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Patients’ Needs for Care in Public Mental Health

Psychological Needs of Individuals

Individuals with mental health issues generally have multi-faceted social and clinical needs. According to the study conducted by Bellier-Teichmann et al. (2016), mental health patients have needs in four major domains, the first and most common need being care. The other needs are related to management, functional disabilities and family along with interpersonal relationships. Here, management relates to both financial as well as administrative needs. Based on psychological assessments like Camberwell Assessments of Needs and Needs for Care Assessment, the psychologist work in multidisciplinary teams at hospitals and other settings to provide care based on these needs.

Development and Running of A Therapeutic Group

Therapeutic group is one of the most promising aid to enhance the social functioning of the mental health patients through purposeful group experiences, enabling them to more effectively cope with their problems (Ezhumalai et al., 2018). The major priorities for developing and running a therapeutic group in mental health in the discipline of psychology included the need for mentorship and training opportunities, recognition programs, collaboration, networking and information dissemination strategies. The need for resources was recognised as infrastructure or environments conducive for group meetings, resource-person such as psychologists, counsellors as well as the formation of groups with people who share similar interests and who could benefit from each other. The success rates of the various group therapies, the elements that worked out and essential information and details about various institutions for mental health care and organization offering support were identified as vital information for the functioning of therapeutic groups.

The Barriers in Implementing a Therapeutic Group

The barriers in implementing a therapeutic group in mental health setting include funding, conflict of interest, time, resources, training and consultation of the mental health care practitioner and policies that may hinder the functioning of the therapeutic group (Landes et al., 2017). Formation of a group with similar interests, funding the development and running of the group, appropriate training of the mental health practitioner in the skill of handling and positively coaching the group are the biggest barriers that need to be addressed.

References for Therapeutic Groups in Mental Health

Bellier-Teichmann, T., Golay, P., Bonsack, C. & Pomini, V. (2016). Patients’ Needs for Care in Public Mental Health: Unity and Diversity of Self-Assessed Needs for Care. Frontiers in Public Health, 4, 1-8.

Ezhumalai, S., Muralidhar, D., Dhanasekarapandian, R. & Nikketha, B. S. (2018). Group interventions. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 60, S514–S521.

Landes, S.J., Rodriguez, A.L., Smith, B.N., Matthieu, M.M., Trent, L.R., Kemp, J. & Thompson, C. (2017). Barriers, facilitators, and benefits of implementation of dialectical behavior therapy in routine care: results from a national program evaluation survey in the Veterans Health Administration. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 7(4), 832–844.

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