Collaborative practice” occurs when several health associates from diverse professional backdrops work jointly with “patients, families, carers, and communities” to give the chief quality of treatment (McFarlan, O'Brien, & Simmons, 2019). Obligating to lifelong education and professional growth is possible to cause some extremely vital objectives counting the finding and relevance of health care practices to stop sickness and ailment, improve safety, and augment the superiority of life and years of the community. NMC mentions that nurses must treat people as individuals and respect their dignity and must not discriminate in any way against those in their care (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2023). “Continuing professional development” includes self-learning with managerial and systems education. It concentrates on the medical characteristics of healthcare and additional practice-associated content. It can be thought to be a far more assorted type of learning plus utilizes a range of techniques, approaches, designs, and environments. It can furthermore be measured as a system for upholding, expanding, and improving information and expertise through one’s expert life. A nurse’s efficiency depends on superior communication, plus cognitive and technological proficiency used with knowledge, sympathy, and honesty. Achieving the last characteristic need development in consciousness and administration of one's thoughts, feelings, and ideas, along with life experiences (Adams, Mannix, & Harrington, 2017). Nurses’ aware and unaware approaches, viewpoints, earlier life experiences, sentiments, and emotional and cultural backdrop play a part in their care of patients, rarely harmfully. By being conscious of and managing these features, nurses can better provide the requirements of patients plus themselves. Results of personal development comprise alterations in principles and aim; better behaviors and affiliation; and augmented energy, output, and resourcefulness.
This assignment will talk about the professional values and ethics in nursing. It will further discuss the roleof collaborative workers and the developmental needs that nurses require to possess for enhanced patient care.
In nursing, professionalism reveals the act of offering outstanding patient care whilst respecting the principles of reverence, encouragement, and accountability (Schmidt & McArthur, 2018). “Professional values” are a way to support nurses’ “ethical abilities” in clinical settings and handling ethical issues in the current time. Ethics and “professional values” inform the nurses to offer “quality of care” to their patients. Besides, professional values not merely control patients’ values and performance values but moreover facilitate them in the foundation of an “ethical structure” (Kaya & Boz, 2019).
Ethical standards are necessary for any healthcare supplier. Ethics are honest values that oversee how the individual or a cluster will perform or accomplish themselves (Salehi et al., 2020). Ethics in healthcare are significant since employees must distinguish healthcare predicaments, and make fine decisions and assessments based on their standards whilst keeping in the regulations that oversee them. To practice capably with honesty, nurses, similar to all healthcare experts, must have directives and leadership in their vocation (Lisa M. Haddad, Robin A. Geiger, 2022). “The American Nurses Association (ANA)” has made “the Code of Ethics” for this reason.
The vocation of nursing, together through its professional association, must express nursing principles, uphold the honesty of the vocation, and incorporate values of social fairness into nursing and well-being strategy (Haahr et al., 2020).
The Code has the professional values that RNs, midwives along with nursing acquaintances must support. Nurses, midwives, and nursing acquaintances must proceed in proportion to “the Code” (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2023). “The Code” includes regular principles of behavior and actions for persons on the register. This gives an apparent, reliable, and optimistic message to patients, service users, and contemporaries regarding what they can anticipate of persons who offer “nursing or midwifery” treatment (Cannon & McCutcheon, 2016).
Through the help of my classmates and my counselor who directed me, I could observe that I have achieved loads of new prospects and expertise, which will assist me to manage the related condition in the future. Besides, I must promise that I communicate efficiently with further health experts to improve my leadership (Vahedian-Azimi et al., 2019). I aspire to discover other approaches to enhance my communication talents around inter-professional practice. I will carry on wanting the help of elderly staff in difficult circumstances.
While working on a case study jointly as a team to create a PowerPoint presentation to offer the results to superior nurses, it is important to work collaboratively. Though nurses communicate and concentrate on the job yet it can be seen that they are in some way incompetent and ethical values were not well observed as they are new to the field and lack expertise (McFarlan, O'Brien, & Simmons, 2019). If I have given the chance next time, I will advocate that the group allocate a manager to supervise the plan in a proper way. This will help things be well planned and support extra group meetings and consider messages, therefore, providing criticism and talking about it as a team.
Commitment, empathy, and efficient teamwork add to the well-being of patients and must be appreciated. Both nursing and medical employees are allowed to have efficient teamwork. One of the main principles of interprofessional working must be on the subject of respecting the persons within the group. The collaborative practice among regulation, patients, and relatives causes the maximum superiority of care and reinforces health care systems, suggesting that interprofessional learning is the way ahead to creating “collaborative-practice” ready personnel (Butler & Mallet-Boucher, 2020). Efficient communication is one of the chief barricades when working to guarantee secure, reliable, and brilliant patient care. A region of limitation when I converse with patients is posture. From self-examination, I have observed that in some instances I become uncomfortable and am hesitant about where to situate or how to be seated in the presence of a patient. Expectantly, by self-realization, I will be competent to develop in this region in my future placement. I think collaborative practice has to be utilized as a regular activity in the health care system along with practical and theoretical knowledge. It has been revealed how necessary it is to work together in a group and guarantee leadership is given importance. Planning a “service improvement plan” was a grand experience in improving communication and enhancing collaborative practice and I currently feel certain critiquing facilities and planning a transformation.
