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The healthcare industry plays a pivotal role in society by providing essential medical services to individuals in need. However, it also presents unique challenges and risks to both patients and healthcare professionals. Managing work health and safety risks in the healthcare industry is of paramount importance to ensure the wellbeing of all stakeholders involved (Huhtala et al., 2021). Healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and support staff, are exposed to a multitude of hazards in their daily work. In the healthcare industry, there are various hazards and risks that can pose threats to the safety and wellbeing of both patients and healthcare workers (Huhtala et al., 2021). Three major hazards that will be discussed in this essay include job demand, low job control, and traumatic events or material.


Job demand: It is a common psychological hazard in healthcare. It refers to the stress and mental strain experienced by healthcare workers due to the demands and pressure of their jobs. These demands can have a significant impact on the psychological wellbeingwellbeing of healthcare professionals (Huhtala et al., 2021). Hospitals are inherently stressful organizations where different healthcare professionals are frequently exposed to various job stressors that can adversely affect their treatment outcomes and personal wellbeing. The overall work life of the healthcare workers has become more intense and demanding. Technological improvement has brought new challenges in terms of acquiring, updating and mastering new skills, which has increased the cognitive work demand on employees (Maglalang et al., 2021). The issue of high job stress, especially among nurses, has received a lot of empirical interest. However, it has been identified that less attention is paid to how the whole spectrum of other hospital staff, beyond nurses and doctors, experience stress at work. Healthcare professionals often work long shifts, irregular hours, and overtime, which can lead to fatigue, sleep disturbances, and work-life imbalance. Thapa et al. (2022) highlighted that work-related health challenges and adverse health outcomes, such as musculoskeletal disorders, stress, and burnout, are increasing within occupational health worldwide. Indeed, high job demand is related with low resources, which leads to long-term sickness absence and illnesses such as burnout and depression (Huhtala et al., 2021)

However, the implementation of some of the strategies can be helpful in managing job demand and can help healthcare professionals to manage their jobs in an effective manner.

Job demands-resources (JD-R) Model: It has been widely used in occupational psychology and human resources management to understand the relationship between job characteristics and employee wellbeing (Thapa et al., 2022). According to the, model every job has two key categories of factors: job demands and job resources, and the interplay between these factors affects an employee's work-related stress and motivation. Job demand refers to an organizational characteristic that requires physical and psychological efforts, which may lead to adverse health outcomes, such as burnout. However, job resources refer to aspects of the work environment that contribute to personal growth and development. It can be stated that job resources are the factors in a job that help employees achieve work goals, reduce job demand, and stimulate personal growth and development. When job resources are available, they can act as a buffer against the negative effect of job demands (Huhtala et al., 2021). Some of the common examples include social support from colleagues and supervisors, performance feedback, autonomy, skill variety, and opportunities for personal development and advancement. So, when both job demands and resources are high, it can lead to positive outcomes, such as engagement and motivation (Thapa et al., 2022).

Organizational changes and their impact on employee’s health: Organizational changes have a significant role in managing the job demands of healthcare professionals, ensuring their wellbeing and promoting effective patient care. Increased demand for healthcare services can lead to heavy workload for healthcare professionals (Thapa et al., 2022). Organizations can ensure appropriate staff levels by hiring additional healthcare professionals or redistributing workloads. Providing comprehensive training and ongoing professional development opportunities for healthcare professionals can help them handle their job demands by adapting new technologies and practices. The organization should foster a supportive and collaborative work environment to reduce the emotional demands on healthcare professionals (Maglalang et al., 2021). Offering mentoring programs and peer support groups can provide healthcare professionals to discuss challenges, seek advice, and share experiences, contributing to better coping with job demands. The healthcare organization should ensure the delivery and guidance for ethical decision-making in complex situations. This can be helpful for healthcare professionals in managing moral and ethical dilemmas (Thapa et al., 2022).

