Table of Contents
A short brief about the event case study.
Overview of event design theory.
Description about WOW factors in selected case study.
Management in event planning is the pivotal aspect, through which the organiser can fulfil the requirements of the guests of the event and improve their individuals’ experiences as well. In this process, the event designer is questioned about their aims in offering experiences to the guests through the event and the guests are recorded their experiences throughout the various stages of the event. This can be helpful for the organisers to enhance their experience and professionalism in the future. Adds to these, the better event management can be achieved by offering WOW elements to the guests, which demands better innovation of the event designer. In this study, the '2020 Summer Games-Tokyo' is shortlisted for exploring the event management aspects.
Interval of four years since 1964, Tokyo has been offering one of the greatest sports events as summer games. This international platform enlightens the athletes from across the globe and guides them towards the greatest pride, gold medals in respective sports events. The responsible government and the event management teams have been offering unforgettable settings for international viewers, through which they can enjoy the sports representations by various countries in peace (, 2020). The aforementioned event successfully increased the overall hospitality services of Tokyo, as the international viewers demand safety and better services while the event is going on.
After a short overview of the hospitality industry, it can be identified that Tokyo hotel package ensures accommodation of event guests in convenient location, which is accessible from the sights of games. Moreover, the event management enables services like daily breakfast, round-trip transfers in airports, assistance on-site, and many more related aspects. These collectively improve the quality of event management and gain acceptance from international audiences.
After gaining significant knowledge for the above presentation, it can be sensed that wide range of management is required to attain international audiences and handle their requirements specifically. Effective planning is required for designing the event operations. As commented by Pemble and Goucher, (2018, p. 231), the planning needs to be included responses for event securities. In this platform, the experienced event management team can handle their work processes in a complete manner and results in greater success of event management as well. In event's operations, the governing bodies of the concerned area have decided to offer expert planning for displaying the local culture of Tokyo to the guests, which can be gained through showing the most significant sights of the host city to the guests and make them understand about the culture. As opined by Altstiel et al. (2018, p. 549), power of culture can be established through showing the local culture, the event management team can attract the minds of the viewers more towards the host city and the overall country, and this can increase the mental satisfaction of the guests as well. The planning includes the exclusive party viewing factors as well. The aforementioned event planning can offer an effective leisure for both the international and local viewers and enrich the country’s cultural aspects specifically in global invites.
Besides all the previously analysed factors, it can be considered that the better and safe environment is required for the management team to attain their international guests. Based on the geographical stand, Tokyo is massive in size, hence; the events will have happened in widely spread venues within the city. Thus, the management needs to concentrate on their transportation facilities and the environmental aspects of the transportation. According to Cardin et al. (2018, p. 389), event designers require to emphasise on ‘Smart transportation’ for managing the safety and satisfaction level of the international guests. In a more contextual manner, it can be identified that the concerned government has announced that they will enable services of N700s Supreme train within the city for offering better communication during Olympic. The mentioned smart train will debut during the event for ensuring a speedy communication within Shin-Osaka to Tokyo station (, 2020). Hence, it can be well sensed that the event manager for Tokyo Summer Game 2020 offers detailed analysis of the planning, operations, and other specific aspects, through which the event planning can be done in a significant manner and that can satisfy a large share of international visitors significantly.
After accumulating relevant sets of information from the overview of the case study regarding Tokyo summer games 2020, it can be highlighted that specific event design needs to be developed in a theoretical manner. As opined by Pemble and Goucher, (2018, p. 491), security management is one of the important aspects in event management designing. Through this, the host country can improve the experience of international audiences and attract more number of foreign visitors in the future as well. Besides this, the overall planning of event design can be done through five significant phrases, those are, like
Phrase 1: Research, this includes a detailed analysis of the event and gather information regarding the requirements of the event visitors from that event. In this context, it is important to design a significant theme for the event, through which the organisers can reflect their thinking and capacity to the wide range of visitors specifically (Prebensen, 2017, p. 61). Hence, it can be considered that the tools like EMBOK (Event Management Body of Knowledge) is required to be considered as the potential function within the management team, through which they can gain better knowledge by in-depth research.
Thus, it can be identified that the effective event management theme can be effective for the management team to attract the local as well as international visitors, as country’s principles and cultural aspects are reflected specifically.
Phrase 2: Design, is another relevant aspect in event management, as through a detailed research, event designers can understand the requirements of the visitors and can design a better theme of working prior to event. It is significantly advised that the event management team needs to maintain their focus on the objectives of the event. This practice can help them to build an attractive event for the visitors.
Phrase 3: Plan, is important for the management, as this can offer a wide range of information to them regarding the event. According to Parent and Chappelet, (2017, p. 539), the process includes identification of timelines, calculating budgets, and selecting venues for the events.
Phrase 4: Coordination is the tool related to managing the people’s interaction towards the project results. In this process, the management finalize the logistics, suppliers, and manpower for the events like ‘Tokyo Summer games 2020’. Based on the characteristics, it can be identified that the significance of effective communication amongst the responsible persons is effective for making the overall planning successful.
Phrase 5: Evaluation includes post event factors like survey and analysis of results of events for calculating results. In a detailed manner, it can be identified that the analysis the gaps between the input and output related to the event in a checklist format. Through this practice, the event management team can ensure greater success in their event planning for the future. A detailed analysis of failures can help the managers to improve their managing skills effectively in the future, through which they can handle the biggest international sports events like Tokyo Summer games 2020.
