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Leading and Learning: Building Professional Capacity

Introduction to Managing Conflict Resolution

There has been a rapid evolution in nursing education worldwide since 1980’s. Wardrop, Coyne & Needham in 2019 state that transition has taken place in the developed countries from the type of training in the hospitals to the training in universities. During the undergraduate degrees in the nursing regime, the student nurse is likely to acquire the skills imbibed with the knowledge of nursing science so as to practice as a registered nurse (Jacob, McKenna & D'Amore, 2014). According to Hezaveh, Rafii & Seyedfatemi, 2014 graduates find it difficult to adjust to the profile of a nurse who is just registered as they are underconfident and unprepared to work in collaboration of the clinical team. This essay is taken to understand comprehensively interpersonal collaboration and its role regarding the new graduate nurses in dealing effectively with their transition into the clinical environment and strategies to manage interpersonal conflicts efficiently at the healthcare workplace.

Collaborative Team Effort in Building Professional Capacity

 The terms,collaborative care or interprofessional collaboration, depict the way the various heathcare experts coming from various disciplines cooperate to give thorough, quality patient consideration over all healthcare settings and segments (HPRAC, 2009; WHO, 2010) The advantages of Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) or collaborative team effort incorporate utilizing predictable and suitable language when speaking with other healthcare workers, patients, their relatives and perceiving the skill, the commitments and aptitude of all colleagues when deciding, building appreciation and trust within the team, and inviting and also supporting new colleagues as their team participants. Improving commitment in IPC is a feasible answer for upgrading enrollment and maintenance of newly graduated nurses. However, Baumann, Hunsberger & Crea-Arsenio in 2010 state that some limiting factors may prove to be an obstacle in the pathways of a newly graduate nurse ability to participate with the collaborative teams which are firstly their limited exposure to the collaborative team works during academics in college, secondly a scarcity of jobs as a full-time in nursing positions and thirdly Casey, Fink, Krugman & Propst, 2004 of a stress-filled transition experience.

Different graduate programmes have been introduced to ease the transition of the nurses into clinical practice. These programmes are based on the consideration that the newly passed out graduates need time to develop and polish their skills of the clinical practice, increase their confidence level and to sense they are an efficient participant of the teams in the new surrounding of the workplace. Kramer, Brewer & Maguire, 2013 say that they focus to decrease the initial hiccups often felt by the newly passed out because of their limited experience. Many theories have been introduced to help understand the transitional experience of a fresh graduate into their first year of clinical practice. Although supportive programs have developed to address the momentary difficulties none have exhaustively tended to the collaborative teams challenges which have been faced by the fresh graduates. These projects essentially address the nurse graduates at an individual level, without sufficient thought of the unpredictability inside the group and their organizational culture. Also, they are difficult to reliably access over the various healthcare segments and settings where nursing graduates are employed (Pfaff, 2013).

The nursing graduates described respect as the main behaviour by other medical care workers that were interconnected in way which was irrespective of their position or the roles they play in the organization. Supportive practices and behaviour by colleagues, for example, physiotherapists, doctors, and social workers, helped them in learning in different ways and means with collective team practices. These practices to a great extent incorporated knowledge sharing and experiences which aided the fresh graduates to comprehend the extents of training of different orders of medical services experts. Leadership inside the team was likewise a noteworthy factor in giving help and support for nurturing of the nursing graduates and their were group pioneers which included charge nurture and prepared staff individuals too (Pfaff, 2013).

The nursing graduates elaborated on a number of communication mechanisms that have supported them to engage well in the collaborative practice which comprised of both verbal and written strategies e.g. telephone, progress notes and e-mail. Nevertheless, individual interactions, including chat rounds which were interprofessional and team meetings and conferences on care were more often stated as implementers of their appointment in the collaborative practice (Pfaff, 2013).

