Summarize the business or work area.
Review organizational documentation Which documents did you read? Which policies and procedures will guide your approach to approvals, project management and change management? Attach the documents (including the notes you made as you read them) to this section of the portfolio. Attach the policy and procedures (including the notes you made as you read them) to this section of the portfolio. |
When trying to figure out more information about an organization, reviewing its paperwork is frequently the first place to look. Organization can frequently provide a wealth of helpful documentation in a timely manner. Most of the moment, reviewing the paperwork won't take much time from the planning. Of sure, the objectives and issues that their research is aimed at addressing will determine what users stare for and the conclusions users deduce. Comprehensiveness: Are there the standard documents users would anticipate for their stage of employee structure, such as an organisation chart, clear strategy, job descriptions, employee handbooks, economic practices and processes, and financial statements? If so, those who likely place a high value on precision and thoroughness. The documentation's demonstrates the overall to how recent it is. They value having timeliness if it's current. The scope question asks whether the paperwork contains the typical information found in that sort of document. If so, they most likely value comprehension and accuracy. Complexity: How much in is the statement's information? They value having comprehensiveness if it is in-depth. Alignment - Would the material in the documents appear harmonious and coherent, for instance? If this is the case, they are probably abundantly obvious in managing and thinking. |
Authorship: Who is responsible for different documents' creation? They likely actually value defined roles if, for instance, the CEO is not the one writing the Board's files. |
Products and services What are the products and services? |
As of now, Worlducation just sells its tablet devices to other businesses (B2B), realizing that an education system as well as an instructor directing the actions were the best environments for their software and hardware to work. Additionally, this reduced the likelihood of troubles from customer segments and allowed the sales team to concentrate on making bigger sales. But the long-term plan aims for tackling a business-to-consumer tactic as well (B2C). |
Objectives List the key business objectives. |
Increase the market share of the offering or service. Give groups the chance to develop their leadership potential. Boost satisfaction while also reducing staff turnover. Increase your outreach to neighbourhood residents. Maintaining or boosting revenue. improving customer support. |
Key decision makers Who are the key decision makers (stakeholders to whom you will report or seek advice from)? |
Customers Students Teachers And other people who want to purchase the tablets Managers CEO of the firm and other important managers. |
Operational processes Describe key operational processes. |
The "main activities or groupings of actions that need to be conducted in an exceptional manner to safeguard a company's organization to the next level since it adds considerable importance to an outcome" are operations and maintenance processes, also known as fundamental business processes. |
Supply chain Summarise the supply chain associated with the work area or organisation. |
A supply chain is the collection of every people, businesses, resources, tasks, and technological advancements involved in the development and distribution of a good. An entire supply chain, from of the raw materials that are delivered from the provider to the producer to the final shipment to the customer, is included. |
Performance Improvement Which strategies are currently used to monitor and evaluate the performance and sustainability of key systems and processes? Discuss the current continuous improvement systems, processes, and innovations being used. |
The plan, do, check, act (PDCA) cycle gives user a systematic way to test various hypotheses and concepts. That used a formal methodology, it can assist in implementing constant improvement across the entire organisation. The PDCA cycle can be useful unless you're Worlducation trying to increase productivity, effectiveness, or work processes. The plan includes a four-step manual for implementing incremental optimization techniques to front-line team members. It helps them avoid repeating the same errors and is frequently applied in agile production. Use PDCA to: Plan; specify your strategic objectives and your plan of action. Do: Put the plan into action and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it succeeds. Check the outcomes, assess them, and look for areas that could use improvement. Act and make changes in light of what was discovered in the previous stage. |
Policies and procedures What are the organisational requirements for approvals, change management, project management and knowledge management? |
The term "organisational change" broadly refers to the steps a company takes to modify or change an important part of its framework. This could be the corporate power structure, culture of the company, operating standards, theoretical underpinnings or infrastructure, or another crucial element. Alternations are incremental, minor differences that an organisation makes over time to improve its techniques, goods, procedures, and process flows. Instances of adaptive changes include adding a new group member to handle growing demands or enacting a future employment policy to draw in more suitable individuals. Bigger in extent and dimension, transformational changes frequently denote a spectacular and, once in a while, abrupt departure from of the established order. Instances of transformational change include trying to decide to operate globally or introducing a new service or company division. |
Summarise and analyse current performance to identify changes and improvement opportunities.
