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Community Youth Services - Summative Assessment 1

Community Youth Services - Answer to Question 1

Young age is marked by tumultuous developmental stage. It is imperative for the people providing services to young people to comprehend human behaviour for crafting the services in a better custom (Swearer, Martin, Brackett & Palacios, 2017). A better comprehension of the behaviour of young people is imperative as adolescence is characterized by conflicts with family members and friends and stress henceforth, it is crucial for the individuals providing services to young people to ensure that the array of services are personalized in adherence with the developmental tasks, cultivation of skills and alignment with the characteristics, age and developmental achievements of an individual (Swearer, Martin, Brackett & Palacios, 2017). A better understanding of the developmental social and relationship changes is imperative because it is helpful in comprehending the interactions of young people and the critical aspects of development and their hypothetical thinking.

Also, comprehension of the cognitive changes that occur with the young individuals is helpful in developing abstract regarding logical reasoning and the capacity to address the issues faced by them and comprehend their values and morals. The service providers must understand the social changes such as searching for self-identity, seeking more responsibility and independence, seeking new experiences, be influenced by their peers and self-esteem.

Community Youth Services - Answer to Question 2

By gaining an extensive knowledge of the issues faced by young people involving their emotional development, social environment and the relationships, the service providers can better understand about their needs and wants (Good & Mishna, 2019). Furthermore, it is also helpful for the family to further strengthen the relationships. It helps in looking for the teachable moments and helping the young individuals in coping up with their issues concerning emotional and social development.

The challenges faced by the service providers in terms of comprehending and accommodating the needs of the young people are listed as follows:

  • The service providers often face intricacy in terms of ensuring that the most dynamic entry points are defined.
  • They often fail to build a constructive approach while contacting the young adults and satisfying their requirements (Barnert, Abrams, Azzi, Ryan, Brook & Chung, 2016).
  • They do not make the decision-making process participative which deflates the interest of the young individuals
  • Young individuals' needs are not integrated into the implementation of the programs.
  • The staff does not display a sympathetic and comprehensive attitude towards young people (Good & Mishna, 2019).
  • The ideas of young people are not solicited into community services.
  • No robust public policies robustly highlight the developmental needs of the individuals.
  • There is a lack of adequate public and private funding for the community service providers (Swearer, Martin, Brackett & Palacios, 2017).
  • Community service providers also witness the issue of strengthening and supporting the stakeholders for implementation and planning of the community strategies.
  • For identifying the needs of the young individuals, service providers need to strengthen the local intermediaries, in which they lack technical assistance (Lynch et al., 2006).

Community Youth Services - Answer to Question 3

The concept of diversity refers to respecting and acceptance of different cultures and backgrounds and religions. It is basically an understanding that each individual is unique and there is a need to embrace the individual differences on the grounds of race, culture, family, background, colour, gender and many more (Nieswand, 2017). It is not only acknowledging the differences but is also essential to tolerate and respect different cultures. It is closely associated with multiculturalism which means merging of different cultures and embedding within a cohesive society. Through comprehension of diversity, the community service providers can drive innovation and inspire creativity and henceforth, cultivate a positive image on the local market and become culturally sensitive.

Community Youth Services - Answer to Question 4

Since every individual has a unique presence and henceforth, the ideas, viewpoints and opinions vary from one individual to another. Due to this, every individual reflects different opinions in concern with culture and diversity. Culture perception is the lens through which an individual sees the world including language, thoughts, religion and arts (Nieswand, 2017). The perception has significantly influenced the culture and with every individual, there is a high gradient in the way they perceive the environment. Ethnocentrism to a higher extent impacts the viewpoints and perceptions of individuals and pushes one to view one culture superior to the other (Bizumic, 2018). This usually originates from the customs of their own culture and the standards.

Community Youth Services - Answer to Question 5

Six reasons for which, it is mandatory to clarify the role in the context of the youth sector work are listed as follows:

  • Clear roles and accountability are helpful in gaining clarity in terms of operation allow being flexible (Lynch et al., 2006).
  • It enables comprehending the brokering partnerships amid different organisations.
  • It assists in hosting a cohesive online platform for assets (Arnold, 2018).
  • It is helpful in defining the programs and making informed decisions.
  • It is crucial in framing professional development and the training curriculums of the youth through maximizing engagement with individuals.
  • It is vital in implementing a staged approach and safeguarding that multi-purpose approach is implemented for the asylum seekers and young refugees.

