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Networked Application Management

Table of Contents


SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor.

DataDog Network Performance Monitoring.



WhatsUp Gold.



Introduction to Network Monitoring in Software-Defined Networking

Every device on this planet which is connected to a network of other devices or the internet requires a tool to manage and keep a check of the network connection. This makes it important for companies and individuals to make use of software and other tools to monitor these networks to look for any faults or problems in it. It includes the steps taken to set up, administer, and rectify any errors in the network [1]. This report aims at understanding 5 network management tools and their methodologies. At last, an attempt is made to pick out one tool which outperforms the other 4 tools.

1. SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor

As per Hrin [15], SolarWinds is a network monitor based on the Orion platform and is an effective tool in providing bandwidth management and helps prevent faults and errors in a network. As per Bartus [17], it can help monitor the performance of the network and also keep a check of the traffic over the network. The DPI set up in the SolarWinds setup is used to identify the various types of traffic that make use of various system resources and also simplifies the search for errors in case of excessive loads [16]. It helps monitor bandwidth using the application, protocol, and IP address groups [18]. It also helps with rebooting servers, terminating processes, and fixing issues remotely [19].

2. DataDog Network Performance Monitoring

Datadog created its network monitoring tool to enable individuals and organizations to automate their network monitoring systems by analyzing the network between applications and provides a high – quality visualization of the network and how devices are connected over it [2]. As per Pham [3], Datadog was a suitable choice over Google analytics for an internal web application. It also provided better metrics of the system and was able to detect problems in the network. As per Pourmajidi, Steinbacher, Erwin, and Miransky [4], Datadog also provides the ability to create a scalable service that can also be outsourced while monitoring system networks. As per Ashrafi, Hossain, Arefin, Das, and Chakrabarty [5], Datadog when integrated with Azure to send data from the Azure VM to the Datadog dashboard, a delay of about 2 seconds was observed in between sending data from the VM to the dashboard.

3. Zabbix

As per Olups [6], Zabbix is a network monitoring software that uses a centralized and a user – friendly web interface for its users. With inbuilt visualization capabilities, it can run on a variety of operating systems based on Unix such as Solaris and Linux, and can directly monitor Java applications using the Java Management Extension and SNMP and IPMI devices. Petruti, Puiu, Ivanciu and Dobrota [7], suggest that Zabbix enables its users to keep a check of the disk space, interruptions, and other network-related data. It also provides an advantage of tracking the location of its users which are sending and receiving data over the network and displaying the data in real-time. As per Peixian, Shenghua, Hongliang and Baoyu [8], the software has a deep focus over the database such that the performance of the database server affects the entire system when using prediction and monitoring platforms. Shevtsov [25], on working on a project to monitor a workstation via remote access found that monitoring a system using a web interface reduced the time it took to add individual nodes to the system running Zabbix to monitor a network. As per Lee, Yeom, and Choo [24], propose a way to set up an auto-scaling technique of networks on a Virtual Network Function load using Zabbix. The network makes use of some VNFs which include firewall and parental control. The only challenge faced was to integrate it with the existing networks as they are complex and might face data losses.

4. Nagios

As per Renita and Elizabeth [10], Nagios which is an open-source tool to monitor networks helps provide its users the statistics in real-time. A further approach of it can be to alert the user about any problems in the network via mail or SMS. Another advantage of this software is its blast notification of disturbance capabilities. It is a feature that comes into play when there is an error in one of the devices over the network and will notify the administrator by categorizing the device following the parameters set up by the administrator [11]. OpenStack components when manages as Nagios agents and exchange of SNMP messages can help optimize the NFV infrastructure [12]. The monitoring procedure is split into two categories of objects, namely the host and the service. Hosts are used to represent physical devices on the network and service is associated functionalities like the SSH can be defined as a service that needs to be monitored [13]. The Nagios core is capable enough to handle very complex systems ranging from a LAN configuration to an entire network operations team [14].

5. WhatsUp Gold

WhatsUp Gold is a network monitoring system and a comprehensive bandwidth management tool that helps keep a check of network and its traffic by displaying various network-related parameters using graphs and alerts the administrator via email or SMS [26]. It checks for errors in real-time network systems for devices including routers and servers and any SNMP enabled device [20]. It helps keep a check of the bandwidth consumption both uplink and downlink and can also notify about the bandwidth needed by a particular device that can further help users plan the bandwidth capacity [21]. During research carried out by the Hilt and Lin [22] at TrendLabs, WhatsUp Gold helped in identifying the routers which were experiencing a downtime. With this information and model of routers, it becomes easy for a hacker to attack a system.

Summary of Network Monitoring in Software-Defined Networking

Network monitoring is an important task that controls and monitors the network and provides smooth functioning of systems. Zabbix is one of those network monitoring tools which can run on almost every operating system and collect data of all devices over the network and send it to the network administrator. As per Siniarski, Murphy and Delaney [23], it is a resource-intensive technique that makes network administrators make a tough decision between accuracy and overhead. The by default sampling rate for the software to monitor the bandwidth is 5 seconds which can be tuned.

References for Network Monitoring in Software-Defined Networking

[1] Tsai, P. W., Tsai, C. W., Hsu, C. W. and Yang, C. S. “Network monitoring in software-defined networking: A review”. IEEE Systems Journal. 12(4). pp 3958-3969. 2018.

