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Understanding Architecture

Mr. Peter Zumthor, who is a Swiss architect in his work 'The hardcore of beauty', engages the audience with the true beauty of architecture with different elements and structure. The influence of emotions of an architect reflects in his designs. Architecture has an association with beauty, and it has certain familiarity in design. Architecture. William Carlos Williams, in his poem "hardcore beauty", illustrated the relationship between beauty and architecture. According to him, beauty in nature, and it is playing a crucial role in giving signs and messages to discover things. "Mixing of emotions is like shaping elements to architecture" ,these are the famous quotes of the poet which addresses that the idea should be developed in themselves creating uniqueness in architecture. (thinking Architecture)

Mr. Italo Calvino in his work “Lezione Americaine” mentions about the poet GIcamo Leopardi who saw the beauty of work of art together with openers had different meanings in architecture. Change in the angle of observation is a change in design. As the perspective is different for different people, the uniqueness in style will also be different. Several architectural elements have an influence on design as per the poet. Harmony, rhythm and balance in architectural elements are to be maintained for supporting the uniqueness of architectural design. Power together with multiplicity, can constitute an architect's innovative style and uniqueness to a greater extent, as addressed by the author. (Calvino, 2012) John Cage in his lecture mentioned that he is not a composer who hears music and write it down, but he has a different way of operating and getting things done.

For designing a particular element or structure, the architect should visualize the design in his mind, and he should collect the details of building materials for design in mind in connection with the location of the given site, purpose of design and types of building materials used. Purpose and materials are the two main factors contributing to the design. Effective utilization of space and appropriate selection of building materials contributes to uniqueness in architecture. Herzog and DeMoron comment that good architecture is a product of a good thinker. Positive thinking influence the design ability of an architect as addressed by the authors. "Wholeness in architecture is an old word and now it is all about getting things connected", says the two authors. Mr. Peter Handke confronts that artificiality can ruin the beauty of architecture, and any element of artificiality could be checked precisely before used in architecture. (Gulino, 1994)

Artificially in a sense here, assumes the different point of views like an artificial light can create more illumination compared to natural light, and it can also affect the eyes badly in other sense." Sachverhelt" is the word used by Handke to designate the unadulterated things. An architect should speak easily about all the building elements that could ensure the natural beauty in a building. He should know all the details have been made. "A good architect is a good visitor; he should live within" as addressed by the author. A good architect is a good visitor of places so that he can know the changing trends in design, and he should experience himself and live within according to the authors. Spaces along walls, structure, construction and material are to be utilized properly, utmost care to be given to the constituent materials. Buildings itself are silent, according to the author. Silent about its integrity, structure, function, durability and self-evidence. Wallace Stevens, in his famous poem "Bouquet of roses in sunlight ", accepts the challenge of looking long, patient, discovering and understanding things. In his quotes, he addresses that harmony is the major factor for any architectural element to deliver its function appropriately.

A successful building is designed if its architectural beauty is convincing to the people the common man. The architecture shall be simple, unique, balances according to the author. Thinking an imagination are the two feathers to be considered by an architect before designing any building. Concentration and imagination help an architect to select the appropriate materials based on the functionality of buildings. Buildings shall be constructed only by penetrating the visualizations of the architect, according to the authors." A building should serve a home for a man". The author indirectly conveys a message that good architecture is an effective product of good imagination and concentration. Effective utilization of spaces, forms and volumes concentrates towards the reality of architecture. Mr. Peter Zumthor in his work 'from a passion for things to the things themselves' addresses that it is important to look back at the architecture, to design in the present and to design our future. The author mentions that an architect should always be keenly interested in studying the history and heritage of ancient buildings, its structural quality and try to contribute the same towards the future. All the forms of architecture shall be used in future with proper balacing. (thinking Architecture).

Works Cited Calvino, I. (2012). Lezione Americane. Milano Mondadori. Gulino, G. (1994). Architectures of Herzog and De Meuron. Simonett & Baer . thinking Architecture. (n.d.). tandfonline.com , 29-37.

Bibliography for Understanding Architecture

1. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01614622.2017.1331554.

2.https://books.google.co.in/books?id=eflyDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA289&lpg=PA289&dq=Lezione+Americaine&source=bl&ots=tC_CdlP4ek&sig=ACfU3U2QTwhrxGlUU7nn6PYEGfHgZXZvzw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjwwsegyIjqAhXRwjgGHUOPCmcQ6AEwCHoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=Lezione%20Americaine&f=false. 3.https://books.google.co.in/books?id=bgPJCk7UlukC&printsec=frontcover&dq=lezione+americane&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiun5zVyYjqAhUDWX0KHYtHAtUQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=lezione%20americane&f=false.

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