Managing Conflict Resolution

Discourteousness in the healthcare arena is well established and may exhibit in both obvious and elusive ways. Improper and unruly actions can lead to a compromise in the safety of the patient, increase in the turnover and absence, thereby reducing the pleasure of work. The most common causes of conflict consist of submissive or aggressive ways in communication, set behaviors, aggression laterally or vertically, and other ways of incivility. Each nurse having leadership role needs to develop a systematic method comprising of practices which are consistent in approaching problematic circumstances with confidence as well as clarity. One can possibly save themself from discomforting conversations all through the year by going over the standards of the department within a team meeting every year. Problematic and well- known standards like dress code, absenteeism, encashed leave, improper behaviour have been one of the few to deal with in a healthcare set up. Spelling out clearly ones expectations gives a thorough clarity in addressing any situational issue because only the nurse knows when the policy was last told to the employees. No apologies are to be given in expected cases that are already well explained and understood. The team is to be conveyed what they deserve to be told exactly and what are the expectations from them once a year one should review all the standards annually to keep everyone on the same page (Elizabeth, 2019). Past reliably setting desires and finishing, it's significant that your group has a thought of what they can anticipate from your communications with them. Nothing disheartens a group in excess of a pioneer who's conflicting in their practices and desires. Negative practices not only challenge you as a pioneer, they likewise altogether sway your team. Negative behaviors like defensiveness, victim mentality, passive aggressiveness, vertical aggression or bullying or the informer who gives away performance information can pose challenges and put leaders in a difficult position and can spread if left unaddressed effectively. These types of conflicts occurring interpersonally can always hinder communication, leading to mistakes and harm to the patients (Elizabeth, 2019). 

One strategy that the graduate registered nurse could implement at the time of the conflict to enhance team-based communication

To deal with such conflicts nurses have to develop a consistent toolkit to approach such situations with calmness and clarity. One has to be consistent in keeping expectation settings of team and following through with them. A co-workers poor performance going unchecked can be discouraging to team. Drawn in and high-performing representatives think that it is disheartening to observe an associate's horrible showing go unchecked. It is fundamental that your workers don't possibly get with you when something is not right. To correct such attitude acknowledgment is a ground-breaking (and frequently underutilized) device to fabricate trust and pass on what kinds of activities are esteemed in your group which can be done by calling out encouraging points via an email, a letter to the worker's home, or a workforce conference—and be explicit. It's never charming to settle on an intense choice to put somebody in the order cycle, fire work, or supplant a position. However, at last, one may find that these activities are the fitting subsequent stages given the training and responsibility you've just executed (Elizabeth, 2019). To deal with miscommunication effectively, it is essential to avoid small talk, clearly state the expectations and performance gap and formulate an action plan and a feedback tool by addressing the situation not in a manner of compliment sandwich mechanism but by directly addressing the conversation in a tough way. Give the necessary support and resources for the employee to change then check back after a tough conversation to ensure clear communication (Elizabeth, 2019).

One has to put aside the time to insightfully plan for troublesome discussions and be proactive by conveying clear desires and perceiving great work. Also one should help oneself to remember the "why" and the implications for your group and your patients so that these negative practices don't go unattended (Elizabeth, 2019). 

Conclusion on Managing Conflict Resolution

There is a requirement for new graduates to finish their college degree as cutting edge learners so as to diminish the shock due to the transition experience and stay up with quickly changing demands of the clinical situations. An expansion in the ward based college training can lead to an improvement in this transition. Introduction of a hypothetical system at the academia level in the institutes can give a profound comprehension of the different stages and cycles of collaborative team efforts and managing conflict situations with good communication to empower improvement in the efficiency of newly graduated nurses. The healthcare teams and emergency clinics need to adjust their present practice and improve their collaborative efforts to line up with the requirements of new graduates because of enormous understudy numbers and progressing precise headways to diminish the weakening rate.

References for Managing Conflict Resolution

Elizabeth, A. (2019). Managing interpersonal conflict. Nursing Management (Springhouse), 50(6),22-28 doi: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000558479.54449.

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