Analyse performance to identify performance variances from existing plans. Summarise the performance outcomes of your business. Include mathematical information in your summary How has the current business performance varied from what was planned? Attach documents showing performance information as evidence that you’ve collected the information. |
n To be effectively managed, highly effective, successful, and responsible. n Essential to ensure that all financial activities, performance metrics, and outcomes are in line with the strategic plans. n Find new and expanded sources of income as well as strategies to assist more needy classrooms. n Aim for earnings of at least 10% annually. Since its founding in 2016, Worlducation has sold more than 35,000 tablet computers to more than 550 schools in 23 countries, bringing in money from both equipment sales as well as software memberships. By the final moment of 2019, people had done this. In addition to having a design team in Bulgaria, a production group in Hong Kong, as well as procedure and advertising employees in Colombia, Egypt, Iceland, Russia, as well as the Philippines, Worlducation has its corporate headquarters in Sydney's CBD. |
Identify and analyse trends and opportunities Describe current trends and opportunities associated with industry in which the business operates. Analyse how these trends and opportunities impact the business. |
Continue developing closer connections with customers, practice customer-centered business principles, and concentrate on fulfilling all of their high-quality technology necessities. Enhance employee capabilities to better serve customers. • Promote creativity to better achieve customer satisfaction. • Boost internal clients' effectiveness by establishing efficient systems inside every squad. Users can forecast where the current company's operations and practises will lead us by using trend analysis to comprehend how the company has fared. If done correctly, it will provide |
suggestions for how to alter situations in order to steer business in the proper direction. As general manager, I can use trends to enhance Worlducation company's performance by: identifying successful areas of the business to enable and to replicate them And identifying the areas where the business is performing poorly and providing data to support the decisions. |
Analyse supply chains and operational and service systems to identify changes, improvements, and new ideas Perform Gap Analysis using the table provided to describe the current state of the supply chain and operational and service systems and the desired state of the supply chain and operational and service systems. Also identify solutions to bridge any gaps and the cost-benefit calculations of the solutions. You may identify more than one solution per issue |
Current state (at least four issues) |
Future state |
Gap solutions (these may be changes, improvement opportunities and new ideas) |
Cost-benefit |
Productivity |
Increasing the level of productivity |
Opportunity |
Yes |
Increasing the reach |
Increasing the reach to all the clients |
Situational analysis |
Yes |
High level of competition |
Tackling high level of competition |
Threat |
Yes |
Customers expectations |
Satisfying the customers |
Threat |
Yes |
Set objectives What are the objectives for improving how things work? What are the continuous improvement objectives and desired outcomes? |
Because technology is revised at such a rapid pace, the software industry is a dynamic and expanding sector of the economy. The Internet of devices and artificial intelligence are examples of emerging technologies (IOT). Information security is getting more attention. The global pandemic's effects on the manufacturing industry have had an impact on the availability of hardware devices. The disease outbreak has seen a decline in consumer expenditure, but this hasn't had an impact on the ICT sector because more individuals are now working from home, which has continued to increase consumer demand for tablet computers. |
Identify team members and seek their input.
Identify at least two team members Who in the team do you believe is instrumental to ensuring continuous improvement and innovation? Give your rationale for this. |
Every year, so every team creates a performance management system for the following 12 months. Also every team must: • Establish its broad goals in accordance with its primary duty and our strategic priorities. • Specify ultimate responsibility in accordance with the organization's function. • Specify results. |
Best practices Describe best practice ways of working that teams can use to achieve continuous improvement and to be innovative. Give at least four examples. |
- Maintaining the push for a customer-centered, - high-performance working population and heritage; - enhancing employee abilities to better endorse client needs; - encouraging innovation and adaptability to change; maintaining and enhancing our workforce's uniqueness; and - investigating the application of technology to improve human resource assets. |
Learning opportunities What learning opportunities exist for the team to improve their skills and knowledge in relation to continuous improvement and innovation? Describe at least two. |
n Customer-centered practices, with a concentrate on furnishing them with all the advanced tech they require; n strengthening the skills of our employees to better support clients; n having a functional help desk to address their needs; enhancing the efficiency of our internal clients by giving efficient systems inside every team; and n innovation and entrepreneurship to effectively meet customer expectations. |
Seek input Insert a screen shot of your email to the team members or attach it as evidence to this section of your portfolio. |
Attach: |
Documents and policies and procedures |
☐ |
Performance information |
☐ |
Email to team members (if relevant) |
☐ |
Select most appropriate changes/opportunities/new ideas.
