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Section 1 Introduction

African Americans and other disenfranchised males had possibly the worst health profiles of any racial and gender group in the United States, according to Thorpe et al. (2015). (p.297). Even just this one sentence is depressing. Being an African American man, I must face the hard truth that I am not taking care of myself. Pondering this statement makes me realise this. I must bring about change; I cannot simply wait for it to happen. I have to consider the people I would harm if I passed away because I had not taken good care of myself. African Americans "live sicker and die earlier than any other racial or ethnic group in America...they are targeted for discrimination on the basis of race," according to LaVeist, Wallace, and Howard (1995).The use of goods that harm people's health individually and collectively (p.120). I can neither be a statistic nor a target. Research has demonstrated that behaviors including physical inactivity, poor eating habits, smoking, and excessive alcohol intake raise the risk of disease and premature death (Thorpe et al., 2015). I now realize that in order to prolong my life and improve my chances of living long, I must be in charge and take good care of my body, mind, and spirit. 

Section 2 A choice of TWO of the following

Health is "A state of total physical, mental, and social well-being, and not only the absence of disease," according to the World Health Organization (Meenapriya, Gayathri, & Priya, 2018, p.1094). The state of one's health is crucial to their general well-being and way of life. Physical activity plays a crucial role in lowering health risks and lengthening lifespan. Exercise is not just good for your physical health; it may also improve your mental wellbeing. Physical activity can help with and relieve anxiety, tension, and stress, according to research (Meenapriya, Gayathri, & Priya, 2018). I'm hoping to fit daily exercise into my schedule as a part of my health strategy. I'll start with cardio at various intensities. Due to my night shift work, Once I'm refreshed, I have plenty of time during the day to workout. I can run around town, perform jumping jacks, or just take a stroll. When I can't go outside, I can find indoor activities to get my heart rate up. Additionally, I can try to use the stairs rather than the elevator when I'm out. I want to increase my strength, so I can take part in resistance exercises. Any weight I may have lost because of working out will be toned with weights. To avoid overworking one area, I would alternate between working my upper and lower body on various days. Exercise training can enhance cardiovascular health, according to Jayaseelan, Bennett, Bradshaw, Wang, and Rawson (2018). Resistance exercise can boost muscle strength, power, muscular endurance, and respiratory capacity (p.185). My entire health will benefit from a cardio and weight training schedule that is alternated. I'll have more energy and the stamina to spend longer periods of time with my kids doing outside activities. Dietary decisions are equally crucial to enhancing my physical health as exercising. 

Poor eating habits are a significant cause of obesity and other chronic disorders, claims James (2004). (p. 350). African Americans have inherited their eating patterns from previous generations, and culture greatly influences what and how we as African Americans consume (James, 2004). I currently eat anything I want, but I am not as physically active as I would like to be. Due to my work schedule, I also eat at odd hours and frequently doze off straight after. I am aware that going to bed right after eating is not a good idea because your body won't have had a chance to burn off any of the food. To avoid gaining weight because of I'll try to adjust my diet in an effort to improve my bad eating habits. Fried food, chips, snack cakes, and sweet drinks are all things I enjoy. To satisfy those sweet cravings, I'll work consistently to eat more grilled meals, vegetables, and fruits. Additionally, I'll drink extra water as part of my diet. 

Portion control is also crucial since, even if you eat healthily, not controlling your portions can still result in weight gain. My objective is to adopt a healthy diet by avoiding processed meals and consuming more items that are good for my health. I'll start taking One-A-Day Vitamins for Men to augment my healthy diet on days when I might have trouble eating. 

healthy. One-A-Day pills are regarded as a complete multivitamin because they contain more than 20 distinct vitamins and minerals that can help people satisfy their daily requirements for certain vitamins (Corleone, 2017). My body undoubtedly lacks numerous vitamins because I haven't been paying attention to what I've been putting into it. I can start to with more motivation and focus.take the necessary steps to develop a well-rounded physical profile. While preserving my physical health is of highest significance, emotional stability is as crucial. 

"Even when distressed, the majority of males do not seek mental health treatments, leaving them exposed to experiencing a number of negative mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and drug and alcohol misuse," write Vogel, Wester, Hammer, and Downing-Matibag (2014). (p.60). I am the kind of person that suppresses emotions and resolves problems on my own terms. I make an effort to not let things bother me, and I frequently mask my emotions. I'm certain that by doing so, I'm developing a bad habit that could be bad for my general wellbeing. According to Ellis, Griffith, Allen, Thorpe, and Bruce (2015), stress has been identified as a significant factor in poor health outcomes. Stress is believed to be a significant factor in among African American men, lower health (p. 107). I must adopt coping strategies that will lessen the amount of stress I carry in order to maintain my mental and emotional health because research shows that stress has a more damaging effect on African American men. I regularly pray, so I may use my connection to a higher power as a way to reduce stress. There may be advantages to praying and having that sense of peace in knowing that things can get better because I believe that when I pray, my prayers are answered. 

