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Strategic Human Resource Management

Introduction to High-Performance Work System

High-Performance Work System (HPWS) have become important in a competitive environment. Organizational culture, management development, and creativity will help in creating platforms for HPWS (Mahdi, 2014). Organizational culture enables less ambiguity and helps the organization to improve business performance. This case study reflects on Google talent management, exhibits the essence of business culture and common goals and vision of the team reflecting the global audience. The reports will assess the HPWS emergence in the organization and key consideration for improvement for HPWS Model. The sub-dimensions of HPWS create an integrated process for employee well-being and influence the organization's success. Linking business strategic goals with job performance and HPWS in Google by generating effective social interactions and tactical knowledge will lead to the development of a skilled workforce.

Answer 1-The organization can create a platform for collaborating platform which will nurture high-performance HPWS and help in configuring human behavior. Creating a healthy environment will foster innovation and safety that will foster HWPS. The adaptability of the organization is determined by psychological support and representation of occupation execution and development in the organization. Ozcelik (2016) highlighted strategic human resource management by a firm for a high-performance work system (HPWS) will enable the firm to gain a competitive advantage. HR system designed by an organization will not suffice and affect employee performance. Designing HPWS involves putting the HR pieces by evaluating and assessing feedback will increase productivity. Selecting staffing, quality improvement in the deterring analytics-based system shows organization constructs monetary and social assets. HPWS emerges where diverse talents come across and are connected by digital technology and social relationship. A healthy innovative environment will foster innovation and safety where the employee will experience the freedom of experiment. HPWS refers to a combination of distinct interrelated HR practices aimed at enhancing employee skills. The case study highlights the is driven by resource fitment and technology assessment to create a workforce, this reflects in the brands and product by the company. 

HPWS result by focusing on fostering instinct Lebel of motivation, encouraging entrepreneurial spirit, and developing through flexibility and building long term employment relationship.

The organization can align strategy and objectives by building transparency that will help in the emergence of HPWS. The focal point of social trade will help in the long haul and business implication for representatives will help in building individual achievement. The current HPWS system is facilitated by no rigid structure controlled by senior administration rather the high-performance work system emerges on the unique work environment and Google s unique product portfolio. HPWS system is connected to attractive results, Google s focal point showed high organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The Googliness deals with a culture of collaboration and working well in teams to navigate the ambiguous situation. This shows aligning of HPWS to strategic vision will enable strong resource development and associated program. The case study shows Google's inclination on detailed culture, retaining talent on a structured workforce contributing to its HPWS practice placing it above its competition. The employee empowerment and social connect category will promote employee participation and teamwork design that is designed for the emergence of HPWS. The organization can empower resource through developing a human capital pool for employees to hereby empowering for making decisions which lead to higher employee flexibility and productivity

Organization on analyzing and developing need assessment will lead to the creation of a technology-based platform for the emergence of HPWS in the organization. The positive effect of operation and financial performance developed on a Resource-based view will reduce differences among employees and reciprocated to achieve a completive advantage (Zafar, 2019).

Answer 2- The Cultural and HPWS Relationship is-

Culture and internal human resources have different manifestations and a significant impact on business conduct. Establishing a good feedback culture and creating healthy dynamics will help in finding solutions that will increase productivity. The relationship between performance and culture is impacted by how the organization utilizes information and integral HPWS and representation of the culture. Societal culture moderates the relationship between human resource practice and organization performance (Chow, 2012). Organizational culture refers to the workplace practice within the organizational unit that differentiates from other organizations (Chow, 2012). Organizational culture has been identified as one of the most important organizational contexts on how employees perceive HPWS within the firm. Employee oriented organizational culture moderates the relationship between HPWS with employee perception of care, respect, and investment. The power distance in the cultural dimension reflects the degree to which society expects and agrees with the power to be shared. The lack of emphasis on using and reward ability can translate into the workforce lacking in human capital as a result of hierarchy enforcement (Rhee, 2016). HPWS can be distinguished between employee development and providing an overarching goal. Creating a dynamic environment will lead to the emergence of HPWS across the organization. showed organizational culture has direct decision-making with an indication of practice in a multinational company. Individual collectivism shows different constants as organizational identity with results in high power/ low power based on organization perceived strength. Employee's task performance is related to competitive advantage and his/her preciseness on stimulation and work dimensions.

