Provide a brief summary of the fair work act, national employment standards, role of the fair work commission and fair work ombudsman and modern awards. Have you been working under a modern award? If so which one?
Your response should not exceed 200 words.
• Fair Work Act is the primary legislation governing Australian workplace. It is the foundation to all standard and regulation for employment within the business. Fair Work Act 2009 is primary legislation governing Australia s workplace. As a business owner or employer in Australia one is bound by Fair work Act 2009. The rules and obligation which are outlined within the Fair Work Act 2009 are listed as workplace relations system.
• National Employment standards (NES) are the ten minimum entitlements which must be provided to employees working in Australia. NES provide minimum wages, flexible work arrangements, parental leave, annual leave, personal carer leave, community service leave, long service eave, public holidays, notice of termination and provision of Fair Work information statement are the 10 entitlements.
• The role of Fair Work Commission and Fair work ombudsman is to review legislation including updating entitlement, national minimum wages. Fair work ombudsman governs and investigates allegation for breaches in the workplace. Fair Work is Australia’s national workplace relations body power relating to employment.
• Modern Awards contains terms and entitlement relating to minimum wages, penalty rates, flexible working arrangement. They are set of guidelines and entitlement within which employers is obliged to operate. No, not currently
Identify 4 (four) WHS issues that need attention at your workplace or campus. For 2 (two) of those issues what do you think should be done to rectify the situation?Your response should not exceed 50 words.
Answer- 4 WHS are- Strips, Trips and Falls, poor indoor quality, no adequate labelling of storage of certain materials prone to fire, repetitive use injury, poor indoor air quality
2 of the issues as strips, trips and fall due to electrical wiring and no labelling on hazardous element through addressing the issue towards communication to the management and discussing WHS representative in case of no management representative. These issue can be addressed through addressing housekeeping maintenance at the campus and improving labelling. Cleaning up of pile near the walkaway and properly secured wiring will prevent WHS issues at the campus.
See company details handout for southern LaserTech P/L
Develop WHS policies and procedures to establish and provide implementation and monitoring arrangements regarding:
• Participation arrangements for managing WHS and managing matters arising from consultation
• Procedures for identifying WHS training needs, the costs of training and provision of training
• Procedures and legal requirements for identifying hazards and assessing and controlling risk. Establish a hazard and risk register for southern LaserTech
• Procedures for maintaining WHS records and creation of a record system including incident reports
• Establishing a monitoring and continuous improvement process
WHS policy for LaserTech PL
Policy statement- The LaserTech PL is committed to its team members, clients and stakeholders.
Responsibility and approval - The policy is approved by CEO and officers of organization are responsible for the policy
The manual includes
Management responsibility -
Consultation and communication
Risk management
Training and and skill development
The following sections are covered in the WHS policy in compliance with Work Health and Safety Act.
Management responsibility -All officers will ensure due diligence and The LaserTech PL will take individual accountability. A reasonable care will be taken for own and others safety.
Consultation and communication- Consultative forums- The LaserTech PL will adopt appropriate consultative mechanism through working groups for research and development and clinical trials. The LaserTech PL will consult staff on reasonable ground to maximise interest in scheduled development. A dedicated budget will be allocated for the same.
Training and development- Employee will be required for WHS training for new team members biannually. A refresher will be conducted for all team members is conducted every two years.
Continuous improvement process will be designed for cleanliness, workspace and manufacturing hub.
All policy will be revised on WHS meetings by management
Whs Task 5 Scenario
Company Details
Southern LaserTech is a relatively new imaginary Australian company with offices in all States and Territories. Head office is the manufacturing hub whilst the other branches undertakeR&D marketing and sales. There is a total of 170 staff. Your job is at head office.
Southern LaserTech commenced operations in 2012. The original owners and operators came from University research institutes then developed the first product in a technology incubator. The actual factory was commissioned in 2014.
The first product was a new laser that is now used for eye surgery and other related medical procedures. Since then the laser technology has been joined by nano-technology devices that can be placed inside the body to detect and destroy cancer cells.
There are two separate laboratories for the production of the nano machines and the lasers. Branch offices also have laboratories that specialise in the development of components or in experiments on new designs and clinical trials. Head office also has the most extensive set of experimental labs.
Southern LaserTech prides itself on having laboratories that meet world’s best practice standards for cleanliness and safety. Using lasers has significant risks. Nano-technology requires the use of totally clean facilities with high powered nuclear microscopes. Also in both cases the company runs clinical trials involving humans so processes and procedures for trials are stringent.
In 2017 there was a serious accident involving a laser. The company is now embarked on a full revision of its WHS systems and practices. Your job is to lead this work reporting to the senior management team.
Other relevant information:
Develop a presentation on workplace culture based on your current place of employment (or your Australian university experience) in 3 sections:
1. Background- forms of diversity found in your workplace
2. Impact- discuss how these differences have an impact on the workplace whether positive or negative
3. Strategies- explain how you respond to these diversity issues including how you modify your own behaviour in order to accommodate this diversity (you can use examples of ‘Australian’ behaviour).
Attach PowerPoint slides with the assessment submission
Make a list of inappropriate topics of conversation
• Using racial abuse to call out a co-worker
• Discussing about personal matter
• Discussion on personal appearance of co-worker
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