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MNG81001 Management Communication Assessment Answers

MNG81001 Management Communication Assessment Answers

Communication management is the methodical preparation, execution, monitoring as well as revising the existing channels of communication within the boundaries of an organisation. It also involves organising a new set of directives of communication. Thus, MNG81001 Management Communication Assessment becomes really imperative for the students pursuing this course.

Realising this, the assignment help professionals at Online Assignment Expert are here to guide you on the various aspects that govern this course and its assessments. According to our experts, these aspects of communication management involve evolving various corporate communication strategies, scheming internal as well as external communication directives and the management of the flow of information.

Basically, MNG81001 focusses on introducing the chief theories and concepts that come under communication management to students. Our assignment help experts guide students to develop the required skills for becoming an effective business communicator. As a result, students would be able to draw out strategies that would help them in planning, writing, revising and editing business documents. In a nutshell, after the completion of this course, students would develop a comprehension and flair in the field of academic writing.

How Our MNG81001 Management Communication Assessment Experts Aid Students?

To let you know the approach that our MNG81001 assignment experts have used in dealing with such complex Management Communication Assessment and completed some really good one, here is a free sample that our experts have worked on.

So, this is an MNG81001 sample that our experts have written for the reference purpose of students. For this, our experts followed these steps:

  • They read the article by Argenti on the Blackboard site and then, carried out an extensive research to find the other two journal articles on strategic management communication. For this, they referred to credible sources of information like google scholar.
  • Thereafter, they read all these journal articles and completed the article analysis form.
  • After scrutinising these articles, our MNG81001 Management Communication Assessment Experts drafted a synopsis, adhering to the executive summary memo format. Following this, they included a quote from all the three articles.
  • In the end, our experts complete the assignment by including references as mentioned in the marking rubric.

Contents of MNG81001 Management Communication:

Communicating Strategically

We can never deny the importance of communication within the confinements of an organisation. However, communicating strategically is the need of the hour. Our assignment help experts suggest students on the steps for this. Determining your goal, choosing objectives, defining your message and audience, figuring out the tools and strategies for reaching them, assessing resources and evaluating the results are the steps that promote strategic communication.

Academic integrity and literacy

As discussed above, this course helps a student to develop a flair of academic writing. Our MNG81001 assessment experts help students to enlighten students about the aspects of an academic writing.

Managing the writing process

An effective communicator would also be an efficient writer because he would be able to express his thoughts in a better way. So, our assignment experts guide students on the aforesaid parameter as well.

Persuasion and argument

This unit under MNG81001 deals with the development of persuasion skills in students. As an effective communicator, a student must be able to persuade and argue his/her viewpoints clearly.


This course also enables a student to interpret what the other person wants to say in a proper manner. It also builds the traits of a good listener in him.

Analysis and Case study

Analysing information and inferring data from any given case study is what a student is able to do after completing MNG81001 Management Communication.

1.      External communication

The course helps a student to inculcate the skills of communicating with people outside the organisation. For instance, interacting with clients and customers is an example of external communication.

2.      Internal Communications

Students also learn to communicate internally within his/her organisation. This may include all levels and organisational units.

3.      Oral Communications

Under this course, students also learn to verbally communicate their ideas. This is also known as communicating by word of mouth. Many students face challenges in this method of communicating their ideas. Thus, our MNG81001 assignment experts help them inculcate this skill in them.

4.      Evaluation

The ultimate purpose of pursuing this course is to gain the ability to evaluate the overall communication process carried out in any organisation. Thus, our experts help students to become an effective communicator and evaluate the overall performance of the organisation.



Meet Jeffery, an expert in reflective writing. With a passion for self-expression and introspection, Jeffery specializes in guiding individuals through the reflective writing process. Whether it's personal essays, journals, or academic reflections, Jefferyempowers writers to explore their thoughts and experiences with clarity and insight. Trust Jeffery to help you articulate your innermost thoughts effectively.

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