Community Youth Services - Answer to Question 6

Ways in which an organization can comply with access and equality legislation and regulation are:

  • Recognizing the cases of previous unconscious bias
  • Employing employee representatives administer compliance with the legislation
  • Enacting the equality policies and fining penalties or strict action for non-compliance (Arnold, 2018).

Community Youth Services - Answer to Question 7

For assisting the individuals in the process of virtuous decision-making, it is essential that the ethical principles are abided by (McKenzie & Lu, 2019). Following are the key ethical principles which need to be adhered to in assisting the individuals:

  • Giving young people respect and interacting with them in a respectful custom.
  • Promoting the safety and welfare of young individuals while guiding them in the decision-making process
  • In general, providing social justice to young individuals (McKenzie & Lu, 2019).
  • Safeguarding the rights and respect of the individuals in their decision-making process
  • It is integrated to safeguard their freedom and right to self-determination while assisting them in the process of guiding (McKenzie & Lu, 2019).
  • Communicating to them regarding discriminatory practice and participatory democracy
  • Building collaborative relationships with young individuals Zajac, E. M. (2017).
  • Promoting equality and fairness among young individuals
  • Cultivating a spiritual nature of human beings
  • Fostering value of interconnected relationships

Community Youth Services - Answer to Question 8

Following is a list of frameworks or legislation that pose an influence on the community services sector:

  • The Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 in New South Wales (NSW) requires the healthcare workers and the community services for contracting Community Services Department in concern of the wellbeing or safety of the individuals (McKenzie & Lu, 2019).
  • The Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 maintains the confidentiality of the young individuals
  • The Privacy and Personal Information Act 1998 requires the community service workers to ensure that the consent is taken while collecting data (McKenzie & Lu, 2019).
  • The Freedom Of Information Act 1982 gives individuals the right to ask for personal records
  • 'Duty of Care' obliges the community service workers to ensure the wellbeing of the clients.
  • Occupational health and safety (OHS) ensure that a safe working environment is cultivated (Swearer, Martin, Brackett & Palacios, 2017).
  • National Drug Strategic Framework guides the workers to reduce the harm caused due to drugs
  • ACT Community Services Industry Strategy obliges the community service workers to prioritize the needs of the young individuals
  • ‘Health In All Policies’ approach requires to comprehend the implications of health effects
  • Children & Young People Act 2008 obliges the community service workers to support young people and identify their unique needs

Community Youth Services - Answer to Question 9

Judgment making skill allows a young individual to make a cost-benefit analysis of a particular situation and is also helpful in making sure that the plus points and cons of a specific decision is done in an effectual custom. It impacts young individuals in terms of making a well-informed decision by comprehending its consequences (Larkin & O’Connor, 2017). It makes working them quite undemanding as it eases the self-regulation and impacts meta-cognition. It allows the community service workers to easily collaborate with young individuals and make sure that the interventions are designed to target the inevitably prompt behaviour. 

Community Youth Services - Answer to Question 10

The focus of youth-centred practices is young individuals. It primarily helps the young persons in stressing on personal needs, goals, desires and wants. It makes sure that the requirements of the young individuals are placed at the centre and interventions are taken to safeguard their rights, safety, interest, decision-making and goals (Larkin & O’Connor, 2017).

Community Youth Services - Answer to Question 11

The specific things that the care providers must comprehend while dealing with young clients are listed below as follows:

  • The community service providers must ensure that an array of inclusive positive youth development initiatives are fostered for young clients (Shek, Dou, Zhu & Chai, 2019).
  • They must be able to consider and provide strategic and emotional support to the clients
  • There is a need to apply the youth development approach while engaging with the clients
  • The communities must be able to develop an ongoing and consistent relationship with the clients for understanding their needs.
  • The young people must be encouraged to deliberately participate in the decision-making and development programs.

Community Youth Services - Summative Assessment 2

Application of Youth-Centred Practices at 'for You' Community

At a young age, youth requires competencies, attitude, social skills and values to move towards a successful adulthood. It is also a time during which they juggle between choices, behaviours and potentials. It is at this stage that the decision-making process needs to be made in adherence to their interest and goals (Roth & Brooks-Gunn, 2016). Families and parents play a pivotal role in assisting young individuals in navigating through this phase (Williams & Deutsch, 2016). The 'For You' community is aimed at assisting the young individuals in fostering positive development and extending support at times of need. The committee is enduring an image dealing with an array of choices and taking responsibility for the well-being and safety of the individuals at the same time steering them in the right direction. There are a number of social forces which impact the community life and landscape of a family ultimately impacting the expectations of the young individuals. There are many factors which impact the informal community support available for young people. Young individuals are impacted by the high rates of family mobility, heavy dosage of illicit substances, themes of violence, extensive media exposure and disorganization in the neighbourhood.

