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It is noteworthy that leadership is regarding how individuals act in companies. Successful leaders are the ones who fulfill the necessities of their followers; pay diligent attention to team procedures; are capable of calming worries and inducing aspirations.; and know how to release human energy and stimulate individuals to positive actions (Ciulla and Ciulla 2020). It can be said that leadership entails controlling and leveraging the diverse and difficult factors and dynamics at play in corporate functioning. Maximum performance in the team might not be attainable in the absence of an understanding of how to involve people from the internal and external to the company in their goal. For the business to attain maximum performance, its leaders must obtain an accurate psychodynamic approach to involve their team members and attain the provided goals. The psychodynamic approach to leadership emphasizes leaders forming an understanding of their personality attributes to know why they behave or respond in some manner (Petriglieri and Petriglieri 2020). This report is aimed at critically examining the suitability of the psychodynamic approach to leadership in the independent boutique luxury hotel sector company namely Scarlet Boutique Hotel. Moreover, it will discuss the effectiveness of this leadership approach for the chosen hotel’s performance. Besides, it will entail the prospective warning signs for the management team which can be a sign of workforce and company distress. Also, it will suggest a suitable leadership approach appropriate for the given context. 

Effectiveness of the Psychodynamic Approach to Leadership

Notably, a psychodynamic approach to leadership stipulates that leaders offer followers safety and develop a sense of group identity. It can be said that the necessity for society might be met by groups like fraternities, though such groups are sometimes known for negative peer pressure via activities like hazing. This approach emphasizes the dynamics of human actions that are the most complex to comprehend. This admits that individuals are intricate, exclusive, and inconsistent beings with abundant and affluent motivational factors, and decision-making and collaboration patterns (Plakiotis 2023). This approach can bring a vital facet to leadership by focusing on past involvements, feelings, unconsciousness, self-comprehending, and personality types. It offers superior self-knowledge, and such knowledge might be utilized to communicate with followers in a manner that enables them to form, inspire, and improve relationships. Moreover, the assumed advantage of this approach is that followers and leaders are superiorly capable of tolerating each other. It functions since individuals become cognizant of one another's types and hence the variances are brought into the open wherein individuals can discuss them (Kutila 2022). The information using this approach might be utilized to establish leaders and followers by comprehending their reactions based on their personalities. It can be said that leaders are more efficient when they have a perception of their psychological makeup. Besides, they are more effective when they comprehend the psychological makeup of their juniors. Also, the corporate condition refines more when team associates are cognizant of their personality attributes to superiorly comprehend how they react to their peers and leaders (Kramer et al. 2023). About the chosen luxury Scarlet Hotel, it can be said that the participative leadership approach is extremely effective. However, it has been asserted that servant leadership might be effective for Scarlet Hotel which can allow management to integrate numerous positive areas of all leadership approaches that enable them to be more successful in culturally varied workplaces like luxury hotels. Moreover, the psychodynamic approach aspect for hotels is the notion of comprehending those whom the business is leading. It might be a very vital message to leaders of Scarlet hotel which might usually lead with a more servant leadership behavior as these may consistently desire to place their followers first and hence might evade conflicts (Johnson 2008).

Impact of Psychodynamic Approach to Leadership on Company’s Performance

The psychodynamic approach stipulates that individual action and corporate life reflect continuously changing illogical factors that control practice choices and behaviours. An outcome of the psychodynamic approach is that it doesn't attempt to distinguish a person as some kind of individual or predetermined inborn leader. It can be said that this approach to leadership identifies that each one possesses some attributes that have emerged into forming their present identity. In this style of leadership, it is vital that leaders become cognizant of their personality and make alterations that equate to personal refinement and awareness (Chater 2020). This approach further can develop superior working businesses that refine performance and synergy. This approach might enable Scarlet Hotel to comprehend the drive behind human actions and recognize vital relation conflicts impacting an individual's capability to live and work effectively. Besides, this approach will have a favourable outcome for Scarlet Hotel. This approach not only offers the luxury hotel superior self-knowledge but might also be utilized in its interface with other business contestants in a manner that enables the hotel to form an impact and leverage corporate dynamics. To advocate the effectiveness of this approach, Scarlet Hotel can hire human factor psychologists to build a team that is based on pragmatic, quantitative, and qualitative exploration using human psychoanalysis. It has been found that human psychologists showed victory in refining the company's overall goals in entire areas of the company. It can be said that when people are put in their right job roles and are in their element, the company and entire team might become much more effective and do much superiorly. On the other hand, putting individuals in the wrong actions might lead to the loss of efficiency which leads to the loss of time and money (Sidhu and Nizam 2020). It is found that the psychodynamic approach to leadreship has the ability to stimulate a superior relation and understanding between subordinates and leaders, ultimately developing a constructive setting wherein the relation might establish, while too surging job gratification, job efficiency, individual self-awareness, faith in others, and so on. Also, this approach is found to create superior work organizations which refine organizational performance and synergy as a whole (Johnson 2008).

