According to Kahlenberg et al. (2018, pp. 193), it is a surgical procedure also known as total knee replacement, in which the knee surface damaged by arthritis is replaced. The ends of the bones are capped by plastic and metal joint is used to form the knee joint. It is conducted for serious arthritis patients who have had a knee injury.
First, dementia patients often hurt themselves and others, so the patient should be closely observed for violent intentions for the patient’s safety by providing them with 24/7 care takers. Second, such patients often have false ideas or hallucinations. This can be stopped by turning their attention to music or activities they enjoy. Third, such patients have poor cognitive skills and memory abilities, so simple explanations or face-to-face interactions should be used to communicate and explain things to them (Tajeddin, 2020, pp. 564).
According to Kotsis et al. (2018, pp. 1447), a patient with diabetes is at a high risk of cardiac arrest and heart stroke. The more sugar level in the blood damages the blood vessels and the heart muscles. High sugar in the blood also causes the deposition of blood clots or fats on the blood vessel walls. These deposits pill up with time and obstruct the pathways of blood flow in the neck or brain. This cuts off the supply of oxygen and blood from reaching the organs resulting in heart stroke. When the heart does receive oxygen and blood it performs abnormal rhythms and stops beating resulting in cardiac arrest.
Medication – medication changes the mood of the patient and might alter his eating patterns resulting in his loss of attitude and weight loss (Greaves et al., 2017, pp. 160). Poor memory – such patients have poor memory they might forget that they have eaten or not and might also forget about how to chew or swallow. Mobility – an Alzheimer’s dementia patient show increased motion like frequent wander or pace is very common, resulting in their high-calorie burning (Fuller et al., 2016, pp. 770).
Due to poor memory, the patient may forget to take his medicines. So, it should be ensured either by the family members or by the caretaker that they take their daily dosage.
As such patients might also forget that whether they have taken the medicine or not, resulting in an overdose. The caretaker should ensure that there is no overdosing of medicines.
Using a reminder system can help to regulate the activities of medication for a dementia patient. Such systems act as alarms to help the patient to remind the medication administration timings and many other things (Look & Stone, 2018, pp. 422).
Such patients should never be given medicines over the counter because they might ask for unprescribed medicines and intake of those unprescribed medicines will result in health harm.
Albanna, M., Yehya, A., Khairi, A., Dafeeah, E., Elhadi, A., Rezgui, L., & Al-Amin, H. (2017). Validation and cultural adaptation of the Arabic versions of the mini–mental status examination–2 and mini-cog test. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 13, 793.
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Greaves, C., Poltawski, L., Garside, R., & Briscoe, S. (2017). Understanding the challenge of weight loss maintenance: A systematic review and synthesis of qualitative research on weight loss maintenance. Health Psychology Review, 11, 145-163.
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Kahlenberg, C. A., Nwachukwu, B. U., McLawhorn, A. S., Cross, M. B., Cornell, C. N., & Padgett, D. E. (2018). Patient satisfaction after total knee replacement: A systematic review. HSS Journal, 14, 192-201.
Kotsis, V., Tsioufis, K., Antza, C., Seravalle, G., Coca, A., Sierra, C., & Redon, P. (2018). Obesity and cardiovascular risk: A call for action from the European society of hypertension working group of obesity, diabetes and the high-risk patient and European association for the study of obesity part b obesity-induced cardiovascular disease, early prevention strategies and future research directions. Journal of Hypertension, 36, 1441-1455.
Liu, M., Cheng, D., Wang, K., & Wang, Y., (2018). Multi-modality cascaded convolutional neural networks for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis. Neuroinformatics, 16, 295-308.
Look, K. A., & Stone, J. A. (2018). Medication management activities performed by informal caregivers of older adults. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 14, 418-426.
Miller, L. M., Whitlatch, C. J., & Lyons, K. S. (2016).Shared decision-making in dementia: A review of patient and family carer involvement. Dementia, 15(5), 1141-1157.
Peterson, N. E., Osterloh, K. D., & Graff, M. N. (2019).Exercises for older adults with knee and hip pain. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 15, 263-267.
Tajeddin, M. (2020).Predicting aggressive responsive behaviour among people with dementia.In Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 562-565.
Takahashi, R. H., Nagao, T., &Gouras, G. K. (2017).Plaque formation and the intraneuronal accumulation of β?amyloid in Alzheimer's disease. Pathology International, 67(4), 185-193.
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