Select most appropriate changes, opportunities, and new ideas. Choose three solutions (from your Gap analysis) to focus on as part of your continuous improvement efforts. These should be the best solutions based on your Gap analysis and cost- benefit calculations. Say why you chose these three issues (consider resources, needs and constraints) |
n Value as well as quality; n powerful management; n customer commitment; n a welcoming organization characteristic; n the amount of investment-capable financing; n the requirement for school systems to upgrade their technology; n the opportunity to offer a variety of services; the possibility of efficiencies across all products and solutions. Enhancing our marketing and promotional efforts, continuously enhancing communication lines with everything our interested parties, making sure a stream of precise and timely data to support effective decision-making and planning. preserving channels of communication with all stakeholders to pinpoint needs of industry and then create products and manage existing services; trying to target recognized emerging economies with scheduled, market-appropriate offerings; |
Plan for continuous improvement.
Continuous Improvement Plan for [Add business name] Objectives and KPIs of the plan List the KPIS associated with the objectives of continuous improvement in your organization. You have already developed objectives for continuous improvement in Section 1. n To see the world without literacy n Be the transition and help create a world without lack of education by altering how students are taught in the classroom and bolstering the number of schools with technology available to them. |
Continuous improvement systems and processes Establish the continuous improvement systems and processes that will be followed as you implement changes, opportunities, or new ideas. Theoretically, continuous improvement procedures make sense. Everyone understands the idea of continuous improvement, which they strive to implement in their everyday chores. Continuous improvement is indeed the ongoing process of making something better as well as enhancing it. These continuous improvements must be scaled up and reiterated, though, in order to have an impact. In actuality, great innovations just become great after many iterations, and as such the great Ooh moments are typically marketing myths. This is the reason innovation relies so heavily on continuous improvement. For instance, the Worlducation was unveiled following years of toil and countless adjustments. The infamous Post-It notes experienced the same thing. It took many months of effort and commitment to produce such a profitable product. It is comparative, if we think about it. In any circumstance, how would you define and gauge improvement? What happens and how can you know when a situation has improved? How do users monitor and evaluate these advancements? |
Key actions, resources, constraints and timeframes Describe key actions, resources, constraints, and timeframes to achieve continuous improvement and innovation as you implement your chosen changes/opportunities/new ideas. List at least six key actions. |
Change/Opportunity/ne |
Key actions related |
Resources |
Constraints |
Time |
w idea |
to continuous |
frame |
improvement and |
s |
innovation (e.g., |
brainstorming, |
implementing |
improvement |
registers, updating |
policies etc.) |
Correct data and facts |
Brainstorming |
Internet and |
Lack of |
25 days |
other |
awareness |
scholarly |
journals and |
books |
By making policies |
Reliable fact |
Lack of |
20 days |
and data |
knowledge |
Monitoring and supervising properly |
Implementing policies |
Documents |
Lack of awareness |
15 |
Making policies |
Vision and mission |
Lack of awareness |
15 |
Feedback |
Implementing |
Helps in improving |
Ignorance |
20 days |
Testimonials |
Enhancing |
Ignorance |
20 days |
Impact Describe the impact the changes/opportunities/new ideas and associated actions will have on the organisation or work area as well as the consequences for people. Describe actions or transition plans (following the policies and procedures that address approvals, project management and change management) that to will be taken to manage this. Organizations are significantly impacted by change, regardless of its source, in both constructive and negative ways. Positive change helps an organisation become more effective and productive, which makes it easier to meet its goals and task. There is an increase in both group and individual morale as well as a general feeling of unity as well as wellbeing. Strain, anxiety, as well as resistance all rise significantly when transformation has a detrimental impact. It thus, in turn, causes a decline in efficiency and effectiveness which hinders the organization's ability to fulfil its objectives and purpose. The application of coping mechanisms or planning processes that are completely irrational, poorly thought out, or fail to foresee unintended effects is another fatality of negative figure. As a consequence, self esteem suffers as well as feelings of disappointment and marginalisation are widespread. |
Change/Opportunity/new idea and associated actions |
Impact of change and consequences for people |
Transition Plan |
Strategic plan |
Helps in making the strategy for 2021 to 2023 |
Yes, it is a transition plan |
Operational plan |
Helps in making the worlducation better for the year 2022 |
Yes, it is a transition plan |
Organizational structure |
Helps in Internal as well as External Communication policies, rules along with the procedures |
Yes. |
Risk management Plan to manage the risks associated with your Continuous Improvement plan. One risk should be Non- performance of staff members. |
