Angel, P, Jenkins, A, & Stephens, A, 2018, ‘Understanding entrepreneurial success: A phenomenographic approach’, International Small Business Journal:Researching Entrepreneurship, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 611-636.
In this article, the authors study the understanding of entrepreneurial success. The authors have adopted the method of phenomenagraphic approach to examine as to what success implies to entrepreneurs. The findings of the research reveal 4 qualitatively distinct understandings of entrepreneurial achievement which demonstrates how Entrepreneurs perceive widely known criteria for success differently according to the underlying understanding of success. The article is useful to the research as the authors suggest that entrepreneurial success is possible if the entrepreneur gives importance to the different success criteria, understand such criteria, and implements it effectively. The main limitation of the article is that in the article it is not stated as to what makes entrepreneurs successful which is a major requirement of the topic.
Kaushal, M, 2016, ‘The psychology of the successful entrepreneur’, International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 25-32.
In this article, the author examines the psychology of entrepreneurs who have become successful in their careers. The article focuses on the psychological behavior of the entrepreneurs and also aims to aid entrepreneurs to identify distinct opportunities of business as well as the growth of the existing business. The article reveals that the entrepreneur is termed as successful who is motivated by intrinsic psychological and economic rewards. This article is helpful to the research as it states that innovation, inspiration, ethics, and values play a vital role in the success of the entrepreneur and also states about the psychological characteristics which are essential for an entrepreneur to be successful. The main limitation of the article is that it is only limited to the psychological aspect of the entrepreneur and other aspects such as physical, emotional, and social are not covered in this article.
Alessandro, N, Pier, AT, & Michelangelo, V, 2018, ‘What makes a successful (and famous) entrepreneur? historical evidence from Italy (XIX-XX centuries),’ Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 425–447.
In this article, the authors examine as to what makes the entrepreneur successful and famous. The method of the quantitative process for the graphical approach has been adopted by the authors. This article aims to study the essence and indicators of entrepreneurial success in Italy throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. The results of the research indicate that The multidimensional essence of entrepreneurship achievement is purely economic and requires the celebrity aspect. The article is useful for the research as it ascertains that those self-made men are more successful in achieving the business goals and objectives in a time-bound and effective manner. The main limitation of the article is that the research has been limited to Italy’s historical evidence which is outdated in nature and the study is restricted to only one country only i.e. Italy.
Sari, P K, & William, R K, & Tina, X, 2018, ‘Personality traits of entrepreneurs: A review of recent literature’, National Bureau of Economic Research, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 279-356.
In this article, the authors have reviewed extensively the literature since the year 2000 on the entrepreneur’s personality traits. The authors have considered the core personality characteristics such as the big-five trait, self-efficacy, and innovation, the locus of influence, and the desire for achievement. The authors have further considered the targets and ambitions of entrepreneurs with risk attitudes. The result of the research shows identical results and several areas of contention which represent the heterogeneity of entrepreneurship. The article will help in the research as the personality traits of an entrepreneur is necessary to be ascertained to determine as to what makes entrepreneurs successful. The limitation of the article is that personality is one of the aspects which makes the entrepreneur successful but other aspects that also contribute to the success of the entrepreneur such as leadership, honesty, intelligence, etc. are lacking in the research.
Przepiorka, A, 2016, ‘What makes successful entrepreneurs different in temporal and goal-commitment dimensions?’, Time & Society, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 40–60.
The author in the article identifies entrepreneur characteristics in different stages of the entrepreneur process and indicates the dissimilarity between non-entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs. The author has used data gained through questionnaires by creating 3 groups where the very first group comprised 127 owners of the business, the second group consisted of potential entrepreneurs and the last group consisted of non-entrepreneurs. The result of the article depicts that the first and the second group entrepreneurs are much future-oriented and less fatalistic than that of the third group who didn't want to become an entrepreneur. The article is useful to the research topic as it reveals that the entrepreneurs put extra effort into pursuing their goals and are more persistent that derive them with satisfaction from their goals. The main limitation of the article is that the three samples collected only cover a small and limited number of people and it would have been better if the sample survey was conducted at a larger level covering most of the population.
Khosla, A, & Gupta, P, 2017, ‘Traits of successful entrepreneurs’, The Journal of Private Equity Summer, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 12-15.