Signs of Employee and Organizational Distress 

Under the psychodynamic approach to leadership, the luxury hotel Scarlet should know that aside from individuals not possessing a rule on how to alter their personality type, individual leaders do not possess a standard evaluation to describe ego state. The psychodynamic approach to leadership is found to provide an exceptional contribution to the exploration of unconscious procedures associated with physical and mental distress (Cilliers and Mayer 2019). It is found by Flotman (2020) that the psychodynamic approach to leadership mostly ignores situational forces. It is said that leadership always occurs from early childhood and adolescent experiences, irrespective of the exclusive corporate condition. Moreover, such experiences and the further internalized trends of leadership behavior impact how leaders and subordinates perform. Due to this, the psychodynamic method possesses certain parallels with the conventional trait approach that elucidates behaviour just through consideration of the individual's personality structure and ignoring situational variables. 

Intricacy and chaos are events that exist internal and external to the company leading to disorganized order. Companies are attributed as adaptive feedback channels that leaders are required to handle. The outcome is decontrolled, channeled settings wherein constant corporate instability is experienced, resulting in dissatisfied individual dependence desires, and change fatigues (Petriglieri and Petriglieri 2020). In this approach, followers have the right to talk about their leaders behing their back and contend directly to them. When they are asked to bring a change, they might usually feel anxiety and which might come out as disagreement. Besides, when followers are asked to bring change that they don’t admit when they might be quietly stubborn. The leader need to comprehend that numerous times their role is to take individuals to a place which they actually might not desire to go to. It can be said that by comprehending such difficulties of the leader-subordinate relation, the leaders might be more effective in moving luxurios hotel Scarlet forward (Gricks 2019).

It has been found that a connected role of leadership as per this approach is the change management internal and external of the company. It contributes to intrinsic tensions between leaders and their subordinates. It is said that leaders push for changes and subordinates are inclined to resist change. The Scarlet management should know change means upsetting the status quo with respect to emotional peace. It is said that successful change management needs diverse sections of the corporate system to collaborate to certify that such subsystems possess the emotional capability to manage the change. The leaders at Scarlet Hotel should work with resistance and comprehend anxieties if they desire to release constructive energy and innovation into the system for the successful execution of the change procedure (Raae 2019).

Moreover, this approach doesn’t consider organizational forces such as corporate culture. This approach further is restricted in a manner that it just emphasizes mainly on the personalities of the leader and followers that might dictate the relation between them. It is found that from the psychodynamic viewpoint, individual action is understood not just as an operation of individual psychologists but of systemic distress in human communities. The idea of systemic impact is associated with a supposition about the omnipresent existence of anxiety in entire human systems, and the necessity to lessen the stiffness linked with it (Mayer and Oosthuizen 2021). From such a perspective, the effort to adopt shared leadership is probable to be linked with systemic distress and anxiety. Therefore, Scarlet Hotel should know that the experiences of emotional stress and anxiety are fundamental to human experience in teams and work. The trends of systemic affect reflect how such anxiety might mobilize influential defensive routines made to lessen the emotional violence caused by anxiety in manners that can be detrimental to adaptive work (Tonelli 2019).

A team wherein the leaders attempt to execute shared leadership might unsettle the linked field in the team. The step back from conventional decisions which shared leadership will include will have implications for team associates. It is said that being asked to make choices together varies the manners in which they are exposed to each other and hence elicits anxiety. Another scholar asserted that a leader's effort to announce shared leadership and not being cognizant of the strength of such a shift to unsettle the group and likely evoke anxiety is likely less probable to succeed than one who considers the emerging team dynamic in reaction to such shifts. On the other hand, when a leader experiences reactions from the team as unfriendly, and reacts in kind, then it might be understood as a failure to have anxieties mobilized as shared leadership is executed (Long 2023). It is found by Jarrett and Vince (2023) that surged anxiety unlooses unconscious procedures of regression. The workplace teams become saturated with usual supposition action wherein they are incompetent in impacting tactical developments. The strategic problems might increase anxiety levels since these problems pressurize power positions and might cause basic supposition behavior. In these situations, long-run schedules, mission statements, and vision are probably being utilized as defense mechanisms. 