Risk What are the risks associated with your plan? List at least three. |
Potential outcomes List potential outcomes for each risk. |
Risk response Will you avoid, retain, share, transfer or reduce the risk? |
Contingency plan How will you manage the risk (e.g., progress reports, training, insurance etc.)? |
Non-performance |
One employee's poor |
Yes, I will avoid |
With the help of training, |
of staff |
performance may have |
and ask the |
and rewarding them |
a negative, cascading |
employees to |
effect on the company's |
perform better by |
operations, leading to a |
rewarding them |
general reduction in |
motivation, efficiency, |
and customer |
experience. Other |
workers might become |
angry as well as |
disengaged, which |
would increase |
absences and staffing |
levels. |
Less productivity |
It leads to effect on the |
Yes, I will avoid |
By proving skills, |
company's operations, |
and ask the |
training and by |
leading to a general |
employees to |
motivating them to work |
reduction in |
perform better by |
better. |
motivation, efficiency, |
rewarding them |
and customer |
experience. Other |
workers might become |
angry as well as disengaged, which would increase absences and staffing levels. |
Communication Describe how the continuous improvement and innovation plan will be communicated. |
What must be communicated ? |
Who will you communicate to? |
How will you communicate? |
When must the communicatio n take place? |
Further comments |
Plans |
The employees and the other concerned person |
Whenever it is required. |
No |
Actions |
The employees and the other concerned person |
Whenever it is required. |
No |
The policies |
The employees and the other concerned person |
Whenever it is required. |
No |
All laws |
The employees and the other concerned person |
Whenever it is required. |
No |
All the do’s and don’ts |
The employees and the other concerned person |
Whenever it is required. |
No |
The budget |
The employees and the other concerned person |
Whenever it is required. |
No |
The expenditure |
The employees and the other concerned person |
Whenever it is required. |
No |
Rewards Outline the rewards that will be put in place for staff for achievements in relation to continuous improvement, innovation, and learning. |
Reward is the best technique in order to encourage employees and to make them work better. |
Knowledge management Select which of the activities below are used as part of your organisation’s knowledge management system to capture learnings from continuous improvement and innovation. In comparison to coaching, mentoring takes more time. In order to track progress around, suggest, a six-month time frame, a senior staff member will connect to one or more junior staff and hold frequent one-on-one meetings with them. They will focus on a variety of abilities soft and difficult skills—during this time. The tutor will get to know their trainee, be willing to answer questions, and give user updates on how each worker is doing. Users can coincide an owner's career path with their biggest strengths for the business by keeping an eye on the staff members as they develop over time. Better training results in more effective staff. They increase revenue as well as make it simpler for your company to cover coaching operating expenses. It makes sense to have certified coaches working for your company. |
Knowledge management item |
Have learnings been captured and managed? |
Knowledge sharing: ensuring there is a culture of sharing information in the company |
Yes |
Sharing of best practices |
Yes |
Establishing communities of practice within the organisation, as well as with other organisations |
Yes |
Cross-project learning, as well as post project reviews |
Yes |
Mentoring and coaching |
Yes |
Performance management |
Yes |
Social software such as blogs, wikis |
Yes |
Shared documents in cloud-based storage |
Yes |
Plan for team meeting Who will you meet with? How will you facilitate effective group interaction? How will you build rapport with the team members to ensure positive working relationships? What questions will you ask about team member’s vision for continuous improvement and innovation to guide you mentoring? How will you coach the team in innovation? Attach your questionnaire to this section of the portfolio. |
Customer-centered practises, with a focus on providing them with all the technology advancement they require; strengthening the abilities of our employees to best support clients; having a functional help desk to enhance their learning; enhancing the efficiency of internal clients by giving efficient systems inside every team; and fostering innovation to best meet customer expectations. A competent coach can: With a well-defined learning strategy in place, introduce students’ skills. Assistance to employees find creative solutions to issues. In case a participant gets perplexed during the training sessions, provide answers. |
Team meeting What feedback did you receive about how you ran the meeting? How can you improve your performance in future? If not viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of the team meeting to this section of your portfolio. |
Praise should be used to model success, demonstrate what is appreciated, as well as give individuals the chance to emulate successful actions and outcomes. Criticism is meant to teach people how to do things better and what they should be doing to succeed more for themself, their group, as well as the corporation. n Create reasonable expectations. n Set objectives as well as milestones. n Prioritize, plan, and organize n Avoid being distracted. n Each one thing at a time, please. n Don't let anything go undone. n Day after day, read stuff new. n Effective communication. |
Implement innovative processes.
