Journal 1: Ethical Issues in Electronic Health Records
From the review of Ethical issues in electronic health records, it is evident that the references are taken from accurately peer reviewed journals and processed by Google scholars. If we come to talk about its accuracy then while doing a best quality literature review you should make sure that you are using peer reviewed journals for taking references because these references taken from peer reviewed journals make your literature of an excellence quality and appreciable. On the other hand if you are using nonacademic and non-peer reviewed journals your literature will not prove effective and qualitative in front of a reader. Taking references from local sites, encyclopedias, local magazines, and newspapers mostly proves wrong and incorrect and also keeps down the value of your literature review due to inappropriate references. That is the reason to take always references from peer reviewed journals because they are properly edited and correctly all right in perspectives of qualitative and quantitative analysis having accurate validation as well as edited by scholars.
Journal 2: Security Techniques for Economic Health Records
In literature review security techniques for economic health records, references are taken academic peer reviewed journals and processed by Google scholars same as in journal 1. Internet access, books empirical, evidence base articles and most probably the references section should be accurately taken from a peer reviewed journal are the basic fundamentals applied for creating a proper literature review. A qualitative literature review should comprise scholarly journal articles books by best authors, government reports, description and summary to make an efficient impression by major writing developed by contents and selected topics.
In journal 1, all the references are correctly processed and accurately relevant to the selected content and required perspectives. The accuracy is applied in the references by following the required consequences of nursing and medical records in accordance to electronic health records. All the references are taken from peer reviewed journals and processed by journal scholars. References including association with the American legal textbook policies with official medical records by official authors are the recognition of relevance and accuracy in required manners.
In journal 2, references are accurately relevant to the required criteria for literature review to prove realistic and correct following the referencing principles. All the references are officially authorized and in accordance of electric health records comprising legal medicine committees and US departmental health and sciences by following legal, social and ethical aspects and processed by Google scholars. These consequences are the realistic aspects to the gateway of literature review journals.
In journal 1, Author has represented accurate reference evidences comprising the association of the content with telemedicine, social, ethical and legalized barriers comprising the guidelines of office of national coordinator for health and information in accordance to electronic health records. References and proper evidences are taken from the journals of official authors and scholars and their authorized dictionary of health information technology. Evidences are taken from US organizations comprising American health information management association and department of health and human services.
In journal 2, references are correctly taken from official and accurate sources of official authorization by international scholars of peer reviewed journals in accordance to required criteria and content and evidences are taken from proper Medicare centers occupational electronic and health organizations in accordance to the departments of health and human services by utilizing ethical information and electronic medical records.
In journal 1, from research and proper analysis it can be concluded that the author has represented proper up to date evidences and references and pre-defined on the same date as mentioned and the same year when the evidences are published.
In journal 2, author has done the perspective in the same way as in first concluding accurate date on which references are published represented same as the year and date mentioned in the journal.
In journal 1 author has properly justified in accordance to the required criteria and the discussion content by summarizing the important perspectives and needs of electric health records in the present time. Author has properly justified about the aspects of requirements and needs of EHR in the present time in the field of technology and many issues and problems are discussed arising in the utilization of facilities and other perspectives in the EHR sector and processed also about their proper solutions.
In journal 2, author has justified accurately about the perspectives of the methodologies and patterns in accordance to the electronic health records elaborating their privacies and priorities in a secure manner and explaining the methodologies of health care industries on which criteria they processes the health services and working perspectives. Author has also justified about online databases comprising PubMed, CINAHL and allied health sciences and processed about 20 journals and many other reviews by following specific methodologies and techniques to overcome the disorders of electronic health records.
In journal 1, all the inquiries about the human internal system and perspectives related to the health comprising physical, historical and treatment details processed in a record named as electronic health record and by implementation of these records on human beings make beneficial strategies over paper records processed by different health care centers and physician. The health is recorded through electronic processing proves beneficial from human beings to overcome disorders, health care and make reduction in costs. On the other hand several strategies and methodologies are applied for efficient discussion about EHRs related to the patient data leakage and compromising on the treatment to improve the working standards of the EHRs in different areas of the world. EHR provides a platform for the patients to make their data secure and works for the providence of advanced services and better treatment of the patients.
In journal 2, security techniques for the EHRs provide a framework of data securing and improve the priority standards of the patient related to their organization and health industry. This sector processes for creating the limitations of the patient privacy and data provided to the health sector mentioned in the electronic health records and stay to be acknowledged about every entry in the data section. They work on the criteria which regulates the initiatives regarding to the different methodologies and patterns of securing patient data and work for the betterment of security standards to develop an advanced electronic health system. For making health record systems advanced several organizational sectors and firms are established and some are in process to make the work easier and data records are distributed in different sections and groups in a secure manner to facilitate the patient in easier ways. Several analysis and researches are taken place on betterment of EHRs to make patient reliable and prevent from worries about their data records and to provide them satisfaction that their data is secured in administrative, physical and technical safeguards. For implementation of methods newly generated and to process the methods which are not in working position, the researchers have utilized the guidelines, inclusion and criteria of data security in EHRs on the online databases of PubMed, CINAHIL, and Allied health source to conduct data security advancements.
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