Receptionist can use Information system as she/she has to record all the information and details about the patient, instead of keeping the detail manually, the receptionist can use any database software so that she/he can store all the details in the database. It will be much better as compared to the manual entry.
Physiotherapist and can email the extra information to the patients instead of printing the information on paper.
Mobile therapist can also email all the information to the patients as she/he has to visit the patients at their doorstep and printing is not the feasible option.
Accountant can use software that help in deducting the salary of the employees instead of transferring.
It is important each employee has to complete their work with great efficiency, all the employees have to follow below given points to carry out their tasks during the workday. These are;
Th data and information on which the entire employees work is the patients’ data and information.
Receptionist has to handle the data of patients, the first name of the patient, the last name of the patient, the address, contact number, and other details of the patient like date if appointment, next date of appointment.
Physio therapist also have to keep the data about the of patient’s illness, the type of treatment going on, the disease that patients have and other information regarding the exercise the patients have to perform, the data of medicines the patients are taking. As it is impossible to keep all the information of patients in mind.
Mobile therapist has to go door to door to visit patients, so, she/he has to keep the address of all the patients, and other information like name, contact number, illness of patients, type of treatment going on for all the patients.
Accountants have to keep all the salary related data about the employees, he/she also has to keep the information or data regarding the income and expenses.
The people who are working from the office need a computer or desktop and if the employees also working from home then they can’t carry the desktop to the home on regular so they need laptops also.
Laptop is must for the mobile physiotherapist as she/he has to go to visit the patients at their home so she must keep a laptop that is easy to carry. Keeping all the information in phone is not feasible so it is necessary to have a laptop to store all the information and data about the patients.
Yes, the business of Emma needs a server because server helps in managing the information, storing the information, sending the information and processing the data and information about the patient. Server works 24 hours a day. Server is very much reliable if compared to a desktop. There are number of features that is available on the server such as dual processing, avoid data redundancy, scalable and secure. Data redundancy is very common if try to store the data of patients like two patients have the same name so this is called data redundancy.
To interact with the devices, it is necessary to have some input and output device that Emma will have to purchase. These are
The type of network required for any business is depends on the size of business. In Emma’s business, only 6 people work so it is a sort of domestic style setup. Emma’s business can connect with the one or two LANs that local area network for the connectivity and every one should have its own router.
A local area network is made up of various devices or it is a collection of devices that helps in sharing the communication channel to the server. These are connected through wires so that it can provide a continuous fast speed.
The business of Emma includes only 6 people. So, it is sort of domestic style setup. It is a small business so; it is good to have one or two LAN connection to offer connectivity in the Emma’s business. A LAN network is the collection of number of computers and devices that help in sharing the communication channel with the server. These LAN connections are generally wired connection. The wired connection provides fast speed continuously but the option of wireless is common now a days and it is available also. The network at the business should be wireless as it is more flexible, and it provides the option to extending the WIFI to visiting patients and other members.
There are various benefits of using fibre optic cabling as it is a light-based technology. It permits the user to connect to numerous numbers of people to the internet without any disruption. Apart from this, other advantages are;
There are various techniques that can help in avoiding the phishing attack are;
These are some advices that all employees have to follow to protect themselves against all kinds of IT security threats.
DBMS database management system that helps in storing the data. In this business database is very important as it helps in storing all the details and information regarding all the patients and employees who are working in the office. There are various purposes of database. These are;
Employee table |
Visiting patient |
Enrolled patient |
Employee Id(PK) |
Patient Id (PK) |
Patient No(PK) |
Fname |
Name |
Fname |
Lname |
Email Address |
Lname |
Contact |
Contact No |
No Of Days Program |
Designation |
Reason |
Type Of Treatment |
There are a lot of benefits to use database in the business to store information instead of using excel sheet or any other kinds of spreadsheets. These are;
Rob,Peter and Coronel Carlis : Database Systems: Design, implementation and management -4th ed. Cambridge, Course Technology, 2015 (p 1-55,286-321)
Silberschatz,Abraham and others: Database System Concepts - 3rd ed. New Delhi: McGraw Hill, 2016(p 1-21)
Taxali, R N : PC-Software: Made simple New Delhi: Tata MacGraw Hill, 2006 (p 337)
Prakash, Naveen : Introduction to Database Management New Delhi: Tata MacGraw Hill, 2011 (p 15-16)
Choudhury,G G : Text retrieval systems in information management New Delhi: New Age International Ltd, 2016 (p 14-15,23-32
Prakash, Naveen : Introduction to Database Management New Delhi: Tata MacGraw Hill, 2011 (p 15-16)
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