I have worked in the accounts payable and receivable departments. Considering that experience and the knowledge gained from ECU financial Services centre field visit I believe that to function efficiently in the Accounts payable or Accounts receivable or Asset management department a person should be able to:
All three functions require getting in touch with vendors or investors. Thus, a person should be good at communicating ideas and also have speaking skills and relationship building skills. The person is required to be self-motivated and should be able to solve problems quickly.
According to the lectures and activities, I am confident that I will be able to make monthly records, read the market and its trends. I can also create invoices and send the mails of reminder as and when required. Also, through various team activities, I have learnt to communicate better and develop healthy relationships with my teammates.
I believe there is always a scope for growth and in my case, I am not a master at excel that will be required at every step in the job role. Also, I might have become better in communicating still I believe I can improve in speaking skills.
To improve my performance, I will take a course in excel and accounting software that is used in the market so that I will be efficient before I start looking for jobs. Also, for communication development, I will take speaking skills classes and further get in touch with my colleagues and take advice to become better. This will help me in becoming an attractive candidate in the labour market.
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