Implement continuous improvement Which change/opportunity/new idea did you implement? Attach proof to this section of your portfolio. |
The plan, do, check, act (PDCA) cycle gives user a systematic way to test various hypotheses and concepts. That used a formal methodology, it can assist in implementing constant improvement across the entire organisation. The PDCA cycle can be useful unless you're Worlducation trying to increase productivity, effectiveness, or work processes. The plan includes a four-step manual for implementing incremental optimization techniques to front-line team members. It helps them avoid repeating the same errors and is frequently applied in agile production. Use PDCA to: Plan; specify your strategic objectives and your plan of action. Do: Put the plan into action and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it succeeds. |
Check the outcomes, assess them, and look for areas that could use improvement. Act and make changes in light of what was discovered in the previous stage. |
Address impact of change/opportunity/new idea How did you address the impact? Attach proof to this section of your portfolio. |
Business executives would continue to dictate communications to receptionists, modify it, and then return it for more work, wasting everyone's time. As per Forbes, the majority of organisations frequently experience happen as a result of the implementation of new technologies. Although initially intrusive, the improved the way tends to boost productive capacity as well as provision of services. Additionally, technology has impacted how we interact. Individuals no longer dial a cordless phone to start transactions, receive a recorded message, and then repeatedly attempt the call until they connect. Businesspersons no longer need to exhaustingly make personal contacts in order to learn about the other people who could be important assets. |
Attach: |
Performance questionnaire |
☐ |
Team meeting (if not already viewed in person by your assessor) |
☐ |
Proof of implemented change |
☐ |
Proof of how you addressed the impact of change |
☐ |
Monitor and evaluate performance.
Continuous improvement systems, processes and innovation evaluation How well you are the continuous improvement systems, innovations and processes are working? |
CI Processes are essentially currently underway, cyclical initiatives designed to continuously enhance an internet, products, or procedures. We've worked hard to make this article a comprehensive how-to manual that explains everything you need to know about subject. Because it's a lengthy read, it's alright to hyperlink it and return to it at a later point in time. Advantages; 1. The power to iterate Iteration is a huge benefit of a continuous improvement approach. An iterative strategy works particularly well for advancement and supports quick changes. It is simpler to identify issues or risks, test them, and try again in an iterative process. Additionally, iteration encourages learning. 2. Enhanced nimbleness Processes for continuous improvement give an organisation flexibility. Innovative businesses acutely conscious of their surroundings. Because of this, they are able to quickly change course and remain in the lead. 3. Higher-quality products The identification of change possibilities is one of the main objectives of any continuous improvement program. Proper |
planning and fewer defects result from all this. Long-term incremental changes result in significantly higher quality. 4. Enhanced effectiveness and output Setting up a process can also help with productive output. It gets rid of unnecessary steps, fixes mistakes, and boosts productivity. 5. Lower expenses Cost-cutting measures might not be easy to implement. Nevertheless, a method of ongoing advancement has the added advantage of highlighting the places where one might be wasting money. It's possible that there's superfluous activities that can be replaced by automation, as well as inconstant or incorrect work, |
Recognise successes What continuous improvement successes can be celebrated? Insert a screen shot of your email to team members or attach proof of the draft email to this section of the portfolio. |
Continuous improvement or innovation failure (non- performance) Describe the failure and analyse the causes. Attach proof of implemented contingency measures. |
