Table of Contents
Communication learning experience.
Change in communication style.
Improvement in future.
A reflective journal is based on the individual's learning experience based on the analytical and critical engagement of the module content (Bassot 2016). This report is based on a reflective journal depicting my learning experiences. Through the analysis of learning experiences and their importance in real life can help us in utilizing the knowledge most effectively. Each individual perceives the knowledge through their own understanding. Here, I will provide my reflection regarding 9 lectures and their importance in my life. Critical analysis of the learning experience promotes real-life application and identification of the individual's strengths and weaknesses. Based on the communication lectures, an individual can attain significant benefits that will help in becoming a better communicator. Discussions, observations, class activities, lectures and readings promote communicative experiences to enhance the skills of an individual (Vicary, Young and Hicks 2017). This report aims at the presentation of self-reflection regarding the skills and knowledge gained from the course. Learning experiences are directly linked with professional and personal outcomes.
The first lecture is “Communication Today” that promotes an understanding of the communication process, models and ethics. Basic communication ethics are based on clear, democratic, accurate, simple language and honest information. Through the use of communication ethics, and effective communication can be managed regardless of any omission. Moreover, it helps in delivering a respectful and understandable message (Adler, Rodman and Du Pré 2016). It includes activity based on the identification of key strengths as a communicator. This activity helped me in recognizing my strengths as a communicator and managing good professional communication for a better future. Another activity was concerned with individual thoughts as a student to identify the meaning of communication. Priestley's paradox explains the means of communication with practical examples that can easily be understood by an individual. It shows that an increased number of communication channels can reduce the quality of communication (West and Turner 2018).
As per Lasswell, the model of communication is based on “Who Says What In Which Channel To Whom With What Effect?” Wherein according to the perspective of Shannon and Weaver, the communication model includes noise in the schematic presentation. Although, the expanded model of communication is based on two-way communication which is according to me is the most effective model based on the feedback. The information communicated with another person can be spoken, written, non-verbal or visual (Bovée, Thill and Raina 2016). In between the lecture, I have explained different barriers faced by me during the communication based on language difference, poor concentration or noise. Through the understanding of distinguished barriers in the lecture, I understood the need for feedback for effective communication.
Observation of the speech of former US president Bush provided an extensive experience that can be used in the real life. Different ethical dilemmas are also identified in the communication which can be managed by four strategies: obstructionist, defensive, accommodation and proactive (Adler, Rodman and Du Pré 2016).
Lecture 2 was based on intercultural communication which is necessary for the time of globalization. Based on the given communication between Mr Lau and Mr Clarke, a good business conversation needs can be identified. It is essential to communicate effectively in professional and personal life as it is not necessary that all individuals are capable of understanding your language or culture (West and Turner 2018). Acculturation is considered as a process of interacting with a culture and make changes as necessary. Intercultural communication represents four models of communication which are Hofstede, House and Hall. The conflict between cultures can be easily resolved through intercultural communication (Piller 2017).
Lecture 3 is based on "interpersonal skills and non-verbal communication". It represents the difference between hearing and listening. Communication is mainly based on "listening" which promotes the relevant understanding of the information or message. Active listening is a key component in communication (Bovée, Thill and Raina 2016). Psychological attention, body posture, eye contact and body movements are some listening strategies that can promote effective communication. Questioning enhances active listening. These questions can either be open, closed, straightforward, rhetorical, leading, reflective or objective. Non-verbal communication consists of head movements, facial expressions, the pitch of voice, eye contact and gestures help in evaluating the understandability of the information (Adler, Rodman and Du Pré 2016).
The fourth lecture is all about “persuasive communication: emotional intelligence, self-talk and assertiveness. Interpersonal communication is necessary to enhance the ability of an individual that can help in resolving the problems based on the true needs of employees and clients. Stress management is also possible through interpersonal communication and its application in the workplace environment (Stiff and Mongeau 2016). Emotional intelligence is an essential component in human communication based on the underlying capability of using emotions. It can help in understanding others and managing one’s own disruptive behaviour through self-control. This lecture helped me in evaluating my own capability to control emotions and understand others. Leadership quality, motivation, empathy building and gaining high performance at the workplace is possible with emotional intelligence. I can apply this concept in my real life through empathy, expressiveness, openness, interaction, self-monitoring and maintaining equality. Johari Window is an effective theoretical concept that can help in identifying the arena, blind spot, hidden area and unknown area of an individual through self-disclosure (Hendon, Powell and Wimmer 2017).
The fifth lecture is based on “reports and essay writing” which are essential for professional communication. Preparation of reports is required in most of the organizations based on significant goals and analysis. An effective report structure can represent the messages efficiently and allows all individuals to understand (Giles 2016).
The sixth lecture provides appropriate understanding and knowledge about team communication which is a need for modern organizations to achieve organizational goals. Formal and informal groups are a part of the organization that allows quality decision making, maintains a positive work environment, enhance motivation and morale, promote shared experiences and provide job satisfaction to a greater extent. An organization cannot be run by only an individual, it requires a group to work on different activities. Diversity promotes distinguished opportunities in the groups (Bovée, Thill and Raina 2016).
The seventh lecture is “Organizational communication” which represents the interrelationship between individuals, groups, organizations and society. Different communication channels are available in the actual workplace setting based on focus groups, memos, emails, voicemail, formal meetings, suggestion boxes, informal meetings, noticeboards, team briefings, instant messaging, websites, grapevine, posters, charts, newsletters and position papers. It can be done through the formal, informal, individual, group, technological, one-way, multidirectional, electronic or permanent channels (Mumby and Kuhn 2018). Each communication channel fulfils the needs of the targeted group in the organization based on the content of the message. Based on the organizational structure, communication flow can be seen as downward, horizontal or vertical (Jiang and Men 2017).
