The CRAP test can be defined as a way of evaluating any information or source to check whether it is current, reliable, authoritative, and scholarly.
When was the article published? |
The article was published on August 27, 2020, and therefore is a recent article. Since the field of study is related to nursing and medical research, therefore, it is important to use recent and current sources of information.
Is the information current for the topic? |
Yes, the information is about COVID-19 and therefore the current topic has been chosen. |
Is the information in the article still relevant today? |
The article is very relevant today because it is based upon the COVID-19 pandemic and the perception of the nursing workforce during that pandemic.
Who is the intended audience of the article? |
The intended audience of this article is the common patient population, the public, and policymakers. Policymakers can help as an audience as it will provide information to them regarding the nurses and what are the needs and requirements of nurses. This will help to design special care strategies for them and consider them as humans and not heroes. |
Are there any references given for the information? |
Yes, a lot of references have been provided in the article. Previously published articles have been used for reference. All the articles were peer-reviewed and were reliable as well as valid. |
Is the content in the article primarily opinion? |
Yes, the content in the article is primarily the opinion of the authors. Some of the information was taken from past pandemic scenarios and some of them belong to nurses and their perception as a healthcare professional. |
Is the author of this article, a person or an institution? |
The authors of this article are a person. |
What are the credentials of the author? How can we say that the author is an expert? |
The corresponding author of the article is Jessica Stokes Parish who is a registered nurse and runs Jessica Stokes Parish education for working and motivating health professionals to be ethical and effective on social media. |
Can any information be found about the author on Google? What do others say about the author? |
Is the site publishing the article biased? |
The article was published in the Journal of Nursing Scholarship which is a peer-reviewed journal and has been listed on NCBI. |
What was the intention of publishing the article? Was it to inform or persuade? |
The intention of publishing the article was to bring awareness to the common public about the perception of nursing professionals. This article was written to inform and tell that nurses are frontline workers who are skilled, educated, and patient advocates and they are not angels and heroes as personified. |
Were there any advertisements or other forms of content attached to the website where the article was published? What was the purpose of those advertisements? |
No advertisements or contents were attached to the website of NCBI where the article was published. |
During the Covid- 19 pandemic, nurses have worked as frontline workers globally and have worked more than the expected level and cared for critically ill patients while being sourced (Allande-Cussó et al., 2021). The world has acknowledged their contribution to the healthcare profession and has described them as angels and heroes. This paper provides an opinion that personifying them as angels and heroes is leading to the unintentional undermining of their professionalism and hard work. It is also gender biasing the role of nursing for females (Kiekkas et al., 2016). The authors recommend that nurses change this stereotyped image of the nursing profession by using social media and participating in media training, upgrading their skills through higher education, and challenging the narrative of carer only by also associating the leadership and the policymaker attitude. By putting up this image of angels and heroes, there is a preconceived notion for the nurses to be personals of having superior courage and who can save others' life at any cost. This underestimates the hard work, education, skills, and time that has been invested by the nurses in attaining the skills. The policymakers should understand that the continuous up-gradation of the skills is required to match up with ever-changing scenarios of the diseases and to match with the level of technology and Artificial intelligence (AI) that is being researched and used in the field of medicine (Ronquillo et al., 2021). It is important to understand that specific technical and nontechnical skills are required to be developed by the nurses along with the psychological knowledge to deal with the patients and their families. Therefore, nurses and nursing skills should not be considered unimportant and disposable and the nurses must be kept at higher levels of the hierarchy in the healthcare profession. Two concepts that I learned through reading the article by Stokes-Parish et al. (2020) about the nursing profession were delivering top-quality care and professionalism. Delivering top-quality care amid Covid -19 pandemic was the height of professionalism that was seen by the nursing workforce throughout the world. Without access to the basic equipment, heavy exposure to the Covid -19 virus, continuous shifts, and long working hours. The nurses have provided nonbiased care to patients of all backgrounds, colors, ages, and races. Delivering the improved services helps in improving the reputation of the organization as well as giving a professional identity to the nurses (Heldal et al., 2019). Nurses are being seen with the image of caring, comforting, and feminine instead of being skilled, educated workforce the leadership qualities. The perception of people towards the nursing profession can be changed by changing the image of the nurses through the use of social media and individual nurse efforts. The concept of professionalism also denies gender stereotypes in any profession which is the case with the nursing profession.
Allande-Cussó, R., García-Iglesias, J. J., Ruiz-Frutos, C., Domínguez-Salas, S., Rodríguez-Domínguez, C., & Gómez-Salgado, J. (2021). Work engagement in nurses during the covid-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 9(3), 253. Heldal, F., Kongsvik, T., & Håland, E. (2019). Advancing the status of nursing: reconstructing professional nursing identity through patient safety work. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 418. Kiekkas, P., Igoumenidis, M., Stefanopoulos, N., Bakalis, N., Kefaliakos, A., & Aretha, D. (2016). Gender bias favors female nursing students in the written examination evaluation: Crossover study. Nurse Education Today, 45, 57–62. Ronquillo, C. E., Peltonen, L. M., Pruinelli, L., Chu, C. H., Bakken, S., Beduschi, A., Cato, K., Hardiker, N., Junger, A., Michalowski, M., Nyrup, R., Rahimi, S., Reed, D. N., Salakoski, T., Salanterä, S., Walton, N., Weber, P., Wiegand, T., & Topaz, M. (2021). Artificial intelligence in nursing: Priorities and opportunities from an international invitational think-tank of the nursing and artificial intelligence leadership collaborative. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(9), 3707–3717. Stokes-Parish, J., Elliott, R., Rolls, K., & Massey, D. (2020). Angels and Heroes: The unintended consequence of the hero narrative. Journal of Nursing Scholarship: An Official Publication Of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society Of Nursing, 52(5), 462–466.
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