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Step 1 - Research and Evidence-Based Practice

When undertaking research, you need to clarify the methods you will be using. For this section of the report, you must address the following points and provide referencing where required

1.1 Rules of Evidence

Explain what the ‘rules of evidence’ are in relation to evidence-based practice (EPB) (50 words).

‘Rules of evidence’ in research act as the structure for forming an efficient, reliable and valid evidence-based practice. They are used as a guiding model for collection or evidence for a study. There are 4 level of rules of evidence in research (Baethge et al., 2019).

  1. Validity
  2. Sufficiency
  3. Currency
  4. Authenticity

1.2 Evidence-based Practice

Provide an APA-referenced definition of evidence-based practice (EBP) and state how it is used (50 words).

Evidence-based practice refers to the procedure of reviewing, evaluating, and interpreting the scientific evidence. EBP is used for implementation of most effective researches with the focus on clinical implications, patient-centric care, and nursing practices (Saunders et al., 2019). EBP helps in evaluation of most effective clinical practices to enhance the patient security and quality of care.

1.3 Research and Continuous Improvement

Explain how EBP is different from ‘research’ and ‘continuous quality improvement’ and explain how they are used (50 words).

When drawing a comparison between research and it can be said that- Research focuses on inventing or innovating new methods or deriving new information. While EBP uses already prominent methods for evaluating and interpreting the most effective clinical practice by the help of scientific evidence (Pourtney, 2020).

When the continuous quality improvement and EBP are concerned, it can be elaborated that Quality improvement carries out systematic analyses with the goal of delivering better patient outcomes. However, EBP is the application of scientific evidence on the clinical practices to take efficient patient-care decisions (Wu et al., 2018).

1.4 Research Methods

Provide a diagram of EBP, a typical research process and continuous quality improvement. This will be 3 diagrams in total with referencing

Evidence-Based Practice

Fig 1.- Evidence-Based Practice (UC Davis, 2022)

Research Process

Fig 2. Research Process (EduNote, 2022)

Continuous Quality Improvement

Fig 3. – Continuous Quality Improvement (Clithero et al., 2017)

Clithero, A., Ross, S. J., Middleton, L., Reeve, C., & Neusy, A. J. (2017). improving community Health Using an Outcome-Oriented cQi Approach to community-engaged Health Professions education. Frontiers in public health5, 26. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2017.00026

iEduNote. Research process: 8 steps in Research Process. 2022. https://www.iedunote.com/research-process

Library UC Davis. Evidence-Based Practice Resources. 2022. https://www.library.ucdavis.edu/guide/ebp-resources/

1.5 Duty of Care Requirements

Explain the duty of care requirements associated with EPB (50 words).

In EBP the duty of acre requires the nurses to be up to date with new interventions which are validated by scientific evidence, maintenance of scientific studies and evidence concerning the patients’ health profile, and adaptability to new techniques for better patient care (Esteban‐Sepúlveda et al., 2021)

1.6 Research Reasons

Describe what each of these different reasons for undertaking research are (20 words each).

  • Comparison – Comparative research is used to evaluate the efficiency and efficacy of a clinical practice against other. It is helpful in selecting the better clinical practice between two.
  • Hypothesis testing- Hypothesis testing research is performed to estimate whether the initial hypothesis drawn is justified in the research study or not.
  • Trend identification- Trend identification in research is the evaluation of scientific processes, content analysis, citation evaluation, and so on. This helps in understanding the future prospects of the research area.
  • Own knowledge extension- Own knowledge extension in research enables an individual to adapt, learn, and apply the knowledge gained from the research. This helps in enhancing the decision-making skills, development of personality, etc.
  • Strengthen quality of own practice- The aim of any research is to enhance the quality of clinical practices and develop measures for improved patient recovery. Quality improvement or strengthening the quality of own practice refers to the same.

Step 2 - Plan the Information

The next step in a research report is to clarify why the topic should be researched and plan how you will gather the information. For this section, you should address the following points.