lack of support from stakeholders The greatest hurdle for the vast majority of companies endeavoring to implement constant improvement is probable a lack of support from key stakeholders. It is extremely unlikely that the project will even begin without senior support. However, it is imperative that all someone relevant parties are included and involved from the start for continual improvement to be truly successful. These oughts to contain: n Key Project n Process Mapmakers n Procedure Specialists n IT n Senior Executive n Endorse Any advancement program's success depends on choosing the appropriate business administration system that meets the organizational requirements and strategic goals. Visitors must make certain that the system can support the initiative if ones main objective is to enforce a continual improvement action. We think that a devoted process management system is the finest option for ensuring the achievement of a constant improvement venture despite the fact there are numerous system software readily available on the market which are specifically designed for quality management. |
New challenges and opportunities What are new challenges and opportunities? |
Challenges: Workload Cybersecurity skills gap that exists electronic transformation Utilizing the cloud Recruiting Budget Leadership assistance data management and analytics Automation project administration career advancement Opportunities Web design and app development gigs Course Creation, Virtual Assistance, and Social Media Influencer Marketing Independent Writing Online recruiting with SEO Consulting's resume writing and career coaching Author of e-books Affiliate Marketing |
Manage new challenges and opportunities.
Update Continuous Improvement plan to show new challenges or opportunities. Also confirm that knowledge management systems have been used as planned.
Continuous Improvement Plan for [Add business name] Objectives and KPIs of the plan List the KPIS associated with the objectives of continuous improvement in your organisation. You have already developed objectives for continuous improvement in Section 1. n To see the world without literacy n Be the transition and help create a world without lack of education by altering how students are taught in the classroom and bolstering the number of schools with technology available to them. |
Continuous improvement systems and processes Establish the continuous improvement systems and processes that will be followed as you implement changes, opportunities, or new ideas. Theoretically, continuous improvement procedures make sense. Everyone understands the idea of continuous improvement, which they strive to implement in their everyday chores. Continuous improvement is indeed the ongoing process of making something better as well as enhancing it. These continuous improvements must be scaled up and reiterated, though, in order to have an impact. In actuality, great innovations just become great after many iterations, and as such the great Ooh moments are typically marketing myths. This is the reason innovation relies so heavily on continuous improvement. For instance, the Worlducation was unveiled following years of toil and countless adjustments. The infamous Post-It notes experienced the same thing. It took many months of effort and commitment to produce such a profitable product. It is comparative, if we think about it. In any circumstance, how would you define and gauge improvement? What happens and how can you know when a situation has improved? How do users monitor and evaluate these advancements? |
Key actions, resources, constraints and timeframes Describe key actions, resources, constraints, and timeframes to achieve continuous improvement and innovation as you implement your chosen changes/opportunities/new ideas. List at least six key actions. |
Change/Opportunity/ne |
Key actions related |
Resources |
Constraints |
Time |
w idea |
to continuous |
frame |
improvement and |
s |
innovation (e.g., |
brainstorming, |
implementing |
improvement |
registers, updating |
policies etc.) |
Correct data and facts |
Brainstorming |
Internet and |
Lack of |
25 days |
other |
awareness |
scholarly |
journals and |
books |
By making policies |
Reliable fact |
Lack of |
20 days |
and data |
knowledge |
Monitoring and supervising properly |
Implementing policies |
Documents |
Lack of awareness |
15 |
Making policies |
Vision and mission |
Lack of awareness |
15 |
Feedback |
Implementing |
Helps in improving |
Ignorance |
20 days |
Testimonials |
Enhancing |
Ignorance |
20 days |
Impact Describe the impact the changes/opportunities/new ideas and associated actions will have on the organisation or work area as well as the consequences for people. Describe actions or transition plans (following the policies and procedures that address approvals, project management and change management) that to will be taken to manage this. Organizations are significantly impacted by change, regardless of its source, in both constructive and negative ways. Positive change helps an organisation become more effective and productive, which makes it easier to meet its goals and task. There is an increase in both group and individual morale as well as a general feeling of unity as well as wellbeing. Strain, anxiety, as well as resistance all rise significantly when transformation has a detrimental impact. It thus, in turn, causes a decline in efficiency and effectiveness which hinders the organization's ability to fulfil its objectives and purpose. The application of coping mechanisms or planning processes that are completely irrational, poorly thought out, or fail to foresee unintended effects is another fatality of negative figure. As a consequence, self esteem suffers as well as feelings of disappointment and marginalisation are widespread. |
