As mentioned in the information contained in the allocated case study Mabel Winter or Mrs. Winter is a 90-year-old widowed woman with multiple medical issues. After reading the case study carefully all her needs and requirements were identified. Later 4 main types of patient care needs services were instilled to make sure of the fact that Mrs. Winter would live comfortably in her home. It will be placed to ensure that she does not need to get readmitted to the hospital (Grove, 2016).
To find the right kind of solution this program was designed as an illustrative resource with the entire above-mentioned selected service category based on CHSP program. All the presented services are in order according to the level of their pre-determined priority for her.
Australian Government (2020), My Aged Care, from: [Retrieved On: 4th October 2020]
Australian Government (2020), My Aged Care, from: [Retrieved On: 4th October 2020]
Australian Government (2020), My Aged Care, from: [Retrieved On: 4th October 2020]
Australian Government (2020), My Aged Care, from: [Retrieved On: 4th October 2020]
Australian Government (2020), MyAged Care, from: [Retrieved On: 4th October 2020]
Grove, A. (2016). Aged Care: a quick guide. Parliamentary Library: Research Paper Series, 17, 2016.
Jeon, Y. H., & Kendig, H. (2017). Care and support for older people. In Ageing in Australia (pp. 239-259). Springer, New York, NY.
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