2.1 Issue Statement

Clearly state the two issues being investigated (20 words each).

  1. Bullying in the workplace
  2. Effectively supporting non-English speaking clients

2.2 Objectives and Trends of Issues

State why each research topic (150 words each) is being investigated, including:

  • Two (2) objectives you aim to achieve for each (How will benefit nursing practice?)
  • APA-referenced evidence of why each is an issue
  • APA referenced example of where each can be seen in practice
  • Two (2) ways each issue is currently managed or approached.
  • The objectives of investigating Bullying in workplace for nursing practice are-
  1. To promote cooperative and mutually sustainable workplace environment.
  2. To develop transparent, easy to access, and fair monitoring policy for bullying.

Evidence of bullying in Nursing workplace- Bambi, S., Foà, C., De Felippis, C., Lucchini, A., Guazzini, A., & Rasero, L. (2018). Workplace incivility, lateral violence and bullying among nurses. A review about their prevalence and related factors. Acta Bio Medica: Atenei Parmensis89(Suppl 6), 51. https://doi.org/10.23750%2Fabm.v89i6-S.7461

Example of Prevalence of the issue in nursing- Serafin, L., Sak‐Dankosky, N., & Czarkowska‐Pączek, B. (2020). Bullying in nursing evaluated by the Negative Acts Questionnaire‐Revised: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing76(6), 1320-1333. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14331

  • The objectives for supporting non-English speaking clients
  1. Implementation of culturally sensitive and accepting work culture along to avoid any chance of culture bias.
  2. Hiring interpreters or training the nurses in handling non-English speaking patients.

Evidence of prevalence of issues with non-English speaking patients- Wittenberg, E. (2018). Health literacy: exploring nursing challenges to providing support and understanding. Number 1/February 201822(1), 53-61. 10.1188/18.CJON.53-61

Example of Prevalence of the issue in nursing- Alshammari, M., Duff, J., & Guilhermino, M. (2019). Barriers to nurse–patient communication in Saudi Arabia: an integrative review. BMC nursing18(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-019-0385-4

2.3 Research Data Sources

List eight (8) credible sources of data you could use to conduct your research, and for each include:

  • Resource name
  • Resource type (journal, text book, professional body publication etc)
  • Resource website or link.

Zhang, Y. Y., Zhang, C., Han, X. R., Li, W., & Wang, Y. L. (2018). Determinants of compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue and burn out in nursing: A correlative meta-analysis. Medicine97(26), e11086. https://doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000011086

(PubMed, Review article, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)

Hartin, P., Birks, M., & Lindsay, D. (2020). Bullying in nursing: How has it changed over 4 decades?. Journal of Nursing Management28(7), 1619-1626. https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.13117

(Wiley Online Library, Journal, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jonm.13117)

Hartin, P., Birks, M., & Lindsay, D. (2019). Bullying in nursing: is it in the eye of the beholder?. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice20(2), 82-91.

(Sage Journals, Research article, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1527154419845411)

Hartin, P., Birks, M., & Lindsay, D. (2019). Bullying in Nursing: Is it in the Eye of the Beholder?. Policy, politics & nursing practice20(2), 82–91. https://doi.org/10.1177/1527154419845411

(PubMed, Review article, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31060477/)

Wittenberg, E. (2018). Health literacy: exploring nursing challenges to providing support and understanding. Number 1/February 201822(1), 53-61. 10.1188/18.CJON.53-61

(Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, Journal, https://www.ons.org/cjon/22/1/health-literacy-exploring-nursing-challenges-providing-support-and-understanding)

Hartley, S., Raphael, J., Lovell, K., & Berry, K. (2020). Effective nurse–patient relationships in mental health care: A systematic review of interventions to improve the therapeutic alliance. International Journal of Nursing Studies102, 103490. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2019.103490

(Science Direct, Journal article, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020748919302974)

Step 3 - Gather the Information

In Step 2, you listed objectives for each topic of research. You should have at least four (4). For this step, you need to collect, evaluate and organise the evidence related to your topics, and discuss your research processes.