Low job control: Low job control is another psychological hazard faced by healthcare workers. This psychological hazard can cause psychological and physical hazards. Low job control is more than being given work to do. It becomes a hazard when it is severe (e.g., very low job control), prolonged (e.g., long term) or frequent (e.g., happens often) (Moreno-Pimentel et al., 2019). In the context of healthcare, low job control refers to the restricted authority to make decisions about patient care, treatment options, and administrative matters. The involvement of healthcare workers in healthcare institution's decision-making process has been considered as one of the issues of turnover of the health personnel. Employee involvement in decision-making results in the overall motivation of employees and reduces turnover. However, it has been identified that healthcare professionals have less autonomy in their daily work (Almeida et al., 2021). They have to follow rigid protocols and procedures, which can be demotivating and hinder their ability to provide personalized care. Low job control can lead to a feeling of powerlessness and a higher risk of errors or lapses in judgment, which can have negative consequences for patient safety and healthcare quality. Low job control can contribute to elevated stress levels, as healthcare professionals may feel overwhelmed by the demands of their roles while having limited control over how they manage their work (Ronchetti et al., 2021).

Some of the methods that are commonly used by employers to control risks to worker health and safety arising from low job control are:

Incorporate more autonomy and fluidity in the role of healthcare professionals: Providing autonomy to healthcare professionals can be an effective strategy for managing job control. Providing autonomy refers to the degree of independence and self-direction that healthcare worker have in performing their tasks and making decisions related to their work (Pursio et al., 2021). A study by Balasi et al (2020) highlighted the importance of members of the healthcare team. They stated that nurses have a significant role in care provision, so it is crucial to the professionalism and professional behaviour of nurses. Autonomy can be promoted by actively engaging healthcare professionals in decision-making related to patient care, workflow design, and organizational policies (Ndikumana et al., 2019).

Establish a professional and collegial relationship with medical providers. When healthcare workers face challenges in collaborating with other seniors or mentors, it leads to job dissatisfaction and less effective coordinated and efficient patient care. Healthcare workers must often collaborate with medical providers on patient care decisions (Fallman et al., 2018). To prevent the effects of low job control and to promote job control, a strong professional relationship is needed. Professional and collegial relationships can allow healthcare workers for open discussions and shared decision-making, ensuring the most appropriate and effective care plans are developed (Balasi et al., 2020). Healthcare organizations can arrange regular team meetings to promote interprofessional interaction (Balasi et al., 2020). Meetings can allow various disciplines to come together to discuss patient cases, share insight and plan care collaboratively. Another strategy that can be used by organizations is to offer training and workshops that focus on teamwork, collaboration, and communication skills. These trainings can help healthcare workers to in continuous learning and enable them to adapt new skills, which can promote their job control (Pursio et al., 2021).

Traumatic events or material: Healthcare workers are more prone to exposure to various risks to their health and safety due to the nature of their work, which involves caring for patients and providing medical services. However, the risks can vary according to the specific role of healthcare workers, for instance, nurses and physicians are more susceptible to getting infection as they come in direct contact with the patients (Moreno-Pimentel et al., 2019). Traumatic events or materials include reading, hearing or seeing accounts of traumatic events, abuse or neglect. In the healthcare sector, Emergency Physicians (EPs) are regularly confronted with work-related traumatic events and hectic work conditions. Healthcare workers appointed in the emergency department have to face most traumatic events like sudden infant death syndrome, handling burn victims, and providing care to patients who suffered physical hazards and violence (Satuf et al., 2016). Somville et al (2016) in their study stated that repetitive overexposure to these hazards can increase the risk of burnout and emotional distress, which can affect the performance of healthcare workers.

Along with these trauma, healthcare professionals are can also experience occupational hazards like exposure to blood-borne pathogens, non-blood borne pathogens and risk of hazardous chemicals exposure (Almeida et al., 2019). Healthcare workers dealing directly with patients may come into contact with patients who have contagious diseases, including blood-borne pathogens (HIV, Hepatitis B and C) and airborne diseases (tuberculosis and COVID-19). Meanwhile, healthcare workers who handle medications, cleaning agents, and hazardous drugs are at risk of chemical exposure, which can lead to skin irritation, respiratory issues, and other health problems (Somerville et al., 2016).