Effective verbal communication is important during patient care delivery. Nurses must aspire to always talk with clarity, correctness, empathy, and sincerity. Utilizing fundamentals of “nonverbal communication”—like “facial expressions, eye contact, body language”, nods, pose, and quality of voice—is as well necessary in building a relationship. “Active listening” suggests listening to appreciate the other individual’s needs and preferences (de Rezende et al., 2015). The most efficient listening needs full consideration and commitment. This ability is vital not just for nurses but too for nurse managers and additional healthcare suppliers as an instrument for generating faith and obligation in their employees. Written communication talents are moreover necessary for efficient “nurse-to-nurse communication”. Efficient presentation expertise is most appropriate throughout “handover”—when patient treatment is transferred to a new nurse or further healthcare suppliers. This expertise will moreover assist to show familiarity and proficiency evidently in various workplace backgrounds. It is significant to be introduced to the individual behind the patient (Larsen, Mangrio, & Persson, 2021). “Patient-centered relationships” are important in making them feel protected and at ease. Generating meaningful associations with clients can progress effects and beliefs.
Communication is not merely chatting with the patient; it is also paying attention to what the patient’s family plus healthcare suppliers are saying to gather additional information that assists the nurses to save patients. Throughout my placement, I understood that nurses must embrace their principles and behavior with respect even when the circumstances are unmanageable. Good communication proficiency plus critical thinking can assist to offer care to patients by calming their nervousness (Ghezeljeh, Farahani, & Ladani, 2021). Critical thinking with communication must be utilized by nurses throughout the decision-making and resolving patients’ troubles with inspiration to improve outcomes. I also established that “nonverbal communication” can assist a lot in offering patients with nursing care as my facial language was competent to support and make the patient settle down more than speaking to me. I understood that utilizing patients' family associates to talk to them optimistically affects their health, superiority, and the consequences of nursing care (Dewsbury, 2019). Additionally, I feel that my meeting with patients throughout the placement period assisted me to apply the five communication mechanisms: “sender, message, channel, receiver, and feedback”. Therefore reflecting on the happening assisted me to comprehend how communication talents are necessary for the nurse-patient association.
Communication is fundamental in nursing since it assists construct reports and healing nurse-patient associations. Nurses must at all times struggle to improve their communication talents to deliver efficient nursing treatment (Adams, Mannix, & Harrington, 2017). I will constantly develop my communication plus critical thinking expertise, as I will communicate with more diverse patients daily in the future. I will make sure that I can manage difficult cases through appropriate communication with patients plus significant thinking. Out of these types of communication, I prefer verbal communication as my preferred way. In this style, I can effectively communicate with patients and ask about their issues clearly.
Nurses must be talked about the requirements and load of patients. Nurses have to appreciate that their behavior must be aimed at patients and physicians. To improve myself as a professional nurse I must have the necessary piece of knowledge regarding obligations to accomplish, patients to look after, and hospitals to help in. I must be able to effectively communicate, understand the values and morals (Rasheed, Younas, & Sundus, 2019).
Reflective practice is a cognitive talent that requires conscious effort to observe a case with a consciousness of their practices, values, and acts allowing nurses to learn from past happenings, including that learning in enhancing patient care results. It additionally causes “knowledge development” in nursing. Having proper knowledge of “self-awareness” will assist nurses involve professionally with a varied patient populace and change actions as required (Karlsson & Pennbrant, 2020). The self-conscious nurse is competent to better examine one's capability to offer treatment and examine patient requirements and change when required in different situations.
My communication abilities have developed in all contact plus this has been recognized in each practice. Though, I thought of this learning requirement, when I acknowledged my flaw was with boldness in communication when functioning with a staff nurse. I recognized this requirement in the second week of residency since I was capable to carry out patient entrance in the direction of my adviser (Contreras et al., 2020). The requirement to develop this skill was recognized by my counselor’s criticism and I approved that it must be improved to assist in circumventing mistakes in future practice, enhancing my decision-making talents and professional approval. I have spent a fine amount of time investigating and decisively examining this learning requirement. I once more experienced this was significant for me to develop since it affected the patient and me as an upcoming qualified nurse.
My preferred mode of communication is verbal communication. I believe that nurses have to face issues while working collaboratively mainly because they are novices. Therefore, a guide must be present to help them in these situations. I acknowledged that trying to communicate with patients and working together with nursing personnel will assist in my growth to be a further self-confident nurse. Contributing and engaging in leadership actions for instance handovers plus task handing over will be helpful at this phase of my education.