3.1 Information-gathering Strategy

Summarise the strategy you used to gather information generally, noting the sources you explored, how you determined if the information was relevant and why you left certain resources out (150 words).

Collection of research information is completed from secondary sources with validated and reliable results. The scientific evidence included are selected after defining a specific timeline and only the researches published in English were included. The studies relevant to research topic were only considered and the studies with bias or unreliable results were excluded.

3.2 Systematic Information Summary

Using the table below, list three (3) information sources you found that relate to each objective. For each resource, you must provide:

  • An APA references
  • A link directly to the information
  • The research method you used to source the information
  • The resource types.

Research Objective

Resource APA Reference

Resource Link

Method used to search

Type of resource


Decrease truancy at school


Epstein, J. L., & Sheldon, S. B. (2002). Present and accounted for: Improving student attendance through family and community involvement. The Journal of Educational Research, 95(5), 308.


 Retrieved from http://ezproxy.laureate.net.au/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.laureate.net.au/docview/204194482?accountid=176901


Topic search on Google scholar and/ or Data bases from library


Journal article/ peer review,

Bullying in nursing

Hartin, P., Birks, M., & Lindsay, D. (2020). Bullying in nursing: How has it changed over 4 decades?. Journal of Nursing Management28(7), 1619-1626. https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.13117


Google scholar search


Improving therapeutic alliance

Hartley, S., Raphael, J., Lovell, K., & Berry, K. (2020). Effective nurse–patient relationships in mental health care: A systematic review of interventions to improve the therapeutic alliance. International Journal of Nursing Studies102, 103490. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2019.103490


Google scholar search

Systematic review

Bullying in nursing

Hartin, P., Birks, M., & Lindsay, D. (2019). Bullying in Nursing: Is it in the Eye of the Beholder?. Policy, politics & nursing practice20(2), 82–91. https://doi.org/10.1177/1527154419845411


PubMed search

Review article

Step 4 - Analyse the Information

Once research has been conducted, it is important to analyse the information and determine its significance to the issues being investigated. For this step, you should compare, contrast and describe the information you found in relation to the research objectives.

4.1 Information Validity

List three (3) ways you can evaluate the validity of the information sources you have gathered.

5W Questions, SMART Check, CRAAP Test

4.2 Cultural and Ethical Considerations

List three (3) cultural and ethical considerations for research.

Protect the rights of research participants, Enhance research validity, maintain scientific integrity

4.3 Information Analysis Processes

Explain how to undertake each of the following information analysis processes (20 words each).

  • comparing
  • contrasting
  • challenging
  • reflecting
  • distinguishing relevant from irrelevant
  • drawing interdisciplinary connections
  • Comparing analysis is simply the process of comparing multiple information to one another and discerning their similarities and differences. 
  • Contrast analysis tests the nuance difference between different groups inside a dataset. Contrast analysis is more accurate and specific in testing these differences.
  • Challenge analysis is being critical about your research, approaching the integrity of your research from different perspectives. It may help you in identifying the underlying flaws in your research. 
  • Reflective analysis allows you to process the information in relation to your personal experiences.
  • You may be discussing a problem or event that you have experienced, with a critical mind set and process what you have learned from the experience and why.
  • he main topic of the material should be identified primary. Then determine the supporting ideas that are directly related to the topic. This would be relevant. Ideas or sentences that do not relate to the main topic would be irrelevant. 
  • Interdisciplinary connections allows you to understand information by making connections between ideas and concepts across different disciplines. The ideas and concepts acquired from a discipline can be applied to a different discipline for a better learning experience.

4.4 Information Comparison

Using the table below, you must compare the different sources of information you gathered, and assess their currency, feasibility, risks and benefits. In the table, analyse at least two (2) sources of information per objective.