Suitable Leadership Approach for CEO 

The more suitable approach to leadership for Scarlet Boutique Hotel is the transformational leadership approach. This leadership approach is aimed at motivating subordinates and others around them by clearly discussing a shared vision of forthcoming and transparent goals and directions. This style of leadership is positively linked with openness, extraversion, and conscientiousness. Moreover, this approach can encourage open communication with subordinates of Scarlet Boutique Luxury Hotel which would reinforce relationships. These leaders stimulate workers to follow the manager's vision with leadership characteristics. It is regarding engaging the sentiments of people in the company and is vital for leading change in current times (Portela Maquieira, et al. 2020). 

Transformational leadership can stimulate constructive workforce behavior as it appears to play a vital role in forming effectual management. Since it can change a hotel's strategy, objective, structure, and culture to foster workplace innovation, it can be said that hotel businesses and followers might benefit significantly from a transformational approach to leadership. This might consider every worker's exclusive demand and professional background and offer prospects for individuals to develop in a sustained manner. This leadership style further establishes lofty goals in the luxury hotel industry and establishes followers' talents and interests. Moreover, it can stimulate workers to perform beyond expectations, importantly by converting workforce standards and values (Sobaih et al. 2022). 

These leaders are found to focus on empowering the followers and developing the feeling of being engaged in the company by demonstrating logical, and appealing future state of the company. This style is deemed sufficient for luxury hotel businesses because of the continuous necessity of adaptation to the varying environment since it forms a specific vision for the forthcoming and empowers workers to attain the goals. With this approach of leadership, the Scarlet Boutique Hotel might be able to increase performance, business loyalty, motivation, and refined satisfaction. It has been found that transformational leaders can encourage their subordinates due to their four exclusives but associated behavioral elements. These are idealized influence (emphasis on morals, and trust); intellectual stimulation (leaders advocate novel means of thinking); inspirational motivation (leaders offer prominence to followers' work); and individualized consideration (leaders assess the capabilities and needs of their followers and provide them mentoring). It is asserted that the actions of individualized consideration might offer support to Scarlet's workforce who are fear of an unfavorable outcome when they demonstrate their actual selves at the workplace (Saira et al. 2021).

As opined by Fayed and Fathy (2022), if luxury hotels desire to succeed in a quickly varying corporate setting, management must utilize transformational leadership behaviors. Since environmental uncertainty threatens a business's efficacy, management might attempt to reduce it. A method to lessen ecological sustainability is via faith, respect, accountability delegation, and workers' engagement in the activities of the hotel, as in the transformational leadership approach. It is therefore suggested that the management in the Scarlet Boutique Hotel must utilize transformational leadership that leads to gratified hotel workers. Henceforth conveying their satisfaction to the guests via excellent treatment and extreme respect for the guests, and to the hotel by doing their activities superiorly and improving performance and productivity the scarlet hotel's success. This style of leadership will assist Scarlet Hotel in leading its organization in the challenging environmental time (Belias et al. 2022). 

For example, a transformational leadership approach has been adopted by a luxury hotel namely Oberoi Hotel. The management of this organization desires its workers to attain perfection in their routine work and an eye for detail. Being transformational leaders, managers at this hotel emphasize the work, life, and welfare of the workforce via the business vision. The individuals were considered the main component of this hotel (Piuchan and Prachansit 2019). 


From the above discussion, it can be concluded that through a psychological approach to leadership, management can emphasize the dynamics of human actions that are most intricate to comprehend. Moreover, it concludes that implementing this approach to leadership can lead to an increase individual's understanding of the transformation of leadership and life. This approach is concluded to not just offer an individual with superior self-knowledge but might also be utilized in the interface with other corporate-wide actors in a manner that enables to form impact and leverage of corporate dynamics. It is found to elucidate the essential procedure of leadership emergence. Such a technique is a vital blueprint for the development and existence of leaders by drawing on early childhood experiences and the notion of projective recognition. A limitation of this approach to leadership is concluded as that it mainly ignores situational forces. Leadership occurs from early childhood experiences, irrespective of exclusive corporate conditions. Such experiences and the further internalized trends of leadership behavior impact how leaders and subordinates behave. Therefore, it is inferred that the psychodynamic approach to leadership possesses certain parallels with the conventional trait technique that elucidates action just through consideration of the people's personality structure while avoiding contextual variables.


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Johnson, A.J., 2008. Using A Psychodynamic Approach to Leadership in the United States Army.

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