It is important to know that essay writing processes are inclusive of various stages and it is not exhaustive in nature. Essays are an academic piece of writing which is written to convince a person regarding something or it can be returned to inform people regarding a particular topic. It is very important that an essay must be convincing in nature and in order to make it adequately informed nature it is important that several components must flow in a formal structure throughout the essay. A standard short essay will be inclusive of a minimum number of 5 paragraphs that must provide adequate and enough information to the reader within that small space. There are various components that constitute a good essay. The present paper will deal with all the essential elements, strategies, and methods which must be adopted for writing a good essay.
It is very important to develop a good topic after analyzing the requirements of the assignment. Exploration of the background facts and information is an essential ingredient in the working thesis. Research must be authenticated in nature which means that the research should be based upon the scholarly sources which are reliable in nature (Galli, 2013). There are various types of essays like critical essay, persuasive essay, argumentative essay, and much more. So, therefore, it becomes important to create a thesis statement and accordingly, the arguments must be framed in order to proceed with the essay. So, it can be said that a good essay is a formal piece of writing which is dealing with a particular subject and is specifically written in order to persuade the reader by using selective research evidence (Massey University, 2010).
Usually, essays are of academic nature and it constitutes three major parts which are the introduction, body, and conclusion. The pieces of evidence can be in a form of facts, examples, figures, test, and case studies that can be used by the writer in order to support or prove a particular point. It is also recommended that the writer can provide a background of the particular topic to hook the reader for understanding the arguments regarding the particular topic (Hill, 2019). The writer can also explain difficult terms for important academic work related to the context of the topic in the introduction itself by avoiding too many details in that section.
An introduction of the essay provides the reader and ideas about what they will learn in the essay. An introduction of an essay must be of such nature that it is likely to grab the attention of the reader and make the reader interested regarding the particular topic quoted in the essay. Apart from this, the major element of the introduction is that the research must move from general into specific regarding the topic so that this formal structure can provide a roadmap for the reader in a much logical manner (Aurther, 1997). The thesis statement is the most important and essential element of introduction as it states the aim of the entire research and provides proper insight into the writer’s opinion with a set of pieces of evidence and examples. An introduction is a kind of abstract that guides the reader regarding the contents and arguments which are present as a thesis statement in the essay.
The middle section of the body contains evidence in order to persuade and prove the reader regarding a particular kept by the writer in the essay. It is important to know that the arguments in the essay can be of a negative nature and not always in the support of the topic. The body of an essay helps the writer to include evidence and support his ideas with the help of certain examples regarding the topic chosen. It is important to include different paragraphs in the body and not a single paragraph which will include a sentence regarding the topic and the discussion related to it according to the thesis statement (Salma, 2015). So far as the logical order of the body is concerned it is important to know that there are three types of order which can be followed by the author of the essay.
Chronological order can be used by the writer which will provide an order of time of the incident which can be treated as good for narrating the incidents in a more appropriate way (Essay, 2001). Another category of orders are spatial orders which are used to provide a description of particular locations from top to bottom and the last is the emphatic order which can also be opted by the writer in such a way that the least important arguments must be placed above and then the argument can be preceded with the most important evidence and examples.
Emphatic order is usually popularly used in the college writing essays (Galli, 2013). It must be noted that in order to make the contents in the body more appealing, it is important that the writer must use the transition sentences in order to formulate a good flow for the entire essay. A good number of substantial evidence and examples must be incorporated in order to support the arguments which can be against the particular topic chosen by the writer. It is very important that the writer must be able to choose only the relevant examples that will support the arguments regarding the particular topic so that it can hold the interest of the reader.
The conclusion can be set as an equally important element of an essay as it summarizes the contents and findings of the entire research. The conclusion is that part of the essay which will wrap up the entire submissions and arguments of the essay presented in the body section.
The major idea and intention behind writing a conclusion of a particular study are to simplify the main arguments already stated in the body of the research so that a writer can get a wholesome view of the entire contentions laid in the body of the research without any complexities (Rinda, 2017). It is very important that after completing an essay, the room must be left for the reader to think and ponder upon the particular topic either in the favor or against especially when the essay is written in an argumentative manner.
It must be noted that whenever an academic writing essay is written, it is always suggested to the writer to formulate the first draught of the essay so that the same can be rewritten to fill the gaps in the research. Proofreading is an essential ingredient that must not be missed after the completion of an essay as it will help to delete the last minute irrelevant or unidentified mistaken parts in the essay (Galli, 2013). If all these things are kept in mind by the writer while writing an essay then it will be an undeniable fact that the writer will be able to grab the attention of the reader till the last line of the essay without fail.
Therefore, it can be concluded that in order to constitute a good essay there are certain things that must be kept into the mind by the writer in order to grab and hold the attention of the reader till the end of the essay. It is very important that the writer must introduce the essay with a strong thesis statement in order to give the reader an idea about the contents of the essay. A thesis statement will provide a roadmap to the reader in order to make him aware of the flow and direction of the essay. There are three order categories that can be followed by the writer like the chronological order, emphatic order, or a spatial order that can be opted for providing an adequate structure to the body of the essay. Apart from this device must be able to analyze and prepare a set of strong and substantive examples and evidence to support the arguments regarding a particular topic chosen by the writer for the essay.
At last, the conclusion must be able to restate all the major arguments presented in the body in a much simpler manner for providing brief knowledge and findings regarding a particular study. So, it can be said that a well written as must be well focused which must be able to answer all the questions in the mind of the readers in its entire sense by avoiding a lot of ranting to support the arguments for a particular topic. It is better if the arguments are supported with the help of evidence and examples rather than rambling about the same. A travelogue must be avoided because the reader will not unravel the clues left by the writer to make him think as to what the right answer will be.
Aurther, P. (1997). In the Bloomsbury Dictionary of English Literature. Retrieved from
Essay. (2001). In Chambers 21st Century Dictionary. Retrieved from
Galli, K. (2013). "What is an essay?" lecture [YouTube video]. Retrieved from
Hill, J. (2019). Writing a successful essay. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 43(4), 609-617.
Massey University (2010). Essay writing. [YouTube video]. Retrieved from
Rinda, F. (2017). EFL Students’ Difficulties and Needs in Essay Writing. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 158 (34), 45-78.
Salma, U. (2015). Problems and Practical Needs of Writing Skill in EFL Context: An Analysis of Iranian Students of Aligarh Muslim University, Journal of Humanity and science, 20(11), 67-87
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