In this article, the authors analyze the traits of successful entrepreneurs. The result of the research reveals that the traits of successful entrepreneurs are related to Organizational success, no matter the scale of the company. The Entrepreneur having such traits keeps the organization flexible, young, and dynamic as to the business environment. The article is useful for the research as the author list outs the essential traits of successful entrepreneurs. The following traits are essential for successful entrepreneurs that are comfortable with complexity, focused concentration and efficiency, versatility in reacting to customer demands, a wide image outlook combined with information awareness, and people administration with the right delegation balance. The main limitation of the article is that the article has not covered all the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur and is only limited to the major traits of successful entrepreneurs as minor traits also play a vital role in the success of the entrepreneur.
Viinikainen, J, Heineck, G, Böckerman, P, Hintsanen, M, Raitakari, O, & Pehkonen, J, 2017, ‘Born entrepreneurs? Adolescents’ personality characteristics and entrepreneurship in adulthood’ Journal of Business Venturing Insights, vol. 8, pp. 9-12.
In this article, the authors examine whether there is a presence of entrepreneurial personality and does it have any connection with the early life of an individual. This study examines Type A characteristics of aggression, leadership, responsibility, and eagerness-energy measured during an individual's adolescence and the relationship to an adult propensity for entrepreneurship. The result of the study shows that the early life of an individual and its leadership dimension has a link with a better probability of becoming an entrepreneur, and indeed a successful entrepreneur. This article is useful for the research as it examines the adolescent personality characteristics which later in adulthood becomes a driving force in becoming a successful entrepreneur. The main limitation of the article is that the research is restricted to the adolescence personality characteristic only and it is nowhere stated as to how one can without having above-mentioned personality traits in childhood also become a successful entrepreneur as a person can be a different person altogether after he crosses early life by doing hard work, having perseverance and maturity.
Rani, S H A, & Hashim, N, 2017, ‘Factors that influence women entrepreneurial success in Malaysia: A conceptual framework’, International Journal of Research in Business Studies and Management, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 16-23.
The authors in this article examine factors that influence entrepreneur success for the women in Malaysia. The research of the article focuses on the entrepreneur characteristics that determine the success of women entrepreneurs. The result of this study indicates that there are four characteristics that make women entrepreneurs successful and such characteristics if inculcated by the women entrepreneurs, then the business will expand drastically and that too in the globalized world. This article is useful for the research as it touches upon the major factors which are required by an entrepreneur to be successful. The main limitation of the article is that the research is restricted only to one gender i.e. females and to one country i.e. Malaysia.
Duchek, S, 2018, ‘Entrepreneurial resilience: A biographical analysis of successful entrepreneurs’, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, vol. 14, pp. 429–455.
In this article, the author states that entrepreneurs shall have resilience capacity by which they can overcome tough situations and convert their failures into success. The methodology adopted by the author for research is qualitative content analysis. The article analysis as to whether entrepreneur resilience is an essential element required by the entrepreneur as well as biographies of 8 highly resilient entrepreneurs is also analyzed. The result of the article states that parent’s behavior and parent’s experience as well as entrepreneurial learning and expertise, and entrepreneurs' job attitudes and habits seem to have a major effect on entrepreneurial resilience and performance success. This article is useful for the research as it has revealed as to how resilience is related to the success of the entrepreneur as well as the company. The main limitation of the article is that it is only restricted to entrepreneurial resilience and other factors and characteristics are not discussed which contributes to the success of entrepreneurs as resilience is only one aspect of success.
He, Ling, Standen, P, & Coetzer, A, 2017, ‘The perceived personal characteristics of entrepreneurial leaders’, Small Enterprise Research, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 97-119.
The authors in this article examine the concept of entrepreneurship leadership. The methodology adopted to gather data is by way of Semi-structured interviews and a brief-structured questionnaire from a group of 20 company executives and owners of the business. The article attempts to cross the fields of entrepreneurship and leadership by presenting a description of the characteristics similar to entrepreneurs and leaders and by demonstrating how entrepreneurial leaders vary from entrepreneurs and leaders. The result of the study states that entrepreneurial leaders have personal characteristics different from the non-leader entrepreneur. The findings of the article also suggest that leadership plays a vital position in the advancement of companies and long-term corporate performance. This article is useful for the research as it helps in ascertaining that entrepreneurial leadership is a significant aspect that makes the leader successful. The main limitation of the article is that it only sticks to the leadership of the entrepreneur as to how it results in his success and neglects other characteristics of the entrepreneur which helps him in being successful.
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