After analysing the aforementioned phrases, it can be sensed that proper planning with respect to the requirements of the event guests is required and better communication practice needs to be maintained within the managing team, through which the managers can engage their suppliers and other related stakeholders effectively within the event process. Contextually, it can be identified that the Tokyo games management successfully concentrating on the guests’ satisfaction while planning their event. This can be supported by the fact that the management arranged accommodation facilities for the guests in the well furnished hotels like The Century Southern Tower within the country, which are easily accessible for the visitors from the event venues. Adds to this, the management needs to concentrate on special packages like Kyoto combo, which includes 3 nights stand in Tokyo and 3 nights in Kyoto for the foreigners (, 2020). The special pricing facilities are made available by the event managers for attracting more number of visitors towards the world’s one of the biggest sports events.
Adds to these factors, available information indicates that the management of Tokyo games also includes robot show for the visitors as well, irrespective of their borders ( This offers a platform, through which the concerned country can show the technological development and this can improve the acceptability of the country amongst the world. Through this, the event success rate can be increased in the future as well. Moreover, a better communicating platform is required to achieve the expected goals. Managing the better communication skill, the event management team can interact with their suppliers during and prior to events, which helps to maintain a transparency within the management plans. This attracts the external stakeholders towards the project and this enhances the acceptance of the overall project before a wide range of guests both from national and international territories. In this section of the study, the processes for managing a better communication within the event management are analysed for better understanding of the topic. In an overall manner, it can be considered that the interactivity within the event plan can help the designers to enhance their service quality or even their brand as managing team to the viewers and make them excited to join in the future surely. In-depth discussion can identify that the host country of Summer Game can use mobile networks. By using this platform, the event managers of Tokyo can reach a lion share of viewers in a real-time and can inform them about the progress of the event. According to Altstiel et al. (2018, p. 283), to engage the external and internal stakeholders of the project, the management can even develop their personalised app or sharing space amongst the planning team and the stakeholders. In this platform, they can share the event planning related documents and management team can submit their daily progress reports to the potential stakeholders like local governing bodies. Requirements for money and other significant elements can be presented in real-time to the stakeholders and sponsors of the event and decision-making can be done with an ease. As opined by Giudici and Filimonau, (2019, p. 557), besides these, the social media platform can be used as vital communication way as well for establishing a better linkage between the workers and the management leaders. Through using Hash tags, Facebook polls, ads, the management team can spread the event related information more easily to their worldwide followers and can attract them towards the event.
Analysing the current situations critically, it can be considered that the social media usage is essential for the event managers to stay connected even in the Corona virus pandemic situation. Continuous updates regarding the event and the planning progress can maintain the curiosity of the international guests even in the nation lockdown situation. Hence, it can be considered that the social media literacy is one of the most significant factors, which is needed to be increased within the management team’s members and the citizens of Tokyo and other parts of the world as a whole.
In a critical note, it can be said that money solely fails to increase the acceptance of an event to a wide range of audiences. The event managers of the Tokyo Summer games2020 would like to concentrate more on their innovation skills rather than the monetary dependency for achieving greater success. For more understanding, it is considered that the accommodation facilities of the international guests and the players are needed to be well decor and the hospitality level needed to be high. The adaptability of the hotel management with respect to the requirements of the international invites also requires gaining satisfaction of the guests. With respect to the current scenario, it can be considered that better hygiene management is required within the hotels. These collectively improve the WOW factor of the project. Concerned event management planning has the WOW factors, as the management ensures to offer a healthy breakfast to their guests for a right start of the day. Regular cultural activities, like Sushi making, Mt. Fuji Day Trips, Disney land tour another significant aspect in this event management, which increases the WOW factors as well. Offering Swag bags for Summer games along with Welcome Kit to the visitors is another innovating WOW factor for the event management team (, 2020). Moreover, the concerned management needs to maintain an interactive exercise in social media platforms with the potential stakeholders and the sponsors; even they can seek suggestions regarding specific event related aspects from the local and international participants as well (Van Winkle and Bueddefeld, 2020, p. 17). This innovation in promotional process can be helpful for crowd sourcing. Using the natural materials for decorating the event venues and all over the city can be used as another WOW material for the event management as well. As commented by Turner, Z. and Kennell, (2018, p. 387), through this, the management team can reflect the country’s tradition and culture to a wide range of visitors during the events and this can enrich the host country’s culture as well. Fix a uniform for the event staffs is another attractive aspect, through which a new comer can identify the volunteers even in the crowd and this can enhance the service quality and event management success. This proves to be another significant WOW factor in management. Moreover, creating and using own bunting within the event management is essential for developing the success rate of the event amongst a large share of service receivers from across the borders, as these are eye-catching in nature and offers a festive feeling to the visitors. In a collective manner, the events like the Summer Games, needed to be considered as impressive for the international viewers, which the money flow solely cannot manage. Hence, the event management needs to implement significant WOW materials within the event planning as well.
After gaining a detailed analysis from the above sections, it can be understood that the study specifically evaluate all the related factors, through which the event management team can make their event Tokyo Summer games 2020 successful to the world. By offering a brief discussion about the case study events, the current discussion had highlighted the most relevant services and planning related to the project. This has been supported in a justified manner by including event design tools in the following sections. Measuring WOW factors in the described event management plan is another defining element in this study. through this, the accessibility of the concerned event and the understanding of the topic has been established significantly.
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