The For You committee was established by families, children, committee on Adolescence Health and Development and youth. The major intention of the committee is to design a unified conceptual framework for promoting the healthy development of young individuals. The committee is also intended to make sure that a research agenda of assessment of limitations and strengths of the approaches and methodology used while addressing the young individuals and promoting the activities are continually evaluated and the better practices are implemented. The committee makes sure that an effectual synthesis of the available data on different interventions adopted by different youth-centred communities and programs is made for crafting top-notch quality adolescent development programs. It also makes sure that the efficacious characterization of the development of youth health and their well-being is done (Williams & Deutsch, 2016).

For the implementation of the youth-centred practices which involve social assets and personal assets facilitating positive development such as good health risk management skills and healthy patterns of eating and intellectual development involving knowledge of vocational skills, rational habits of mind involving reasoning skills and critical thinking, it is significant that a participative approach is incorporated (Roth & Brooks-Gunn, 2016). Through participative decision making, the clients can be easily ingrained into the committee procedures. It can also make sure that a proper collaboration is fostered for implementation of the youth development programs. The community service must initially identify all the proposed changes that need to be implemented for the welfare of young individuals. The preliminary aspect is to make sure that both social and economic security is provided to young people by ensuring that access to the labour market and employment prospects is facilitated.

Additionally, it must be made sure that the youth has access to better and quality education and they are in good health having access to the effective support system, safe environment and have improved self-realisation and a better transition to adulthood is facilitated (Holt, 2016). The For You community is extensively dedicated to supporting the young individuals and it makes sure that the young people are further, proactively motivated to take part in the decision making process and development of the policies and their implementation. It not only make sure the policies are inclusive and comprehensive of the viewpoints of the young individuals but also ensures that a sense of being valued is cultivated among the young individuals which further, makes them feel strong ties with the community, with their family and peers (Holt, 2016). 

Cohesive Skill-Building Program

For You has effectively made sure that partnership is made with Youth Development Australia; which is a public benevolent institution and a leading practitioner in the community services group which intends to provide assistance for youth and especially for the disadvantaged in terms of community circumstances. For You is a youth centred community which has adopted a specialised positive youth development approach which intends to cultivate abilities, competencies and skills among the young individuals by promoting growth and flourishing their strengths. Apart from the approach, it is also a philosophy that aims to nurture the career of young individuals by assisting them in skill-building and strengthening (Jacobs & Wright, 2018). This not only beneficial in promoting welfare among the young individuals but is also helpful in ensuring that positive relationships are built between the youth and the peer groups community government institutions cultural society in school and workplace. The program strictly aligns with the regulations outlined by the Children & Young People Act 2008.

This unique cohesive skill-building program will intend to develop life skills and soft skills among young individuals. It will make sure the skill-building activities are conducted with the community family and peers. It will be helpful in training youth in terms of the following:

  • This special program will ensure that life skills and soft skills are strengthened among the youth
  • It will provide opportunities to youth for enabling them to develop a robust competency
  • It must facilitate the participation of youth in academic skill-building and technical skill strengthening (Lynch et al., 2006)

It will be helpful in ensuring that the interpersonal skills are fostered among the youth especially with the family and peer and for doing so following structured practices will be adopted:

  • For building a relationship with the family, different ways will be created for the family members to connect with the youth skill-building activities
  • For fostering engagement with the peers, structured engagement programs will be introduced for supporting modelling and practising of the soft skills
  • Parental modelling must be encouraged for soft skills and the guardians should be educated on soft skills so that they provide support to the youth in accomplishing the objectives (Lynch et al., 2006).

For strengthening relationships with the community and building life skills, the following procedures will be incorporated as a part of a cohesive skill-building program:

  • Soft skills need to be integrated into the extra-curricular, educational, recreational and vocational programs (Lynch et al., 2006).
  • More extra-curricular opportunities will be crafted in community and school involving activities in different domains such as theatre, training, arts, vocational training, debate and sports
  • Wider prospects will be created for the youth to participate in community programs such as apprenticeships with the local employers and internships in local organisations

For the integration of youth development program with the systems, the following key steps will be incorporated:

  • The policies’ structures and the laws need to be revised so that the funding for extra-curricular activities is inflated involving youth centres and school programs so that more career exposure is provided.
  • Vocational education will be provided for improving soft skills
  • Working with the government ministries must be included in the core program such as collaborating with the ministry of youth and education and ensuring that the policies are advocated (Ramey, Lawford, Rose-Krasnor, Freeman & Lanctot, 2018).