HPWS plays an important role in shaping culture and developing and developing societal capital. In multiculturalism enterprise, the organization needs to decide which national culture to conform to indifference in the host country and home country. The special cultural characteristics and cultural dimensions have a significant influence on HPWS. Supportive culture correlates with employee skills and increases participation by employees in decision making. Management influence and autonomy of decision making are related to the positive development go HPWS in the firm. Strong designed HPWS produces homogeneity which gives rise to rising in employee performance. The case study highlights the importance of culture in facilitating common goals and vision as it positively impacts HPWS. A negative and non-transparent environment leads to a high degree of agitation. A high-performance system stimulates high performance by motivating employees by creatively using organization resources. HR systems need to be aligned to national culture s collective culture expands cooperation, good relationship, and equity in opportunities. HPWS will be more suitable for egalitarian culture based on the assumption of high power distance culture. HPWS is structured and non-bureaucratic than traditional structures that establish cultural characteristics of enhancing predictability and performance. The primary measure of HPWS encourages employees to engage in problem-solving and decision making for the organization planning process. Developing efficient employee engagement requires a positive organizational climate to build an organizational climate. HPWS is interrelated with HR practice that incorporates talent selection, retention, and motivation for the workforce. HPWS culture becomes stronger with employee perception and stronger employee-oriented culture. According to Rhee (2018), management decisions and actions that support human capital development are likely to nurture organizational trust and will aid the successful implementation of HPWS. HPWS may influence innovation-driven culture and its HPWS should focus on participative decision making and development and empowerment. The key GPWS category as training, performance evaluation, performance-based pay, and participation are interrelated with formal process rules and policies. HPWS practice is designed to increase business performance has cultural constraints in HPWS- business performance relationship. At the hierarchy level, individual/ collectivism hampers the effectiveness of HPWS on the development of human capital based on increased discretion that can impact social connections based on the national culture perspective. 

Answer 3- HRM Consideration that Google Need to Consider to Improve the HPWS Model Are-

 Organizations must choose to implement HPWS based on knowledge, skills, and abilities. A relapse examination control firm size will have a critical effect on the company framework. Conducting feedback will help the firm to understand where the organization stands now. The company should consider diversity and multi-culturalism while developing HPWS Model. Current HPWS model focus on the use of HR analytics to hire the best talent. The use of social connectivity and digital technology is utilized by organizations to hire and retain talents Google s project oxygen used worker created data for decision making and human resource strategy. The current system with data collection has helped in leveraging analytics. The use of scenario planning and the internal and external variable will help in identifying knowledge management risk. Emphasizing the diversity and employee training needs and requirements will help the firm is adapting to the improvement of HPWS.

Developing an egalitarianism environment in Google for HPWS will eliminate power differences and create an equal status for everyone. The school exchange theory highlights the need to perceive it as intended recipients to evoke psychological norms of reciprocity (Xi, 2016). Considering national and international culture building and optimizing HPWS will enable google to improve the existing model. Google is in technology market-leading with innovation and service delivery Google should consider mediating the role of employee well-being for designing workplace practice, designing employee metrics, and their participation. The project Oxygen helped in understanding management attributes and improvement in managerial effectiveness. Linking business strategic goals with job performance and HPWS by Google has led social interactions and tactical knowledge for measuring manager needs and influence. These statistical test includes HR analytics on the development program, creating workplace cheesiness without annual boss monitoring.

This helped the company to improve its managers with effective skills based on communication, career development, and team orientation among the 8 point plan. Analyzing good manager behavior through multi studies reflected key human behavior. Designing HPWS through measuring employee assessment and work culture will improve job satisfaction and employee productivity. According to XI (2016), diversity creates power balance improvement in creative thinking and team cohesiveness based on talent sourced. Diversity and adaptive to employ with disability in its institutional growth based on talent and skills will embark on a high workforce with functional and domain skills.

Multicultural workforce organizations embracing diversity while developing training and development will create a notion for an inclusive workplace (Jiang, 2015). Diversity and providing aid to the disabled to the workforce will bread healthy competition and high design thinking. The focus on investment in people and a good communication system creates a shift in organization due to rapid development and innovation in the industry and organizational system. Organizational culture developed on a higher diversity dimension inclusive of disable and gender inclusion will contribute to the improvement of HPWS and business performance. This case study reflects on Google talent management, exhibits the essence of business culture and common goals and vision of the team reflecting the global audience. Considering resource-based view HPWS can enhance employee commitment and skill. Leveraging existing analytics and diversity in the workforce will help to build an effective team structure, improve employee perception towards the firm, and highly creative talent pool for the organization.

Reference for High-Performance Work System

Chow, S.C. (2012) The roles of implementation and organizational culture in the HR–performance link, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23:15, 3114-3132, DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2011.639553

Jiang, Y. (2015). High-performance work systems and organizational effectiveness: The mediating role of social capital. Human Resource Management Review. 126-137

Ozcelik, G, Aybas, & Uyargil, C.(2016). High-Performance Work Systems and Organizational Values: Resource-based View Considerations. Social and Behavioral Sciences. 26(1). 332-341

Mahdi, M.S., (2014). The Impact of High-Performance Work System (HPWS) on Employee Productivity as Related to Organizational Identity and Job Engagement. European Journal of Business and Management

Rhee, S.-Y., Oh, H. J., & Yu, G. J. (2016). High-performance work systems and firm capabilities in Korea: a fit perspective with organizational culture. Asia Pacific journal of human resources, 56(3), 317–340. DOI:10.1111/1744-7941.12134 

Zafar, A, Kayni, B.K. &Iqbal, Q. (2019).Impact of High-Performance Work System (HPWS) On Employee Job engagement and job performance with the moderation of Islamic work ethic. Global journal of emerging science

Xi, M., Chen, Y., & Zhao, S. (2016). The Role of Employees’ Perceptions in the HPWS-Performance Relationship: A Multilevel Perspective. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016(1), 15245. DOI:10.5465/ambpp.2016.72 

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