zhang et al. 2019). As it is clearly depicts from the study that Hyatt hotels includes various models and approaches in order to deliver best service to the customer.
There are various limitations in the study which can be eradicated by using different approaches and models to the study.
It is concluded from the study that Hyatt adopts the data management system which drives in almost all hotels of Hayat and track the behaviour and requirements of the customer particularly. The management system of the organisation is the strong factor which aids the organisation to deliver best services to the customer and make them to prefer their organization among others. The organization provides various kinds of accommodation services to its customers which make them visit frequently. The organisation provides free night stay at a comparable hotel, providing non-smoking rooms at the time of reservation, free transportation, telephonic facilities etc. Apart from this organisation have data management system which trace the behaviour of the customer if he or she visit more than two to three times in the organisation (Ahmad 2017). As there are various limitations in the study the study conducted quantitative data collection method which can be replaced by using qualitative data. The study has taken survey from the respondents which belong to the organisation as it may lead to high chances of biases.
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