5 Cs of The Youth Development for Cohesive Skill Building






The community service workers will make sure that a positive attitude is cultivated towards the youth in terms of health, cognitive and academic skills. As a part of the social competence, prominence will be laid on the conflict-resolution through collaboration or compromising (Ramey, Lawford, Rose-Krasnor, Freeman & Lanctot, 2018). As a part of the cognitive competence, the youth will be encouraged to brainstorm ways like commanding, voting, consensus-reliance or taking assistance from the mentors.

Through confidence, the sense of self-worth can be cultivated among individuals. It is helpful in making sure that the sense of having a belief is motivated and the individuals are motivated to accomplish the goals. As a part of the cohesive skill building, the youth can be motivated by treating them through respect and showing them appreciation. Supporting optimistic can be further helpful in safeguarding that the clients are constructive about their goals (Deutsch, Blyth, Kelley, Tolan & Lerner, 2017). The staff members must make sure that the strengths of the youth are highlighted and the less criticism is done.

Celebrating positive bonds with the youth is helpful in making sure that a sense of belongingness is cultivated among the individuals and positive bonds are built with the social institutions (Deutsch, Blyth, Kelley, Tolan & Lerner, 2017). For doing so, the staff must make sure that active listening skills are adopted so that the viewpoints of the clients are comprehended in an effectual custom (Deutsch, Blyth, Kelley, Tolan & Lerner, 2017). The staff will make sure that the open-ended questions are asked by the clients so that their perceptions are well-understood. They must be provided with a safe environment. A safe environment must be provided by making sure that straightforwardness and honesty are adopted while communicating.

Commitment to justice is essential so that a just atmosphere is facilitated. The staff members must make sure that sympathy and empathetic attitude is displayed. For individuals having a lack of family support, they often incur restriction in terms of expressing their emotions and feelings. The staff must psychologically relieve the individuals in terms of allowing them to openly discuss their emotional feelings. The staff must display an empathetic attitude and help in ensuring that interpersonally responsible discussions are made.

Character is associated with the ability to make sure that the sense of individuality is fostered among the individuals (Deutsch, Blyth, Kelley, Tolan & Lerner, 2017). It also involves making sure that a sense of freedom is sustained. The staff must make sure that resilience is cultivated (Ramey, Lawford, Rose-Krasnor, Freeman & Lanctot, 2018). The staff must make ensure that the clients are not pushed to drive for perfection but for improvements (Deutsch, Blyth, Kelley, Tolan & Lerner, 2017).

Table 1: 5 Cs of youth development

Staff Recruitment and Code of Conduct

As a part of this cohesive skill-building program, the youth must be motivated to ensure that positive role models are looked upon such as religious leaders, teachers, mentors community leaders or coaches. Furthermore, the code of conduct is an imperative part of the training will be embedded into the curriculums. Robust training programs will be inaugurated for the staff and workforce of the community so that they have efficient knowledge regarding positive youth development. Also, the recruiting procedure of the staff of the youth-serving community must be based on the enthusiasm regarding working with youth, experience, skills and knowledge (Arnold, 2018). They must be able to engage with the youth with lacking family structures and henceforth, crafting efficient support programs. There are certain barricades that often hinder the process of attainment of goals and hence, the staff must ensure that anti-bullying campaigns and policies are inaugurated so that any sort of intricacies in the process is diminished.

Integrating with The Schools

Since there is an overwhelming need for young adults to strengthen their needs, there is an urgent need to ensure that strong integration with the schools and training curriculums is made for accelerating the skill development (Arnold, 2018). Life skills are gained through direct experiences. Life skills are cultivated as a result of learning. Schools are the foremost places where preliminary development of the children takes place. It allows individuals to deal with daily life challenges and situations in an effectual custom. It not only brings positive effects but is also imperative in gaining success and a healthy society (McQuillin, Lyons, Clayton & Anderson, 2018). The cohesive skill-building program will effectively amalgamate with the local schools and make sure that creating art and craftwork, problem-solving, critical thinking and decision-making skills are effectively taught to the youth so that they can contribute to good citizenship. By integrating with the school, the following skills will be attained by the youth that is extremely crucial for facilitating skill development:

  • Fostering curiosity and imagination
  • Finding alternative and unique ways of problem-solving
  • Developing adaptability and agility
  • Promoting student leadership program

Reflection on Community Youth Services

Strategizing youth development program for ‘For You’ committee for focusing on the needs of the youth has been an intricate conduit. The key reason behind the same is considering the dynamic and changing needs of the youth and the way they perceive the environment (Shek, Dou, Zhu & Chai, 2019). I was initially not sure regarding how a specialized strategy will be crafted for targeting the needs of the youth. For this, I made sure that, I coordinated with the market research team and safeguarded the identification of the urgent needs of the youth. Since there are arrays of unfulfilled requirements of the youth which are yet not addressed, I decided to tap on a need that is most prevalent and is inclusive of other needs as well. I also coordinated with the Youth Action-Youth Development to ensure that the data is gathered in the context of the goals, desires and competencies of the youth in the country. I also referred to the articles and journals, especially by the authors to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by young individuals. I came to conclusion to tap the skill-based competencies and henceforth, introduced the cohesive skill-building program which is in strict compliance with the Children & Young People Act 2008 and also provides opportunities to youth for enabling them to develop robust competency. It is intended to facilitate the participation of youth in academic skill-building and technical skill strengthening and building life skills through enhancement of cognitive and critical thinking.

References for Community Youth Services

Arnold, M. E. (2018). From context to outcomes: A thriving model for 4-H youth development programs. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 6(1).

Barnert, E. S., Abrams, S., Azzi, V. F., Ryan, G., Brook, R., & Chung, P. J. (2016). Identifying best practices for “Safe Harbor” legislation to protect child sex trafficking victims: Decriminalization alone is not sufficient. Child abuse & neglect, 51, 249-262.

Bizumic, B. (2018). Ethnocentrism: Integrated perspectives. London: Routledge.

Deutsch, N. L., Blyth, D. A., Kelley, J., Tolan, P. H., & Lerner, R. M. (2017). Let’s talk after-school: The promises and challenges of positive youth development for after-school research, policy, and practice. In After-school programs to promote positive youth development, 45-68.

Good, B., & Mishna, F. (2019). “Double-edged sword” of Digital Media Use among Youth in Residential Treatment: Perspectives of Service Providers. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 1-25.

Holt, N. L. (Ed.). (2016). Positive youth development through sport. London: Routledge.

Jacobs, J. M., & Wright, P. M. (2018). Transfer of life skills in sport-based youth development programs: A conceptual framework bridging learning to application. Quest, 70(1), 81-99.

Larkin, P., & O’Connor, D. (2017). Talent identification and recruitment in youth soccer: Recruiter’s perceptions of the key attributes for player recruitment. PLOS one, 12(4), e0175716.

Lynch, A. D., Ferris, K. A., Burkhard, B., Wang, J., Hershberg, R. M., & Lerner, R. M. (2016). Character development within youth development programs: Exploring multiple dimensions of activity involvement. American Journal of Community Psychology, 57(1-2), 73-86.

McQuillin, S. D., Lyons, M. D., Clayton, R. J., & Anderson, J. R. (2018). Assessing the impact of school-based mentoring: Common problems and solutions associated with evaluating nonprescriptive youth development programs. Applied Developmental Science, 1-15.

Nieswand, B. (2017). Towards a theorisation of diversity. Configurations of person-related differences in the context of youth welfare practices. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(10), 1714-1730.

Ramey, H. L., Lawford, H. L., Rose-Krasnor, L., Freeman, J., & Lanctot, J. (2018). Engaging diverse Canadian youth in youth development programs: Program quality and community engagement. Children and Youth Services Review, 94, 20-26.

Roth, J. L., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2016). Evaluating youth development programs: Progress and promise. Applied developmental science, 20(3), 188-202.

Shek, D. T., Dou, D., Zhu, X., & Chai, W. (2019). Positive youth development: current perspectives. Adolescent health, medicine and therapeutics, 10, 131.

Swearer, S. M., Martin, M., Brackett, M., & Palacios, R. A. (2017). Bullying intervention in adolescence: The intersection of legislation, policies, and behavioral change. Adolescent research review, 2(1), 23-35.

Williams, J. L., & Deutsch, N. L. (2016). Beyond between-group differences: Considering race, ethnicity, and culture in research on positive youth development programs. Applied Developmental Science, 20(3), 203-213.

Zajac, E. M. (2017). Occupational therapy in positive youth development. World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin, 73(1), 29-35.

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