I've never been a big reader, but I do think it might be helpful to focus on someone else's tale while taking your mind off of something stressful. Exercise and engaging in hobbies will help me relieve stress in addition to improving my physical health. We will all benefit from playing basketball together, which is something I like doing with my kids. I can also work on communicating my frustrations rather than keeping them bottled up inside. You never know how having support and hearing positive comments from others may help you in the long term. Finally, I'll make sure I'm getting enough sleep to feel rested. And ready to take on a new day. While maintaining my emotional health is important, I believe that having a social outlet it a key component in having stable emotions and equipped to face a new day. 

Even though looking after my emotional wellbeing is crucial, I think that having a social outlet is crucial for keeping emotional stabilityI've always been a pretty sociable person. I have pals all around the world and regularly communicate with them. The secret to keeping my friendships strong is making sure I hang out with good individuals. individuals who can help me grow and individuals who I can help grow. I keep a distance from someone if I get the impression that they are sending out bad vibrations. Some of your friends may not share any common interests with you, but you still feel a connection to them. being aware of who is It matters who you are and who is doing you harm. Some people don't want you to succeed because they have bad motives. You should avoid those people since they will have a bad effect on your emotional and mental health. I'm a "good vibes" kind of person by nature; I try to make both friends and strangers feel welcome and smile. I'll just carry on doing what I'm doing to keep up a good social life. According to the proverb "Happy wife, happy life," I will make an effort to keep my wife smiling and happy in my home environment. I am familiar with all of her parts, so understanding our relationship is simple. 

I'll make an effort to tell when she needs anything from me and when she just needs a moment. Having outlets is crucial, socialising is healthy since it comes naturally to life, and being surrounded by individuals from different backgrounds opens up a world of opportunities. 

Section 3 Conclusion

It's crucial to know your body and have frequent checkups in order to preserve overall health. Knowing your family's medical history will enable you to discuss it with your primary care provider. The early detection and treatment of illnesses can be provided through routine checkups, which can also prevent any unwanted illnesses. Making an appointment and choosing a primary care provider will be a component of my plan. Even though I don't frequently see the doctor or the emergency department, just making the initial contact will be good for my general health. 

It's never too late to start caring for our bodies because we only have one. A single step toward achieving physical, emotional, and social well-being is a positive development. We must take whatever steps are necessary to assure that, at least personally, we are enhancing our chances of longevity because we are not guaranteed the next second, minute, hour, or day. As previously mentioned, the likelihood is Our task is to beat the odds and refute science because African American men are already perceived to have lower health. By committing to a personal health plan, I am moving in the right path. 


Corleone, J. (2017, October 3). What are the benefits of taking one-a-day men’s formula multivitamins? 

Livestrong. Retrieved from https:// www.livestrong.com

Ellis, K.R., Griffith, D.M., Allen, J.O., Thorpe, R., & Bruce, M.A. (2015). If you do nothing about stress, 

the next think you know, you’re shattered: Perspectives on African American men’s stress, coping and health from African American men and key women in their lives. Social Science & Medicine, 139, 107-114. 

James, D.C.S. (2004). Factors influencing food choices, dietary intake, and nutrition-related attitudes among African Americans: Application of a culturally sensitive model. Ethnicity & Health, 9(4), 349-367. 

Jayaseelan, G., Bennett, P.N., Bradshaw, W., Wang, W., & Rawson, H. (2018). Exercise benefits and barriers: The perceptions of people receiving hemodialysis. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 45(2), 185-191. 

LaVeist, T.A., Wallace, J.M., & Howard, D.L. (1995). The color line and the health of African Americans. Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, 21(1), 119-137. 

Meenapriya, M., Gayathri, R., Priya, V.V. (2018). Effect of regular exercise and health benefits among college students. Drug Invention Today, 10(7), 1094-1096. 

Thorpe, R.J., Kennedy-Hendricks, A., Griffith, D.M., Bruce, M.A., Coa, K., Bell, C.N., Young, J., Bowie, 

J.V. & LaViest, T.A. (2015). Race, social and environmental conditions, and health behaviors in men. Family Community Health, 38(4), 297-306. 

Vogel, D.L., Wester, S.R., & Downing-Matibag, T.M. (2014). Referring men to seek help: The influences of gender role conflict and stigma. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 15 (1), 60-67. 

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