The digital technology being adopted to bring about a social change associated with food poverty considers the customer review. The customer review would be part of the design fiction which would include 15 questions that would be framed for the target segment. Each of these questions would be a multiple-choice question. The experience of the customer and the feedback needs to be ascertained (Itkarkar& Nandi, 2016; Qi et al., 2019; Søgaard & Wilson, 2019). This can be carried out with the collection of data which is essential in order to get insight. The design fiction relying on the customer review would be helpful in figuring out the solution. The various questions as part of the customer review would be helpful as the reviews of actual customers being the target segment can be well achieved (Itkarkar& Nandi, 2016; Qi et al., 2019; Søgaard& Wilson, 2019). It would help in enhancing customer relations and customer satisfaction levels.
The significance of these customer reviews is based on the justification that the neutral reviews or the negative reviews do provide an opportunity to well learn and develop the concept in accordance. The understanding of the needs and requirements of the customer is essential. The customer review would focus on the determination of values. The fifteen questions that are part of the customer review would capture the information of the likes and dislikes. It is an apt manner in which the mindset and the perception of the customers can be known. The personalised responses would be helpful for the review. The multiple-choice questions would enable the customers to think and act in accordance to the needed dimension. The primary focus is on the food poverty would need to embrace social change.
Such a social change being brought in based upon the customer's review would aid in bringing about the needed levels of interaction. The experience that the customers share would be worth to be considered. The accumulation of the customer review would be done to gauge the level in accordance. The food poverty arena has to be explored from various perspectives. With the design fiction trying to capture the needed information, the customer review can aid to a greater extent (Itkarkar& Nandi, 2016; Qi et al., 2019; Søgaard& Wilson, 2019). The interaction would take place with the customers visualizing based upon the fifteen questions forming part of the customer review. There would be positive reviews along with neutral and negative reviews (Synre. The analysis of these reviews would aid in consideration of the mindset and the changes that are ascertained for food poverty. The assumptions can be well taken off and the actual data would be helpful in bringing about the needed change. The resource would bring about greater benefits linked with the use of such data in an appropriate manner (Itkarkar& Nandi, 2016; Qi et al., 2019; Søgaard& Wilson, 2019). The review can be managed online too with the resources set up in accordance.
The food poverty situation in the United Kingdom is a grim situation and it is significant to note the facts linked. There has been a considerable rise in the UK food banks and the public health crisis is on the rise. UK households are unable to afford the basic food that is needed by the human body. The children remain hungry as the parents are not able to afford the food. The multiple episodes associated with the poorer genera health among children in the United Kingdom is significant. There are several chronic conditions that develop within no time among children. The chronic conditions that are attributed in this case are being the adjusted odds present as that in the case of asthma. Various other chronic diseases tend to be the target for these children. The increase in malnutrition cases brings about the various associated conditions. The persistent food security among children is a crucial reason which backs the internalising and the externalising concerns.
The mental health of children is being well linked to food. The food insufficiency can well lead to cases of malnutrition. The relationship stands between the major depressions and mental health concerns. There are various other factors too that are linked. However, the food insecurity among children is witnessed with the heterogeneity to a greater extent. In the United Kingdom along, the loss of children dies due to starvation. The negative development is strongly associated with mental health among children in the United Kingdom is significant. The negative development effect is considered to impact the growth in children too. The impairments are witnesses with a wide range of medical conditions that come up among children. The low-income households are rising as there are greater changes taking place in acceptable ways socially too. The United Kingdom is well classified as the food scare region.
The portion of the people staying below the poverty line has been increasing. The trend has been widely observed. The case of food shortage and malnutrition are correlated. The rising of children in the conditions bring about add on malnutrition cases rising. The deteriorating situation of the poor in the United Kingdom is grim. With the hardships that people have to face brings about a toll. The chronic conditions that are developed within no time among children. The chronic conditions that are attributed in this case are being the adjusted odds present as that in the case of asthma. Various other chronic diseases tend to be the target for these children. The understanding of the British citizens facing such concerns is crucial. The welfare state does provide the benefits but there would be always a shortfall. This is because the population is much more than that can be fed with the Stated funds. The lessons need to be learned in order to alleviate hunger. The welfare has been working too but has been less effective.
It can be well considered that the HCI or Human-Computer Interaction is well challenged and the advanced technology does require the adoption of various applications. The investigations and connections with disciplines are significant with respect to theoretical knowledge. The cross-disciplinary domain is associated with the design associated with the information that I have given. I do consider that the focus on Human-Computer Interaction can well aid in bringing about social change (Itkarkar& Nandi, 2016; Qi et al., 2019; Søgaard& Wilson, 2019). The lack of clarity still remains though with the appropriate tools and techniques being given. In my opinion, it is the elements of HCI that have a stronger influence and can really help in bringing about the needed social change. The social change that is considered is food poverty in the United Kingdom. The 15 questions that are part of the customer review would capture the information of the likes and dislikes. It is an apt manner in which the mindset and the perception of the customers can be known. The significance of personalised responses is helpful in the case of customer review.
The customer review signifies the design component and when associating the same to the design thinking in Human-Computer Interaction, the various elements can be blended. The multiple-choice questions would enable the customers to think and act in accordance to the needed dimension. The primary focus is on the food poverty would need to embrace social change (Itkarkar& Nandi, 2016; Qi et al., 2019; Søgaard& Wilson, 2019). The need for this social change to eradicate of reducing the food poverty can be well done with the systematic approach being adhered to. The newer processes being formed as part of HCI bring out the necessary action plans too. As the HCI serves the visual impact, the influencer, in this case, would be the customer review. I feel that the manner in which design thinking has gained popularity and is ready to leap, so is our model representing the social change. Design Thinking involves the creative and iterative along with the practical approach being adhered to(Itkarkar& Nandi, 2016; Qi et al., 2019; Søgaard& Wilson, 2019). Thus the finding of solutions too can be done in a simplified manner. Their ultimate solutions require the exchange of components of HCI.
Systematic literature does aid in synchronizing the concept. Based upon the situation present currently. The United Kingdom households are in a position wherein they unable to afford the basic food that is needed by the human body. The children remain hungry as the parents are not able to afford food (Itkarkar& Nandi, 2016; Qi et al., 2019; Søgaard& Wilson, 2019). The multiple episodes associated with the poorer genera health among children in the United Kingdom is significant. Several chronic conditions develop within no time among children. The chronic conditions that are attributed in this case are being the adjusted odds present as that in the case of asthma. There are significant other chronic diseases that target these children. The process of HCI can be helpful well comprehend the usability of computer systems. The manner in which people interact and the theories associated with the system interaction takes place between the humans and machine is crucial(Itkarkar& Nandi, 2016; Qi et al., 2019; Søgaard& Wilson, 2019).
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