The eighth lecture provided knowledge and learning experience for “oral communication and presentation skills”. Oral communication is needed to pitch the audience it can either be oral information or presentation. A good presentation is necessary for a project, proposal or attracting the audience. Preparation and planning are necessary for a presentation that promotes effective skills. Planning for the pattern of content, quantity, focus and spices to enhance the audience interest creates beneficial skills (Bovée, Thill and Raina 2016). Some of the negative non-verbal cues are reading the script, fiddling, body scratching, pacing and jerky movements that can create a negative impression on the audience. Wherein some positive non-verbal cues are functional gestures (pointing gestures, enumerative gestures, emphatic gestures and descriptive gestures), appropriate attire and relaxed posture leave a positive impression on the audience. Verbal and non-verbal communication both are necessary for the organization (Stiff and Mongeau 2016).
The ninth lecture gives knowledge regarding “negotiation skills” to promote a mutual discussion through settlement and bargaining. It is useful in distinguished situations based on daily life activities. Communication promotes conflict resolution approach (Katz et al. 2020). The game theory represents the win-win outcomes based on the zero-sum, positive-sum and negative-sum. BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) and WATNA (Worst Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) are two negotiation processes that can represent the negotiation outcome. Active listening is necessary to promote trust and maintain goodwill which can easily meet the needs of negotiation needs to resolve conflicts (Vicary, Young and Hicks 2017).
Communication is an essential part of our lives. Through the lectures, class activities, readings and discussion observations, I am able to understand the importance of emotional intelligence and active listening in personal and professional life. Previously, I was not well focused towards listening which shows a lack of understanding. While now I know how important active listening is, so now I notice verbal and non-verbal both kinds of communication styles to understand the correct information. Interpersonal skills represent an essential ability of an individual to work through effective questions and consider the feedback (Adler, Rodman and Du Pré 2016). Questions asked during the conversation help in better learning and understanding the concept. A positive attitude towards communication is developed through the lectures which can easily be analyzed with the help of its application in a real-life scenario. Intercultural communication skills also developed to respect diversity and communicate effectively (Bovée, Thill and Raina 2016). My attitude towards conflict resolution, negotiation, presentation and interaction changed with the learning experience gained in the lectures. Leadership quality, motivation and empathy-building capabilities promote leadership qualities as an individual which I can use in my professional life (Jiang and Men 2017). From now I will focus mostly on my active listening skills to enhance interpersonal and intercultural communication.
I am a good communicator who can easily communicate with others while sometimes I lost patience while communicating in a different culture. Due to a lack of understanding, I can't focus on the conversation which can create a lot of problems in my professional life. Through the effective learning experience of communication needs, I will focus on active listening and focusing on the verbal and non-verbal aspects of others. It can promote a better understanding of the information and messages. However, some of the key issues based on oral communication and presentation. While through the development of presentation skills and gaining knowledge of presentation capabilities, I can easily give a good presentation from now. I believe in a good learner to accept the mistakes and make relevant changes as necessary.
Emotional intelligence and empathy are two key aspects to work in a group (Stiff and Mongeau 2016). Through understanding others and their needs, I can manage improvements in my future group work. A positive attitude towards others and mutual respect allows team communication and promote personal relationships (Bovée, Thill and Raina 2016). These changes will definitely help in making me a good communicator.
It can be concluded that a better communicator shows relevant communication skills at all the levels of communication such as individual, group, organization or community. Emotional intelligence is a part of effective communication skills. Communication ethics are essential for an individual to meet the needs of a good communicator. Non-verbal communication consists of head movements, facial expressions, the pitch of voice, eye contact and gestures help in evaluating the understandability of the information. Leadership quality, motivation, empathy building and gaining high performance at the workplace is possible with emotional intelligence. An effective report structure can represent the messages efficiently and allows all individuals to understand. An organization cannot be run by only an individual, it requires a group to work on different activities. Planning for the pattern of content, quantity, focus and spices to enhance the audience interest creates beneficial skills. Necessary skills developed through the lecture are based on effective communication skills, presentation skills, intercultural communication skills, team communication skills, active listening skills, negotiation skills and professional communication skills that can enhance the future opportunities.
Adler, R.B., Rodman, G.R. and Du Pré, A., 2016. Understanding human communication (Vol. 10). United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Bassot, B., 2016. The reflective journal. Macmillan International Higher Education: US.
Bovée, C.L., Thill, J.V. and Raina, R.L., 2016. Business communication today. India: Pearson Education India.
Giles, H., 2016. Communication accommodation theory. The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy, pp.1-7.
Hendon, M., Powell, L. and Wimmer, H., 2017. Emotional intelligence and communication levels in information technology professionals. Computers in Human Behavior, 71, pp.165-171.
Jiang, H. and Men, R.L., 2017. Creating an engaged workforce: The impact of authentic leadership, transparent organizational communication, and work-life enrichment. Communication Research, 44(2), pp.225-243.
Katz, N.H., Lawyer, J.W., Sweedler, M., Tokar, P. and Sossa, K.J., 2020. Communication and conflict resolution skills. Florida: Kendall Hunt Publishing.
Mumby, D.K. and Kuhn, T.R., 2018. Organizational communication: A critical introduction. London: Sage Publications.
Piller, I., 2017. Intercultural communication: A critical introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Stiff, J.B. and Mongeau, P.A., 2016. Persuasive communication. New York: Guilford Publications.
Vicary, S., Young, A. and Hicks, S., 2017. A reflective journal as learning process and contribution to quality and validity in interpretative phenomenological analysis. Qualitative Social Work, 16(4), pp.550-565.
West, R. and Turner, L.H., 2018. Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis And Appliaction. United Kingdom: McGraw-Hill Education.
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