Change/Opportunity/new idea and associated actions |
Impact of change and consequences for people |
Transition Plan |
Strategic plan |
Helps in making the strategy for 2021 to 2023 |
Yes, it is a transition plan |
Operational plan |
Helps in making the worlducation better for the year 2022 |
Yes, it is a transition plan |
Organizational structure |
Helps in Internal as well as External Communication policies, rules along with the procedures |
Yes. |
Risk management Plan to manage the risks associated with your Continuous Improvement plan. One risk should be Non- performance of staff members. |
Risk |
Potential outcomes |
Risk response |
Contingency plan |
What are the risks associated with your plan? List at least three. |
List potential outcomes for each risk. |
Will you avoid, retain, share, transfer or reduce the risk? |
How will you manage the risk (e.g., progress reports, training, insurance etc.)? |
Non-performance of |
One employee's poor |
Yes, I will avoid |
With the help of |
staff |
performance may have |
and ask the |
training, and rewarding |
a negative, cascading |
employees to |
them |
effect on the company's |
perform better by |
operations, leading to a |
rewarding them |
general reduction in |
motivation, efficiency, |
and customer |
experience. Other |
workers might become angry as well as disengaged, which would increase absences and staffing levels. |
Less productivity |
It leads to effect on the company's operations, leading to a general reduction in motivation, efficiency, and customer experience. Other workers might become angry as well as disengaged, which would increase absences and staffing levels. |
Yes, I will avoid and ask the employees to perform better by rewarding them |
By proving skills, training and by motivating them to work better. |
Communication Describe how the continuous improvement and innovation plan will be communicated. |
What must be communicated ? |
Who will you communicate to? |
How will you communicate? |
When must the communicatio n take place? |
Further comments |
Plans |
The employees and the other concerned person |
Whenever it is required. |
No |
Actions |
The employees and the other concerned person |
Whenever it is required. |
No |
The policies |
The employees and the other concerned person |
Whenever it is required. |
No |
All laws |
The employees and the other concerned person |
Whenever it is required. |
No |
All the do’s and don’ts |
The employees and the other concerned person |
Whenever it is required. |
No |
The budget |
The employees and the other concerned person |
Whenever it is required. |
No |
The expenditure |
The employees and the other concerned person |
Whenever it is required. |
No |
Rewards Outline the rewards that will be put in place for staff for achievements in relation to continuous improvement, innovation, and learning. Reward is the best technique in order to encourage employees and to make them work better. |
Knowledge management Select which of the activities below tare used as part of your organisation’s knowledge management system to capture learnings from continuous improvement and innovation. In order to track progress around, suggest, a six-month time frame, a senior staff member will connect to one or more junior staff and hold frequent one-on-one meetings with them. They |
will focus on a variety of abilities soft and difficult skills—during this time. The tutor will get to know their trainee, be willing to answer questions, and give user updates on how each worker is doing. Users can coincide an owner's career path with their biggest strengths for the business by keeping an eye on the staff members as they develop over time. Better training results in more effective staff. They increase revenue as well as make it simpler for your company to cover coaching operating expenses. It makes sense to have certified coaches working for your company. |
Knowledge management item |
Have learnings been captured and managed? |
Knowledge sharing: ensuring there is a culture of sharing information in the company |
Yes |
Sharing of best practices |
Yes |
Establishing communities of practice within the organisation, as well as with other organisations |
Yes |
Cross-project learning, as well as post project reviews |
Yes |
Mentoring and coaching |
Yes |
Performance management |
Yes |
Social software such as blogs, wikis |
Yes |
Shared documents in cloud-based storage |
Yes |
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