Research objective

Information author and year

Summary of what information suggests

How feasible of practical is the information




Decrease truancy at school


Epstein & Sheldon (2002)


Suggests that student attendance at school can be increased when schools work with families to manage out of school issues


In practice this might be difficult, as each family is different, and it could take a lot of time and money for schools to do this.


Truancy could reduce


Could isolate families or be ‘too hard’ for school to maintain.

Bullying in nursing

Hartin, P., Birks, M., & Lindsay, D. (2019).

Evaluates the change in bullying characteristics over the period of 10 years.

The research is a review of existing studies and combines the information for a better application.

Help in monitoring and reducing bullying in nursing work place.

Unethical use of antibullying policy in the workplace.

Nurse patient relationship in psychiatric care

Hartley, S., Raphael, J., Lovell, K., & Berry, K. (2020).

The study focuses on the professional relationship of nurse and patient and how does it impact the patient care.

The research is a systematic review and concludes the study in effective manner by highlighting the most important aspects of the nurse-patient relationship.

Enhance the patient recovery rate.

Can lead to patient bias in case of deep connection

Step 5 - Use Information in Practice

Finally, after conducting research, you need to present your conclusions and discuss how your results can be used in practice.

5.1 Use of Information in Practice

In 100 words for each issue, describe what the information you found suggests can be done in your work context to improve, manage or rectify the issue.

The close evaluation the studies highlight the issue of the clinical practice. The evaluation of the study is performed by application of the different tools. The employment of systematic review design or evidence-based studies the use of pre-existing literature enhances the validity of the result. The currency of the research is also beneficial as qualitive researches do not exclusively demand recent studies.

5.2 Gaps in Information

For both issues, identify two (2) areas that require further research or evaluation, and reflect on potential interdisciplinary hurdles, such as places where referral or collaboration with other fields is required (100 words per issue).

When considering bullying the research gets limited to a certain healthcare setting and at times the responses from the participants can be reluctant. Another research gap is the lack of proper definition for bullying in the workplace.

In communication barriers the interventions can be studied on a broader spectrum and use multiple tools. The implementation and evaluation of positive communication methods for non-English speaking patients is necessary.

5.3 Actions and Recommendations

For each issue, present three (3) specific actions or recommendations to address the outcomes you investigated (20 words per recommendation).


  • implementation of workplace policies and regulations to curb bullying
  • transparent and easy to access reporting team for such incident
  • bias free monitoring and management of bullying.

Non-English-speaking patients

  • establishing communication measures for the patients and nurses
  • training for maintaining effective non-verbal communication
  • building a culturally sensitive work place environment.

Reference List using APA

Baethge, C., Goldbeck-Wood, S., & Mertens, S. (2019). SANRA—a scale for the quality assessment of narrative review articles. Research integrity and peer review4(1), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41073-019-0064-8

Saunders, H., Gallagher‐Ford, L., Kvist, T., & Vehviläinen‐Julkunen, K. (2019). Practicing healthcare professionals’ evidence‐based practice competencies: An overview of systematic reviews. Worldviews on EvidenceBased Nursing16(3), 176-185. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12363

Portney, L. G. (2020). Foundations of clinical research: applications to evidence-based practice. FA Davis.

Wu, Y., Brettle, A., Zhou, C., Ou, J., Wang, Y., & Wang, S. (2018). Do educational interventions aimed at nurses to support the implementation of evidence-based practice improve patient outcomes? A systematic review. Nurse education today70, 109-114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2018.08.026

Esteban‐Sepúlveda, S., Sesé‐Abad, A., Lacueva‐Pérez, L., Domingo‐Pozo, M., Alonso‐Fernandez, S., Aquilue‐Ballarin, M., ... & Fernández‐Domínguez, J. C. (2021). Impact of the implementation of best practice guidelines on nurse’s evidence‐based practice and on nurses' work environment: Research protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing77(1), 448-460. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14598

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