[2] Business Wire. “Datadog Announces Network Performance Monitoring”. 2019. Available: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190717005103/en/Datadog-Announces-Network-Performance-Monitoring

[3] Pham, L. “Real user monitoring for internal web application”. 2020. Available: https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/339187/THESIS_LinhPham_FINAL.pdf?sequence=2

[4] Pourmajidi, W., Steinbacher, J., Erwin, T. and Miranskyy, A. ‘On challenges of cloud monitoring’. 2018. Available: https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.05914

[5] Ashrafi, T. H., Hossain, M. A., Arefin, S. E., Das, K. D., and Chakrabarty, A. “IoT infrastructure: fog computing surpasses cloud computing”. Intelligent Communication and Computational Technologies. pp. 43-55. 2018.

[6] Olups, R. Zabbix Network Monitoring. Packt Publishing Ltd. 2016. Available: https://books.google.com/books?hl=enand lr=and id=xgjVDQAAQBAJand oi=fndand pg=PP1and dq=zabbixand ots=zQHljsO1otand sig=1sQL5p1S3zwiTSnZQ44RNAPkz84

[7] Petruti, C. M., Puiu, B. A., Ivanciu, I. A. and Dobrota, V. “Automatic management solution in cloud using NtopNG and Zabbix”. 2018 17th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet). (pp. 1-6). 2018.

[8] Peixian, C., Shenghua, B., Hongliang, Z., and Baoyu, T. “Research on Cluster Monitoring and Prediction Platform based on Zabbix Technology”. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 512. 2020.

[9] Shevtsov, S. V. “Configuration and adjustment of automatic detection of the third level switches in the Zabbix monitoring system”. pp 753-760. 2020.

[10] Renita, J., and Elizabeth, N. E. “Network's server monitoring and analysis using Nagios”. 2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET). pp. 1904-1909. 2017.

[11] Fahreza, F. and Rifqi, M. “Nagios Core Optimization By Utilizing Telegram as Notification of Disturbance”. Journal of Applied Science, Engineering, Technology, and Education. 2(2). pp 121-135. 2020.

[12] Luchian, E., Docolin, P. and Dobrota, V. “Advanced monitoring of the OpenStack NFV infrastructure: A Nagios approach using SNMP”. 2016 12th IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC). pp. 51-54. Oct. 2016.

[13] Kocjan, W., and Beltowski, P. Learning Nagios. Packt Publishing Ltd. 2016. Available: https://books.google.com/books?hl=enand lr=and id=dqnWDQAAQBAJand oi=fndand pg=PP1and dq=nagios+11and ots=svAcfTa_daand sig=k0o01VlP2dhNkTLIKfnvZyb-pcI

[14] Ryder, T. Nagios core administration cookbook. Packt Publishing Ltd. 2018. Available: https://books.google.com/books?hl=enand lr=and id=WG1LDAAAQBAJand oi=fndand pg=PP1and dq=nagios+11and ots=_cCtRU8ACFand sig=UyKn0jGPKqNtGvBcAwtFqB1NgSQ

[15] Hrín, A. “Transfer of monitoring solution”. 2019

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[17] Bartus, H. “Deep Packet Inspection: A Key Issue for Network Security”. Information Technology-New Generations. pp 89-92. 2018.

[18] n.a. SolarWinds Network Bandwidth Monitor. n.d. Available: https://www.solarwinds.com/netflow-traffic-analyzer/use-cases/network-bandwidth-monitoring#:~:text=SolarWinds%C2%AE%20NetFlow%20Traffic%20Analyzer,Flow%2C%20IPFIX%2C%20or%20NetStream.

[19] Cardoso, A., Vieira Teixeira, C. J. and Sousa Pinto, J. “Architecture for highly configurable dashboards for operations monitoring and support”. Stud. Inform. Control. 27(3). pp 319-330. 2018.

[20] Bhuiyan, R. I. Internship on Isp Setup Administration and Configuration with Microtik. 2019. Available: http://dspace.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd:8080/handle/123456789/3303

[21] Selby, L. M. and Bawa, A. “Optimizing an Efficient Use of Internet Bandwidth for Higher Learning Institutions in Ghana". 2018

[22] Hilt, S., and Lin, P. “Leaking Beeps: A Closer Look at IT Systems That Leak Pages. Trend Micro”. Sept. 2016. Available: https://documents.trendmicro.com/assets/wp/wp-leaking-beeps-a-closer-look-at-it-systems-that-leak-pages.pdf

[23] Siniarski, B., Murphy, J., and Delaney, D.” FlowVista: Low-bandwidth SDN monitoring driven by business application interaction”. 2017 25th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM). pp. 1-6. Sept. 2017.

[24] Lee, J., Yeom, S. and Choo, H. “VNF Auto-scaling using Zabbix monitoring system in NFV environment”. In Proceedings of the Korea Information Processing Society Conference. pp. 102-105. 2017.

[25] Shevtsov, S. V. "Configuration and adjustment of automatic detection of the third level switches in the Zabbix monitoring system." pp 753-760. 2020.

[26] Lappanitchayakul, Kreadtisak. "Development of Email and SMS Based Notification System to Detect Abnormal Network Conditions: A Case Study of Faculty of Business Administration”. 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences (ICIIBMS). 3. 2018.

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