Here are some strategies to help healthcare workers cope with traumatic experiences:

Provide psychological support: Healthcare organizations can provide psychological support to their employees, including workers, to help them cope with the emotional and mental challenges of their work. Healthcare organizations can employ or contract with mental health professionals, such as counsellors, psychologists, and social workers, who can offer confidential counselling and support to employees. Organizing critical incident debriefing sessions after traumatic events or emotionally challenging situations allows employees to discuss their experiences and receive support from peers or mental health professionals (Somville et al., 2016).

Implicate employee assistance programs (EAPs): Healthcare organizations offer an EAP that provides healthcare workers and other employees with access to confidential and support services. EAPs provide access to confidential counselling services (Biron et al., 2018). Healthcare workers can speak with trained mental health professionals about the emotional and psychological impact of work-related trauma without fear of judgment or disclosure to their employer. EAPs offer timely access to support to reach out for assistance whenever they need it, whether they have recently experienced trauma or are dealing with the long-term effects (Bouzikos et al., 2022).


It can be concluded that in the healthcare industry three significant hazards faced by healthcare workers are job demand, low job control, and traumatic events or materials. These three factors are interrelated as high job demand and low job control can increase the risk of traumatic events and materials. High job demand in healthcare results in heavy workloads and burnout. There is a need to address these high-demand jobs and teach strategies that can help me manage my workload, like time management and communication skills. Healthcare workers like nurses often face low job control characterized by limited decision-making authority and autonomy. Both high job demand and low job control can hinder the ability to deliver safe and quality care and contribute to feelings of powerlessness, reduced job satisfaction, and an increased risk of burnout. The autonomy and authority of the healthcare workers can be increased by promoting their involvement in the decision-making process. Traumatic events or material, such as exposure to infectious diseases, patient violence or emotionally distressing cases, can have a lasting impact on the mental and emotional wellbeingwellbeing of the healthcare workers. Providing psychological support, access to mental health services and providing resources to prevent from infection can be the effective steps implicated by the healthcare organization to prevent traumatic events.


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Bouzikos, S., Afsharian, A., Dollard, M., & Brecht, O. (2022). Contextualizing the Effectiveness of an Employee Assistance Program Intervention on Psychological Health: The Role of Corporate Climate. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 19 (9), 5067. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19095067

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Moreno-Pimentel, A. G., Meneses-Monroy, A., Martín-Casas, P., Zaragoza-García, I., & Girón-Daviña, P. (2019). Impact of social and occupational factors over job control. La Medicina del lavoro , 110 (3), 226.https://doi.org/10.23749%2Fmdl.v110i3.7925

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Ronchetti, M., Russo, S., Di Tecco, C., & Iavicoli, S. (2021). How much does my work affect my health? The relationships between working conditions and health in an Italian survey. Safety and Health at Work , 12 (3), 370-376. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.shaw.2021.04.002

Satuf, C., Monteiro, S., Pereira, H., Esgalhado, G., Marina Afonso, R., & Loureiro, M. (2018). The protective effect of job satisfaction in health, happiness, wellbeing and self-esteem. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics , 24 (2), 181-189. https://doi.org/10.1080/10803548.2016.1216365

Somville, F. J., De Gucht, V., & Maes, S. (2016). The impact of occupational hazards and traumatic events among Belgian emergency physicians. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine , 24 (1), 1-10.https://doi.org/10.1186%2Fs13049-016-0249-9

Thapa, D. R., Stengård, J., Ekström-Bergström, A., Areskoug Josefsson, K., Krettek, A., & Nyberg, A. (2022). Job demands, job resources, and health outcomes among nursing professionals in private and public healthcare sectors in Sweden–a prospective study. BMC Nursing , 21 (1), 1-13.https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-022-00924-z

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