Specific |
Measurable |
Achievable |
Realistic |
Timely |
To improve communication skills |
I will pay attention closely to what others are telling me. If I cannot carry on, I will request them to elucidate. This is measurable as it will help in improving my communication skills by the end of the year |
I will ask the patients whether they comprehended me after I have spoken. |
Attending meetings, and lectures, observing nursing professionals and doctors talk to patients. |
I must become a superior communicator by the finish of the year (2023). |
To develop professionally |
To develop my professional talent, patient communication plus patient care by feedback study, patient interview |
This can be attained by being unrelenting to the objective and working hard |
Being present at two nursing workshops or webinars or professional development programs each year to assist my professional growth. |
By the conclusion of the year 2023 |
To develop time management skills |
I will file all errands in a weekly diary and measure by comparing my improvement at the end of two weeks |
I will set a schedule that I will follow daily so that I can achieve my responsibilities extra competently |
I can generate an extra sense of importance by making a decision that I have to finish the records before coming back to work. |
I will perform this for two weeks in 2023 to develop my general time management. |
To develop patient care |
Discover to use simple language so I can converse better with my patients. Offer printed/written commands to patients on release from hospital |
The objective development can be calculated by the number of latest medicinal and laymen’s vocabulary that I learned. I will confirm my patients obtain all their queries answered before they go away. |
Watch how other experts clarify medicinal language to patients. I will perform methodical evaluations each shift and request them to say again what I told them to guarantee they comprehend |
In three months in 2023 (February, March, And April). |
Avoiding burnout |
I will utilize my PTO to take time off for a small holiday minimum twice a year. I will perform stress-lessening methods, like meditation and yoga, a minimum of thrice a week. I will seek to get sufficient sleep on my holidays. I will practice “deep breathing” if I sense stressed during my shift. I will see the improvement when I am working long hours and can perform efficiently without stress |
I will contemplate what assisted me in sense less stress and review whether I have premature symbols of burnout. The objective is achievable since practicing yoga or meditation thrice per week is simpler than daily. |
The objective is important since burnout can simply occur to nurses, specifying the elevated stress and burden of the profession. |
a duration of three months in 2023 |
Stressing less |
To fight stress at the job, I will observe stress administration. I will work out, contemplate, listen to songs, or take a break for myself daily for one hour. I can measure my improvement by engaging in stressful working conditions and checking if I can perform well. |
Allocating an hour per day to engage in the activities of stress management. |
The objective is rational as stress is a part of the nursing profession and that can hamper work quality |
In two weeks of 2023 in the month of February |
Adams, A., Mannix, T., & Harrington, A. (2017). Nurses' communication with families in the intensive care unit - A literature review. Nursing in Critical Care, 22(2), 70–80.
Butler, L. J., & Mallet-Boucher, M. (2020). Healthcare in secure environments: Leading a collaborative for forensic nursing education. Nursing leadership (Toronto, Ont.), 33(1), 25–34.
Cannon, F., & McCutcheon, K. (2016). Nursing and midwifery revalidation. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 26(4), 72–77.
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Ghezeljeh, T. N., Farahani, M. A., & Ladani, F. K. (2021). Factors affecting nursing error communication in intensive care units: A qualitative study. Nursing Ethics, 28(1), 131–144.
Haahr, A., Norlyk, A., Martinsen, B., & Dreyer, P. (2020). Nurses experiences of ethical dilemmas: A review. Nursing Ethics, 27(1), 258–272.
Kangasniemi, M., Pakkanen, P., & Korhonen, A. (2015). Professional ethics in nursing: an integrative review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(8), 1744–1757.
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Kaya, A., & Boz, İ. (2019). The development of the professional values model in nursing. Nursing Ethics, 26(3), 914–923.
Lanlehin R. M. (2018). Self-tracking, governmentality, and Nursing and Midwifery Council's (2016) revalidation policy. Nurse Education Today, 64, 125–129.
Larsen, R., Mangrio, E., & Persson, K. (2021). Interpersonal communication in transcultural nursing care in India: A descriptive qualitative study. Journal of Transcultural Nursing: Official Journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society, 32(4), 310–317.
Lisa M. Haddad, Robin A. Geiger (August 22, 2022), Nursing ethical considerations.
McFarlan, S., O'Brien, D., & Simmons, E. (2019). Nurse-Leader collaborative improvement project: Improving patient experience in the emergency department. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 45(2), 137–143.
Nursing and Midwifery Council, (2023). The Code, retrieved from:
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Rasheed, S. P., Younas, A., & Sundus, A. (2019). Self-awareness in nursing: A scoping review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(5-6), 762–774.
Salehi, Z., Najafi Ghezeljeh, T., Hajibabaee, F., & Joolaee, S. (2020). Factors behind ethical dilemmas regarding physical restraint for critical care nurses. Nursing Ethics, 27(2), 598–608.
Schmidt, B. J., & McArthur, E. C. (2018). Professional nursing values: A concept analysis. Nursing Forum, 53(1), 69–75.
Vahedian-Azimi, A., Hajiesmaeili, M., Kangasniemi, M., Fornés-Vives, J., Hunsucker, R. L., Rahimibashar, F., Pourhoseingholi, M. A., Farrokhvar, L., & Miller, A. C. (2019). Effects of stress on critical care nurses: A National cross-sectional study. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, 34(4), 311–322.
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