There are some tribes even today that are unnoticed in the eyes of both people and government. We cannot solve them without knowing them and understanding their socio-economic culture, issues, and challenges. They still lag behind mainstream society.
There are courses where students have to study these tribes to understand their demands and socio-economic problems to overcome this. Courses like nursing, sociology, cultural history come in this category. To successful completion, students need to make assignments/case studies on topics like the Chcdiv002 case study. This needs a lot of time to research deeply, and many international students do not understand the topic or have time issues. Online Assignment Expert can help you in this regard, but first, we will go through Torres or aboriginal case studies.
These are the two indigenous people in Australia distinguished by their place of origin. Torres Strait people are from the Torres Strait Islands, and Aboriginals are from the mainland. When we say islands, it means a group of at least 274 small islands in the Torres Strait.
This strait has a total land area of 219sq mi. separating the waterway of Cape York Peninsula and the island of New Guinea. On the other hand, all of Australia's mainland area excludes Tasmania and offshore islands when we say mainland.
Before we talk about their culture, health, and economic conditions, it is important to understand their history.
Cultural safety is a safe environment for people, having no abuse of power, and challenge or denies their identity about who they are or what they need. It is all about sharing knowledge, meaning, respect, and working together with true dignity (Williams, R. 2008). For Aboriginal and Torres people, cultural security and safety require the following conditions:
"Keeping our children and youth connected to their communities and strong in their identity and culture is essential to their well-being and the cornerstone of resilience." Andrew Jackomos, Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People.
For these indigenous people, "culture is all about the networks in the family, elders and ancestors. It is about ceremony, dance, language and common heritage. For them, culture is a spiritual connection to their waters and lands. It is how they will pass their knowledge and stories to their children and babies. It is how we look for a connection. It is about all parts that help bond with each other – Said Jackomos.
Mentioning all these points in an aboriginal case study is very useful. It will make your case study more interesting and lucrative.
As a democratic country, it is very important to provide an atmosphere where both the communities feel safe and secure. Also, we can take extra steps to enhance their cultural safety further.
Creating the case study is challenging because it needs deep analysis and research. You need accurate data to make your points more authentic. In the end, you need a particular writing style to get high grades for the assignment/case study. If you cannot fetch high grades, it will affect your overall academic score. If you need it, you should visit Online Assignment Expert because they have expertise in providing case study help regarding cultural activities, indigenous people, history, etc. Some of the work done for other students are:
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